Points of Interest – 2/6/08
Assorted Mushrooms
- Pic: More control art from the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon.
- Newsbit: 44 years ago as of the 5th, the first GI Joes went on sale.
- Interview: IGN chats with Peter Segal, director of the upcoming Get Smart movie.
- Reviews: The Manga Review Round-Up delivers what it promises.
Video Power
- Videos: Behold, the ten best Mario fan-videos!
- Blogging: If Capcom*Unity ever works again, then you can find out what what Ben Judd has to say to fanboys about Bionic Commando Rearmed.
Not sure if it’s related, but the latest podcast also address the Bionic Commando Wii petition.
- Newsbit: The original Game Boy has been declared one of the toughest gadgets in the world.
- Interview: As part of a longer GameSpot interview (linked within), Nintendo President Satoru Iwata gives his thoughts on digital distribution vs. packaged games.
- Videos: More old Virtual Console videos from GameTrailers: F-Zero, Donkey Kong Jr., and Bonk’s Adventure.
Strange… I don’t remember that third stage they show for Donkey Kong Jr.
- Video: IGN grabs some footage of the Donkey Kong monster truck in action.
- Article: GameDaily takes an abridged look at Wario.
- Article: Behold, seven of the most annoying enemies ever.
- Newsbit: …plus the ten worst handheld RPG plots.
- Newsbit: Tomonobu Itagaki of Ninja Gaiden and Dead Or Alive wants to know… does No More Heroes tire you out?
- Article: An argument has risen recently that says that Okami is better than The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Ok, so it’s been argued before, but now there’s an article…!
- Videos: No small secret by now that the American version of No More Heroes has blood, while the European, Japanese, and hell, maybe even the Canadian versions are without. Now, see the difference for yourself.
- eBay: Cool auction for a custom DS designed to look like a Nintendo 64.
- Blogging: The classiest Smash Bros. Brawl party ever?
- Pics: A look at the importance of Mario’s mustache… or so they say. Not sure I really get it.
- Editorial: Sure, we’ve heard the talk about digital downloads replacing retail purchases, but what about rentals? Or trades?
–LBD “Nytetrayn”