A synonym is a word you use when you can't spell the word you first thought of. -- Burt Bacharach

Pickpocket Prevention

March 5th, 2008

Hate thieves. Just really, really hate thieves.

That includes pickpockets. Good article for letting you know how they work, and how to deter them.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

This is what’s wrong with the world today.

March 4th, 2008

Challenge: See how far you can get before it starts to hurt.

About page 11 for me, 12 is when it really started to make me wince.

On a related note, who says video game NPC’s don’t have realistic AI? If this is any indication, they’re VERY realistic.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 3/4/08

March 4th, 2008

See? I haven’t forgotten! But don’t get TOO excited, this one’s a brief one.

Assorted Mushrooms

  1. Article: It’s a marvelous age we live in, isn’t it? What with all the technological wonders… granted, a lot of it can still be faulty, but that’s likely to improve over time.

    At any rate, what’s really amazing is how much of this was predicted by Star Trek… or perhaps influenced by? No one will ever confuse me for a Trekkie, but I do respect the show for what it’s done and the impact it’s had. And you can see some of that impact here in the Top 10 Star Trek Tech, ten modern day technological wonders that were predated a long, long time ago in a galaxy… wait…

  2. Websites: Here are two websites that have been taking a lot of my time lately: Waiter Rant, a blog belonging to an entity known only as “The Waiter” who recounts tales of life and living, as well as strange experiences in serving the overpriveleged, and the occassional Q&A about proper etiquette when dealing with people who live on tips.

    The other one is (The Customer Is) Not Always Right, a more user-interactive site where slaves to the grind share their tales of customers without clues, and other strange experiences that make you wonder when the robots will arrive to do these jobs, while simultaneously answering the question inadvertantly: When robots can handle the vast quantities of illogic without blowing all its circuitboards.

Video Power

  1. Article: “Video Games Live is video game music performed by a live orchestra, celebrating music in games both new and old.

    Kombo Senior News Editor David Oxford (that’s me, btw) is a gamer with his head stuck so far up oldschool Nintendo’s ass that he can’t tell the difference between bushes and clouds.

    See what happens when we put these two unlikely entities together in Toronto for one night only.”

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

The Daily ‘Shroom – 2/10/08

February 10th, 2008

Apologies for the lack of an update last night; we went to see Video Games Live at Massey Hall, and I wasn’t quite up to updating by the time I got back. Expect a report on the event soon.

Assorted Mushrooms

  1. Newsbit: The Writer’s Strike could be nearing its end.
  2. Newsbit: WWE Smackdown! is looking to leave the CW, but where might it end up?

    Matters little to me, as that and Raw both come on The Score here anyway.

Video Power

  1. Newsbit: Looks like Capcom has removed the Lost Planet PS3 demo and shut down the servers to address some issues.
  2. Newsbit: I so hope we get the Rockman & X book. Here’s the latest on how it’s coming.

    Feb. 8, 2008

    Nintendo’s Endless Ocean? game for Wii? takes users on a virtual undersea trip to explore deep-sea wrecks and encounter more than 230 different animal species. Players of all abilities explore at their own pace as they swim through coral reefs, explore ancient shipwrecks, meet local wildlife and search for sunken treasure.

    In the spirit of the game’s themes of fun and exploration, Nintendo and Norwegian Cruise Line are partnering to offer a real-life ocean adventure: the Endless Ocean Cruise Giveaway. Three lucky winners will receive a seven-day Caribbean cruise for two aboard a Norwegian Cruise Line ship, where they can experience the fun of Wii at sea.

    Between now and Feb. 29, 2008, people can visit www.EndlessOcean.com for more information about the game and the sweepstakes. Participants can enter once daily and winners will be drawn at random on or about March 5.

    The Endless Ocean Cruise Giveaway is open to residents of the 50 United States and the District of Columbia over the age of 18. For a complete list of rules and regulations, visit www.nintendo.com/sweepstakes/EndlessOcean_Sweeps.jsp.

    For more information about Endless Ocean, visit www.EndlessOcean.com.

  4. Newsbit: No. Just… no.
  5. Newsbit: So, some doctors are saying that… well, the same old thing, really.
  6. Newsbit: Nintendo is proud to announce that they’ve won two Interactive Achievement Awards at DICE.
  7. Newsbit: Available now at the PlayStation Store: Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law.
  8. Newsbit: Following Namco Bandai’s announcement, SEGA Sammy are seeing massive layoffs and closings.
  9. Newsbit: THQ’s Band Mashups promises to be an interesting entry into the rhythm game genre.
  10. Newsbit: Remember when Kojima Productions’ Ryan Payton said they’d need to sell a million copies of Metal Gear Solid 4 on day 1 to turn a profit? Turns out, that’s not exactly what was said.
  11. Newsbit: No Conker or Jade Empire for Xbox Originals after all.
  12. Newsbit: A new update on the next Mortal Kombat movie says they’re trying to reenvision it from top to bottom, in the spirit of the first film.
  13. Video: GameTrailers shows off some of Kirby’s Many Hats in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, among other more spoilerish videos.
  14. Newsbit: The IGN Bionic Commando blog says that a playable build is finished.
  15. Newsbit: Ok, this GameStop DS Lite bundle is EXTREMELY tempting, but I’d rather have the Crimson/Black DS Lite…

    …that’s how I console myself, given that I likely can’t order it from Canada.

  16. Newsbit: Wow, Professor Layton is only just coming out, and it’s already getting a sequel, and in the US, no less!

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 2/10/08

February 10th, 2008

InFormers: Robots in the News

  1. Pics: Design sheets for auction from TransFormers: Animated. Fun to look at, more fun to buy and look at.

Assorted Mushrooms

  1. Videos: The 10 best LEGO re-enactments ever. And as a bonus, here’s a LEGO re-enactment of the trailer for The Dark Knight.
  2. Pics: The blister back for the upcoming NECA Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles figures, and a look at the design for their Foot Soldier figure.
  3. Blogging: Are you a Turtle? And for once, not speaking of the Teenage Mutant Ninja variety here.
  4. Pics: Remember those little guys… I think they were called “Mr. Men,” who had a series of kids’ books? Well, someone found them and got out their Photoshop and
  5. Video: I, too, hate temperature.

Video Power

  1. Newsbit: Kids: don’t try Mario Kart in real life.
  2. Videos: Some guys decided to make their own Nintendo Wii commercials based on the old Ratchet & Clank ones. They made Mario and Metroid Prime 3, and both are kind of silly, but amusing and true to the spirit of the originals.
  3. Newsbit: Too late for a new calendar? Maybe. Too late for a new Earthbound calendar? Never!
  4. Article: Today at Racketboy’s Retro Gaming, he checks out the rarest and most valuable Super NES games.
  5. Newsbit: Apparently, one fellow from Insomniac Games at DICE doesn’t believe in engine licensing.
  6. Newsbit: Meanwhile, EA warns about the pitfalls of consolidation.
  7. Video Review: GameTrailers reviews the latest Dragon Ball Z title. Is there any reason to rush out for this one?
  8. Article: Akira Toriyama: More than just Dragon Ball Z.
  9. Article: What are Nintendo’s greatest games? Your mileage may vary.
  10. Video: Thanks to Frash: Old commercials for Street Fighter II products.
  11. Article: Super Smash Bros. A-Z: 26 reasons Brawl will rock 2008.

    And five reasons it may not.

  12. Articles: Wonder if the guys at Games Radar are lonely? You may just after seeing these two articles that just went up: The Sexiest Game Fan Art and SmashRadar: Brawl’s Sexy, Sexy Ladies. Nothing too bad that I can see, but probably better if you don’t let your mom walk in on you while browsing these.
  13. Article: Looks like Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games has been caught reusing some art assets, at least on the Mario side. I’m guessing maybe since it was SEGA that made it, they didn’t have quite as free of reign as they did with Sonic.
  14. Article: CVG has a list of the Top 20 Nintendo cameos.
  15. Video: Go Nintendo presents: Sonic Undergound, episode 2.
  16. Video: Korea’s Comboy, their version of the NES, definitely had more star-studded commercials than its other-worldly counterparts.
  17. Video: Some footage from the The Wizard reunion that took place a few days ago.
  18. Article: Nintendo Power magazines from around the world.
  19. Video: For those unaware, Super Smash Bros. Brawl will not be Snake’s first crossover fighting game appearance, as some years ago there was this little gem *cough* in Japan, DreamMix TV World Fighters, which featured not only Snake, but Optimus Prime and Megatron, Simon Belmont, Bomberman, and more. Almost a shame we never got it.
  20. eBay: Well, it was bound to happen eventually. An NES game I never heard of has been put on eBay in the form of Pro Sport Hockey. My question is, why should I care? And saying that I live in Canada doesn’t count as an answer. I wish GoNintendo would’ve said why this one bore such merit for a post.

    Anyone know? Is it rare?

  21. Pics: Hell of a cool way to play Wii.
  22. Interview: Another interview with Billy Mitchell, the antagonist of The King of Kong.
  23. Newsbit: A 10-year old steals Pokemon cards from a 6-year old… at gunpoint!?

    That’s just wrong. Even if it’s airsoft, it’s wrong. Very wrong.

  24. Pics: Some strange, strange Nintendo art by one Jimi Benedict.
  25. Article: The always-delightful Jenn Frank has assembled a debate of sorts where gamers have assembled to speak out at the withered old Kay Hymowitz’s piece “The Child-Man.”
  26. Video: Kajetokun’s latest insanity: Jumping Onto White Base.
  27. Pic: C’mon, Luigi… you know Daisy’s a better fit for you.
  28. Pics: Pretty cool custom Gordon Freeman figure.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 2/8/08

February 8th, 2008

Assorted Mushrooms

  1. Videos: Today, the ten greatest 80′s cartoon openings.
  2. eBay: Want an authentic original piece of Mirage Ninja Turtles art? Then click this way
  3. Pic: One retro tee that won’t be approved…

    …along with another that might, along with an illegal shirt that resembles it.

  4. Video: What a scoop! Lois Lane, the Intrepid Reporter, has just about every superhero’s secret ID pegged, but…
  5. Article: Can heroes like Superman and Spider-man survive in today’s market?

Video Power

  1. Blogging: A new entry has been added to the official Ace Attorney blog.
  2. Videos: Press the Buttons has found an article on some of the weirdest, wildest, and in some cases, just plain sad pirated games.
  3. Video: But is it really progress?
  4. Video: Jeff Gerstmann showed up on X-Play to talk about the “lag in innovation of Japanese games,” along with some stuff about his departure from GameSpot and his future. Until that’s a go online, and if, here’s an exclusive video of a chat between himself and Adam Sessler about the state of blogs and video game journalism today.
  5. Swag: Check out what reviewers of Professor Layton are getting.
  6. Newsbit: Arcades are seeing a downturn in business in Japan. The reason? According to Namco Bandai, it’s because of the Wii.
  7. Newsbit: I’ve heard of bands inspired by Mega Man, but by Ice Climbers?
  8. Article: 1up celebrates gaming’s most beloved flops.
  9. Article: Among the different speeches and such held at DICE, I think one of the more interesting ones is this one on how to make interesting characters.
  10. Article: Ten games where America rules.
  11. Article: Some of gaming’s greats are lookin’ for love in their own personal ads. What’s neat here is that the ages given for Mario and Peach are roughly around where I’d peg them.
  12. Article: So you think you’re a real video game fan? These guys might just make you reconsider.
  13. Video: LEGO Star Wars? LEGO Batman? Indiana Jones? Try LEGO Donkey Kong.
  14. Interview: GameSpot has some questions for the Capcom’s Director of Communications about Street Fighter IV. Is it not really before III after all?
  15. Article: Game Informer digs deep to find out more about casual gamers.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

The Daily ‘Shroom – 2/8/08

February 8th, 2008

InFormers: Robots in the News

  1. Newsbit: Looks like Hasbro has begun to offer Rewards for buying TransFormers and their other brands.
  2. Newsbit: At the UK Toy Fair, new TransFormers were afoot from the Animated, Movie, and new Marvel lines.

Video Power

  1. Newsbit: Capcom is holding a vote for what Capcom-themed costumes will be used in We Love Golf.
  2. Newsbit: Don’t know the story on these Rockman/Mega Man Zero figures yet, but once we do, you’ll hear more.

    In the meantime… wow, Revoltech? Be awesome if these do turn out to be the real deal.

  3. Newsbit: Sigh, Nintendo is saying that any MMO’s are no-go right now.

    So what’s that social networking game that’s been coming up in reports, then?

    And what’s more, what’s with waiting for someone to come up with something that appeals to “5 to 95″? You’re Nintendo! Why not create one if it doesn’t already exist?

  4. Rumor: Word from Kotaku is that the Everyone’s Nintendo Channel should be headed for America soon. Here’s hoping!
  5. Newsbit: So far, Super Smash Bros. Brawl is leading Japan’s best sellers list with some 820,000 moved in its first week.
  6. Newsbit: My favorite Xbox Live Arcade game, Pac-Man Championship Edition, has been nominated for a Game Developers Choice award. Here’s hoping it wins!
  7. Newsbit: The first details of LEGO Indiana Jones are here, and one of them is that there will be no Nazis.
  8. Newsbit: Twisted Metal is officially on its way to PS3.
  9. Pics: Many, many new images of Street Fighter IV, courtesy of Famitsu.
  10. Newsbit:three new Guitar Hero games this year?!
  11. Preview: 1up gets to go hands-on with SEGA’s answer to Mario Tennis, SEGA Superstars Tennis.
  12. Newsbit: The double-update isn’t dead at the Smash Bros. DOJO!!, at least not yet. Feast your eyes on the Final Smash of Zero Suit Samus and behold new allies and enemies.

    GameTrailers has some fun with the stage builder.

  13. Newsbit: Huh. Whoever bought Ninjabread Man must’ve been enough, since they’re now making a sequel.
  14. Newsbit: One reader of Kotaku escaped a tornado, only to find himself homeless, and gameless.

    Maybe they’ll start a fundraiser for the guy? I can’t offer much at the moment, but I’d PayPal a few his way.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 2/7/08

February 7th, 2008

Assorted Mushrooms

  1. Videos: Behold, the ten best wrestling moments of all time.
  2. Video: Bored teenagers + Graveyard shift = Supermarket dominos
  3. Video: Can you count how many bleeps the Count gets on Sesame Street?
  4. Blogging: Winners of the Mensa Invitational, which “asks readers to take any word from the dictionary, alter it by adding, subtracting, or changing one letter, and supply a new definition.”
  5. Article: IGN’s Jess takes a tour of the best and worst of Japanese food.
  6. Reviews: IGN checks out the latest TV on DVD releases.
  7. Reviews: They also look at this week’s comic book releases.
  8. Article: Not sure what all those fancy DVD terms mean? This glossary may help.

Video Power

  1. Article: Seems that Kotaku’s energy drink blowout missed two of the most important ones.
  2. Interview: Former Microsoft tattoo model and current President of EA Sports, Peter Moore, talks about a few things, including their need for improvement on the Wii.
  3. Newsbit: Did you know that in 2007, there were nearly ten times as many E-rated games as there were M-rated ones? With the latter shrinking in percentage by the year? And yet, guess what the media uses to identify the entire industry?
  4. Video: Zanthue is coming! Be sure to watch this ad for the surprise twist.
  5. Video: More GameTrailers videos of older VC releases with Bomberman ’93.
  6. Article: Who would win in a match between Travis Touchdown and Dante?
  7. Article: Remember Road Rash? IGN does, as they take a look back at motorcycle combat racing.
  8. Article: Ten of the best comic book games of all time. #4 seems to be something of a stretch, though.
  9. Article: The top 10 most misleading video game titles.
  10. Article: The new-look Games Radar checks out the top 7 assassins in gaming.
  11. Article: The ten worst games the Wii has to offer.
  12. Pics: Link, as he would have appeared in Marvel: Ultimate Alliance? That would’ve been cool, actually, though I’d rather have had the TP character model.
  13. Newsbit: Sakurai dropped by Kojima’s podcast, and they played some Brawl. But who do you suppose they used? Their own characters? Or each other’s?
  14. Article: Esquire apparently thinks that Microsoft ought to invest in Sony.
  15. Article: Gaming’s most unsung heroes.
  16. Interview: SUDA51 talks more No More Heroes with Next Generation.
  17. Video: Yahtzee nearly slipped under the radar this week with his review of Call of Duty 4.
  18. Video: Street Fighter: The Later Years continues with Episode VIII.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

The Daily ‘Shroom – 2/7/08

February 7th, 2008

InFormers: Robots in the News

  1. Newsbit: Simon Furman gives another tease in his blog, this time for Devastation #5.
  2. Pic: I believe this is the first look at Japanese Classics Astrotrain.
  3. Newsbit: The next IDW TransFormers Spotlight?
  4. Video: The TransFormers Collector’s Club’s new Classics Nightbeat has been revealed.
  5. Newsbit: Looks like we won’t be seeing any reviews from BWTF for awhile…

Assorted Mushrooms

  1. Newsbit: Heath Ledger’s cause of death has finally been confirmed: Overdose.

Video Power

  1. Newsbit: Just when Sony thought their exploding battery problems were behind them, this happens, leaving the 12-year old burned.
  2. Newsbit: Duke Nukem Forever will be released in 2008– or so they say.

    Or not. Lovely, just lovely…

  3. Preview: The first pages and description for Sonic the Hedgehog #185 are now available.
  4. Newsbit: If you’re in the area of Rockefeller Plaza this Sunday, you might want to drop by the Nintendo World store for the Professor Layton and Cobalt/Black DS launches.

    Otherwise, you could probably just go to Wal-Mart today and grab a copy.

  5. Rumor: Talk is that Guitar Hero IV will hit stores in 2008, and that this may be the track listing.
  6. Newsbit: The secretive RPG Nintendo Power spoke of last month has finally been revealed.
  7. Newsbit: A lot of news about Mario Kart Wii, including re-confirmation of Baby Peach, possible GameCube controller compatibility, using Miis to race, and plenty more.
  8. Newsbit: Seems that GoNintendo’s Bionic Commando petition has drawn the attention of Capcom.
  9. Newsbit: Details have surfaced surrounding EA and Spielberg’s new game, Boom Blox.
  10. Newsbit: The Smash Bros. DOJO!! has officially revealed another hidden character, though if you’ve seen the intro, then you already know of him.

    Of course, GameTrailers isn’t letting up on the videos yet.

    And Nintendo Power has scored the game the way you’d expect.

  11. Newsbit: Happy Birthday to Atari and Chuck E. Cheese founder Nolan Bushnell, who celebrates 65 years this week.
  12. Newsbit: 1up is changing their scoring policy? Sounds like they finally gave in to the masses. Kind of unfortunate, but at least this will be more effective for all intents and purposes.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 2/6/08

February 5th, 2008

Assorted Mushrooms

  1. Pic: More control art from the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon.
  2. Newsbit: 44 years ago as of the 5th, the first GI Joes went on sale.
  3. Interview: IGN chats with Peter Segal, director of the upcoming Get Smart movie.
  4. Reviews: The Manga Review Round-Up delivers what it promises.

Video Power

  1. Videos: Behold, the ten best Mario fan-videos!
  2. Blogging: If Capcom*Unity ever works again, then you can find out what what Ben Judd has to say to fanboys about Bionic Commando Rearmed.

    Not sure if it’s related, but the latest podcast also address the Bionic Commando Wii petition.

  3. Newsbit: The original Game Boy has been declared one of the toughest gadgets in the world.
  4. Interview: As part of a longer GameSpot interview (linked within), Nintendo President Satoru Iwata gives his thoughts on digital distribution vs. packaged games.
  5. Videos: More old Virtual Console videos from GameTrailers: F-Zero, Donkey Kong Jr., and Bonk’s Adventure.

    Strange… I don’t remember that third stage they show for Donkey Kong Jr.

  6. Video: IGN grabs some footage of the Donkey Kong monster truck in action.
  7. Article: GameDaily takes an abridged look at Wario.
  8. Article: Behold, seven of the most annoying enemies ever.
  9. Newsbit: …plus the ten worst handheld RPG plots.
  10. Newsbit: Tomonobu Itagaki of Ninja Gaiden and Dead Or Alive wants to know… does No More Heroes tire you out?
  11. Article: An argument has risen recently that says that Okami is better than The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Ok, so it’s been argued before, but now there’s an article…!
  12. Videos: No small secret by now that the American version of No More Heroes has blood, while the European, Japanese, and hell, maybe even the Canadian versions are without. Now, see the difference for yourself.
  13. eBay: Cool auction for a custom DS designed to look like a Nintendo 64.
  14. Blogging: The classiest Smash Bros. Brawl party ever?
  15. Pics: A look at the importance of Mario’s mustache… or so they say. Not sure I really get it.
  16. Editorial: Sure, we’ve heard the talk about digital downloads replacing retail purchases, but what about rentals? Or trades?

–LBD “Nytetrayn”