Against logic there is no armor like ignorance. -- Laurence J. Peter

The Examiner/MMN Revue for Monday, October 4th

October 4th, 2010

From the Toronto Video Game Examiner:

Games shipping the week of October 3rd, 2010 – A few goodies this week. Personally, I’d love to put in some more time with Wii Party after trying it out a few months ago, but instead, we’re going out to pick up Castlevania: Lords of Shadow tomorrow for a work-related project of the wife’s. Not that I’m complaining, mind.

From the Canada Nintendo Examiner:

The Nintendo Download – 10/04/10 – What the–? A Virtual Console release, and something big on DSiWare? Granted, I’m indifferent to Fatal Fury, but anything to see the service kept afloat. For now, Shantae: Risky’s Revenge looks cool; I’ve heard nothing but good things about the original.

Nintendo confirms Wii Remote Plus – The rumors are true! And… that’s really all we know. So in lieu of a two-sentence story, I go over why (at the moment) there’s little need to feel forced to buy into this new Wii Remote, as well as the benefits of getting it.

From The Mega Man Network:

The Story of Rockman Online


Detailed Rockman Online Blog Info – On Friday, I mentioned getting back to this stuff later, and here we are.

I am absolutely loving this, and why? For a stupid reason, really.

When I was a teenager, around 16 or so, a friend and I put together a table-top role playing game set in the Mega Man X universe, and part of the premise led to my creation of the first character, who was a clone of X based on the transparent orange Bandai model kit I’d seen advertised in the back of some issues of Diehard Gamefan magazine. While I won’t argue that it was pretty lame in retrospect (cut me some slack, it was my first real fancharacter; I’ve gotten a little better since), I’m actually a little giddy at the fact that it is essentially now supported in an official capacity, even if it may not be in continuity with the rest of the franchise.

If this thing ever leaves Korea, Sunfire will live again. He is also 100% more likely to hit on Alia than back in the day, as she didn’t exist yet at the time (this was around the time of X3 and X4).

First Kotobukiya Colored Blues Pic… Kinda Sucks (Update: Much Less Sucky) – The family grows to include the number-one son.

Mega Man Legends 3 Project Director Introduces the Staff – Who are his friends? Who are his enemies? Danger lurks around every corner! Don’t call a plumber!

16-Bit Gems Looks at Mega Man: The Wily WarsMega Man: The Wily Wars is one of the most-requested games for the Virtual Console, at least according to Nintendo Power polls. But with Nintendo’s upcoming Japanese release of Super Mario Collection (All-Stars), we are left to wonder if this new precedent might shake things up for this Genesis collection of updated Mega Man classics.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

The Examiner/MMN Revue for Friday, October 1st

October 2nd, 2010

Bleh. Went to sleep early last night, and wound up just staying there until early this morning. So here’s the now-late Revue for Friday:

From the Toronto Video Game Examiner:

Toronto video game deals for the week of October 1st to 7th, 2010

From the Canada Nintendo Examiner:

What a way for things to go: lots of exciting Nintendo 3DS news, topped off with the announcement of Mega Man Legends 3 Project. And while I got to report the latter on MMN, the former was thwarted for two days by another kidney stone.

I’ll spare you the details, but I did feel it was my duty as Canada Nintendo Examiner to cover this stuff in some way. And so below, you will find links to my Nintendo 3DS coverage, separated by topic, and hopefully well-condensed enough to provide you what you want and need to know with ease. Something of a quick-reference digest version of all the millions of stories which have erupted since Wednesday morning.

Nintendo 3DS: Hardware – For the tech-heads, or those who just want to know what their initial investment in the 3DS hardware will get them. At least, in Japan, though we assume most of this will be applicable to the North American release as well.

Nintendo 3DS: Software – Hardware is great, but the games are where it’s at. And the 3DS has a pretty sweet lineup in store. The only real downside seems to be that the majority of these are sequels, side-stories, or remakes. But at least they’re sequels, side-stories, and remakes of popular, highly-acclaimed, or in-demand titles.

Seriously, I like innovation and fresh ideas, but there’s no way I’m saying “no” to Mega Man Legends 3 and Kid Icarus Uprising.

Nintendo 3DS: Miis & more – Somewhere between hardware and software, we have this: the stuff that comes programmed into the unit from the outset. Miis finally get to hit the road, but there are still some unanswered questions about that process…

Nintendo 3DS: Power comes at what price? – The most controversial aspect of the 3DS has been sticker-shock– and that’s without a North American price being announced yet. Nintendo of America may want to make a move on that sooner than later, before people convince themselves they can hold off on getting one.

That said, this looks at the explanations behind the price, the release date, and why people may be jumping the gun by saying “$300? No way.”

From The Mega Man Network:

Rockman Online Blog Starts Up – Suddenly, I’m in love with this game. Part of the reason lies within, but there is more to come later, and then I will explain.

Legends/DASH 3 Appreciation Art Starts Rolling In – And it is good.

Ciel’s Memories Translated – Something typical of Japanese fare is for there to be a lot of supplemental material that those who deal in localized material (i.e. us and anything labeled “Mega Man”) often don’t get to share in, save for through the efforts of great companies (UDON) or fans. In this case, it’s the latter, as someone has gone to the trouble of translating the drama tracks titled “Ciel’s Memories” from Remastered Tracks Rockman Zero albums. Now we can learn more about the world of Mega Man Zero than ever before.

The Brooklyn Library Will Get Megafied – If you’re in Flatbush, guess what? A winner is you! Provided you like Capcom and Mega Man, that is.

Bandai May Produce Rockman X Figure (Updated) – New images added, plus info on other in-demand Rockman figures.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

The Examiner/MMN Revue for Wednesday, September 29th

September 29th, 2010

Should have gone to bed a while ago, but all the Mega Man Legends 3 Project excitement has kind of wrecked that. “What Mega Man Legends 3 Project excitement,” you ask?

Have a look:

From The Mega Man Network:

Keiji Inafune Vows to Make “That Game” – What game could he mean? He never specifies, but could he be referring to…

Mega Man Legends 3 Project Announced for Nintendo 3DS (Updated with Inafune Statement, Possible Multiplayer) – That’s one way to stick to your vows. And if you checked this story out earlier, give it another look-over, as we’ve updated it a bit since it first went up.

From the Canada Nintendo Examiner:

Does ‘Nintendo’ mean what we think? – Is it simply “leave luck to heaven?” As it turns out, the actual meaning behind Nintendo’s century-old name may not be as clear-cut as we’ve been led to believe.

Sonic 4 comes to Wii on October 11th – Nintendo-owning fans of Sonic the Hedgehog have much to look forward to this holiday season, and it all kicks off with an oldschool appetizer.

Rumor: Nintendo 3DS release date leaked… again? – By this point, you’ve probably seen the actual release date. More info to come later today, but there has been plenty of buzz everywhere already.

Oh, and it’s being released on February 26th in Japan, with North America and Europe’s coming in March. Makes you wonder who that peripheral developer is hoping to sell product to in November, doesn’t it?

What to do if the door breaks your game in Sector 3 of Metroid: Other M – In hindsight, a better title for this would have been “Nintendo goes postal on Metroid: Other M glitch.” Alas. In any case, if you find yourself hindered by the progress-blocking red door in Sector 3, here’s what you’ll need to do.

From the Toronto Video Game Examiner:

Sonic 4 arrives in October; release dates & prices for all platforms announced – Xbox 360, iPhone, and PlayStation 3 won’t be getting Sonic Colors, but they’ll still get to partake in high-speed hedgehog action this October.

THQ introduces WWE Universe Mode for Smackdown vs. Raw 2011 – THQ is bringing an interesting new mode to their latest WWE title. In a way, it’s sort of like an ant farm on steroids.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

The Examiner/MMN Revue for 8/27/10

September 28th, 2010

From the Toronto Video Game Examiner:

Games shipping the week of September 27th, 2010 – It’s that time of year again… the time when it feels like there are more games coming out than you’ll ever be able to play.

Did you buy into APB? Then you may get something for your troubles – If you went digital for this title, then its termination may not be all bad news for you.

From the Canada Nintendo Examiner:

The Nintendo Download – 9/27/10 – Slow week with no Virtual Console… but if you have a DSi, a well-regarded action-RPG has just landed on the DSiWare service.

Celebrate 25 years of Super Mario Bros. with new official wallpaper – Three wallpapers, with more to come. My personal favorite is the one with new classic-styled artwork.

From The Mega Man Network:

Capcom is Hitting the Big Apple with Mega Man UniverseMMU is coming to the New York Comic Con next month, but will it be playable? That remains to be seen.

Get Equipped with Icing – A man, a robot, and 118 cupcakes come together to form… this.

Lega Man? Or Mego Man? – So asks Heat Man. But any true toy aficionado (or at least, longtime ToyFare reader) can tell you why “Mego Man” isn’t it.

Dr. Light Explains It All – Ancient Japanese scripture, translated at last! Well, maybe not “ancient.” And more like “magazine articles” than “scripture.” But still interesting!

Secrets of Mega Man’s Soccer RevealedMega Man’s Soccer was no Super Mario Strikers… and, when it comes right down to it, it wasn’t even quite Mega Man’s Soccer, either. At least, not as the developers had intended it.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

The Examiner/MMN Revue for Friday, September 24th

September 25th, 2010

From the Toronto Video Game Examiner:

Toronto video game deals for the week of September 24th to 30th, 2010

Sony: Beware of exploding counterfeit PlayStation 3 controllers – Sure to be this holiday’s hottest gift, unless it leads to something bigger catching fire.

Netflix CEO puts his foot in his mouth, explains Canadian price difference – Get physical, get charged more.

From the Canada Nintendo Examiner:

New Wii Remote to debut with FlingSmash? – I called this years ago. I also figured there would be a Wii with HD output to match the visuals we’ve seen on NeoGAF and GoNintendo, but one out of two isn’t bad, right?

My Nintendo preparing to be phased out in favor of Club Nintendo – Join Club Nintendo today, Mac!

From The Mega Man Network:

GameTrailers’ Mega Man Universe Mechanics Interview – Not a whole lot new here, but we do learn why the Japanese version is also called “Mega Man Universe.”

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

The Examiner/MMN Revue for Thursday, September 23rd

September 24th, 2010

I really need to set my sleep schedule straight so I can update more properly…

From the Canada Nintendo Examiner:

Nintendo turns 121 – A brief overview of the early years of what is perhaps the oldest company in video games.

From The Mega Man Network:

Mega Man Marathon Kicks Off – Won’t someone please think of the children while watching this marathon? It’s for Child’s Play, after all.

Take a Servbot Head Home Today – These Servbot heads are the perfect thing for the Mega Man Legends fan who doesn’t want to show their face in PlayStation Home.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

The Examiner/MMN Revue for Wednesday, September 22nd

September 23rd, 2010

From the Toronto Video Game Examiner:

Netflix comes to Canadian consoles – Canadians get access to Netflix at long last. However, is the wait all it’s cracked up to be?

From the Canada Nintendo Examiner:

Donkey Kong Country Returns: Previews, details, screens, and Rambi, too – The beast is most definitely back. And perhaps even better than ever before.

From The Mega Man Network:

Introducing The TMMN Megacast! – Heat Man’s no Howard Stern– take that for what it’s worth. Nonetheless, he’s put together a neat little program here with Mainfinger, plus Joveth Gonzalez of Capcom talking about Mega Man Universe and Tabby giving the inside-skinny on OtaRockman. Even Dr. Wily manages to get in on the fun by answering a few questions!

Joystiq, Kotaku Preview Mega Man Universe at TGS – We heard most of what had to be said last week, but these two sites had their own thoughts as well, and have gone into a little more detail about what we may expect from the controls.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

The Examiner/MMN Revue for Monday, September 20th

September 21st, 2010

From the Toronto Video Game Examiner:

Games shipping the week of September 20th, 2010 – Lots of fun and excitement! That is, if you want a Wii experience on your PlayStation 3.

WWE reveals Canadian-exclusive package for Smackdown vs. Raw 2011 – A pre-order bonus across the country’s major retailers has apparently helped lead to a more Canadian-themed box cover. No complaints here! I just hope I can get one.

From the Canada Nintendo Examiner:

The Nintendo Download – 9/20/10 – Not a whole lot going on here, either, but at least there’s a new Virtual Console release.

Nintendo Sales & Marketing VP Cammie Dunaway leaves game industry in October – I wonder if she just got tired of all the mockery.

From The Mega Man Network:

More MM10 avatars, DLC & Dynamic Theme bundles incoming – This leaves me wondering what we can expect for Mega Man Universe stuff. It would be cool if Xbox 360 got some Mega Man costumes for Avatars, like Bad Box Art Mega Man.

Fans Take on Music from the Entire X Series – You like Overclocked Remixes, right?

More Ruminating with Mega Man Legends – More rumors, but this time coming from the source who called Mega Man 9 prior to its announcement.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

The Examiner/MMN Revue for Friday, September 17th

September 18th, 2010

From the Toronto Video Game Examiner:

Toronto video game deals for the week of September 17th to 23rd, 2010 – PlayStation is on the Move, PlayStation 3 is loose!

From The Mega Man Network:

Game Informer Interviews Mega Man Universe Producer – Many facts revealed, including what to expect from pre-made stages from Capcom and the game’s basic narrative.

Behold “Megapin” – What was the “green surprise” for Mega Man Universe at Capcom’s TGS stage show? Was it Teisel? N-Team Mega Man? Green Biker Dude? How about “none of the above?” But if not any of those, then who?

You’ll likely be disappointed. Fortunately, there is a link to Dengeki and lots of neat pics of the Universe-styled “Mega Man” mascot costume… which, incidentally, somehow looks a little cooler than the art which inspired it.

Joystiq Interviews Mega Man Universe Producer – Sort of like Game Informer’s, but more expansive.

Also: Some great pics of what to expect from Kotobukiya Rockman, w/parts and everything. Thanks Auto! ~Heat

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

The Examiner/MMN Revue for Thursday, September 16th

September 17th, 2010

From the Toronto Video Game Examiner:

THQ releases new WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2011 renders, screens, and roster – Not too much to say, just some screens of the HD version of WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2011, and the final character renders for Undertaker and Sheamus. Also, WWE Avatar outfits and accessories are now available.

From the Canada Nintendo Examiner:

THQ releases new WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2011 renders, screens, and roster – Same as above, but for the Wii version. And the screens are different.

From The Mega Man Network:

Tron Bonne MVC3 Footage – What could be better than Tron’s return in Marvel vs. Capcom 3? How about a Gustaff that has a vehicle mode? Rawk!

MMU Promo Reveals Air Man’s Mouth – Hey Air Man, you shor’ do have a purty mouth… wait, no you don’t.

1UP Previews Mega Man Universe at TGS – There is still time for things to be tightened up, but it sounds like Mega Man Universe isn’t quite “there” yet.

Destructoid MMU Hands On, Sneaky Footage – Not only did Destructoid score time with Capcom’s Wes Philips, but they also secretly nabbed about 12 minutes of gameplay footage as well.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”