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Archive for the ‘Points of Interest’ Category

Points of Interest – 9/25/07

Tuesday, September 25th, 2007

InFormers: Robots in the News

  1. Some new galleries have hit, as The Allspark shows off some figures new and old, including Movie Rescue Ratchet, G1-deco Movie Starscream, Movie Thundercracker, ’08 Bumblebee, Robot Replicas Frenzy, Titanium Ultra Magnus, Botcon 2000 Apelinq, and Botcon 2002 Glyph.
  2. More galleries are at Tformers.com, ironically showing off the Allspark Power series, including Cliffjumper, Camshaft, and my favorite, S7 vehicle Landmine.
  3. Ben Yee has rounded up another group of Cybertronians for reviews and pictures. Check out Robot Heroes Bumblebee and Soundwave, Optimus Prime and Unicron, Movie Arcee, and one of my favorites, Cybertron Defense Hot Shot, whose mold was the base for Botcon’s Classics Springer.
  4. …wait, $5.99? Geeze, I paid over twice that at retail…

Assorted Mushrooms

  1. “Ok,” I thought. “So I didn’t get to see The Simpsons Movie in theaters, much to my regret. But it doesn’t matter that much, right? It’s not like anything that happens in The Simpsons has any real lasting impact, right?”

    Ok, so maybe I was wrong, as the show’s new intro would seem to attest. No telling if it’ll last or not, but MAN, does that rub some salt in the wound.

  2. If you own a small car and are having troubles with traffic lights, here’s what to do.

Video Power

  1. Retrojunk has an interesting look back to 1990, when people actually cared about large video game tournaments and Nintendo hosted their own World Championships, featuring what would become one of the most sought-after and valuable video games ever known.

    I’ve always wondered how I would have done…

  2. ScrewAttack.com looks at another SEGA arcade classic, this time in the form of Outrun.

    Coming soon: Outrun 3: Finish the Drive

  3. As one might expect, Mega Man head honcho Keiji Inafune was at TGS, and was answering questions from the fans. RPM has the scoop on some selected Q’s.

    Some interesting reveals, that almost sound too good, if you catch my drift.

    The article in full can be seen at GameSpot. And at Go Nintendo, it seems that RMC is taking it pretty hard.

    Also of note is that MegaMan (well, Rockman) from Star Force/Ryuusei was in attendence, too.

  4. Of course, he wasn’t the only big name at the show, of course. Bet you can’t guess what he played.
  5. For more TGS photos, look no further.
  6. This week, Racketboy dons his Tim Allen outfit as he shows off how to maximize your game room, with storage shelving and cabinets.

    I eagerly await the day I’m able to implement something like this into my own home. Hell, I’m eager for the day I have a home to implement it into.

  7. Wow, an anime-themed Grand Theft Auto?

    It’s just a mod, but a neat one. Still, I think it could use just a bit more wacky.

  8. RMC at Go Nintendo calls out the Big N regarding what’s going on with Japanese titles in other territories. Specifically, ours. Japan and Europe both have Sin and Punishment and Super Mario Bros. 2 (Japan’s version), so why aren’t we allowed to drop the money for it?
  9. Wii = 1.5 GameCubes. Oh, how I tire of that. Who the hell cares?

    Well, evidently they exist. Luckily, some of them seem able to write something interesting about the whole thing.

  10. o/~ We need a mon-tage… a TGS company montage…!
  11. GameSpot has some new images for Super Mario Galaxy, including Boo Mario, Bee Mario, Mario in flight, and Rosetta. And Australia wound up with even more, including Magikoopa, Bowser, Peach, Toad, Jr., a bunch of stars, and Mario performing a spin move.

    In addition, there’s new images for Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn as well, with box art, the new hot chick, and the others whose names I probably won’t learn until they’re in English.

  12. This is a neat special-edition DS Lite featuring a Kirby decoration. What I like most is that Kirby looks like his original portrayal, at least in the US, from Kirby’s Dream Land for the Game Boy.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 9/22/07

Saturday, September 22nd, 2007

InFormers: Robots in the News

  1. Movie Starscream is back, and he’s sporting a Target-exclusive Generation 1-inspired color scheme, as he plots his next move after the Decepticons’ defeat at the end of the film.

    Check out the gallery to get a closer look and see what else he might be up to in secret.

    As an aside, I think his boxart makes him look like he has a leak of vital fluids from his olfactory sensor. But even so, he still looks sharp.

Assorted Mushrooms

  1. Thanks to Auto for finding this video, or rather, this series of videos known as Gag Manga Biyori.

    I haven’t had time to watch more than the one above, so I don’t know if they’re serialized or stand-alone, but it’s an amusing anime short that goes inside some sort of Japanese snack manufacturer, as one of the higher-ups faces frustration in dealing with the mess-ups of his subordinates, who keep messing up the stickers that are the selling point for their treats.

  2. Too good.
  3. The other day, we told you that a US Senator has decided to sue God.

    God has answered.

Video Power

  1. Over on the Penny Arcade Forums, there’s been a new trend in thread topics known as “Let’s Play,” which I guess is sort of like an online book club, only for video games, where everyone plays through together. And people are posting videos, too. So far, there are threads dedicated to Sonic 1 through Sonic 3 & Knuckles, Kirby Super Star, and last but certainly not least, Super Mario All-Stars + Super Mario World.

    Unfortunately, Sonic seems to differ from the others due to a lack of commentary, which basically boils down to just watching someone play and show off the levels.

    Kirby is a bit better, since that title is a rare treat, and also features a colorized remake of Kirby’s first adventure, and you get to find out some stuff along the way.

    But the best, hands-down, is Mario. You see, Gilder apparently hasn’t played much in the way of Super Mario Bros. games, so this is pretty new territory to him. And for pure entertainment, you just need to watch his videos of himself playing The Lost Levels. As anyone who’s played it knows, that’s some hardcore stuff right there. Not to outright bash the game, but I don’t see why people think that one is better than what we got; it’s like saying that being kicked in the groin repeatedly is better than having a delicious dessert.

    Yeah, maybe, if you’re a masochist.

    Needless to say, Gilder racks up more deaths in The Lost Levels than in any of the others, and it’s just fun to watch him try. All things considered, he actually does a pretty good job. Give it a watch, it’s a lot like that video of the guy cursing while playing the uber-hard Mario hack, only better.

  2. Yay, Next Generation is back! And they have a new feature on game design, looking at the sense of reward in games and how to keep players playing.
  3. Following in IGN’s footsteps, Games Radar has created their own Cliff’s Notes of Halo, so you can bone up on all the story details from games, novels, and comics before diving in to Finish the Fight.
  4. “Preorder? I don’t need no stinkin’ preorder!”

    Looks like even Master Chief himself can’t play the game early. Guess it was too much for him, as he seems to be willing to go to desperate lengths to get a copy.

    Also: PS3 teabagging.

    Thanks to RJ for that one.

  5. Now this is a nice stylus, and a peculiar holder. Doesn’t exactly seem to mesh with the portable aspect of the DS though, does it?
  6. Even the most realistic video game has its hurdles to overcome, and odds are, no matter how close they’ve gotten, it’s still not quite real enough.

    Popular Science has examined this, assembling a list of ten technological hurdles to be overcome, and suggesting possible solutions for them.

  7. Hmm, I don’t know which I’d want more… Pac-Man and the ghosts, or Turtwig. If only such choices were as easy to come by here.
  8. On the NeoGAF forums, one user felt that GameVideos’ footage of Contra 4 had a decidedly 8-bit feel to the animation. To that end, another user replied with a comparison, showing animation from the original NES Contra, the 16-bit Super NES Contra III: The Alien Wars, and the Nintendo DS’s Contra 4.

    I found this along with a ton of other gathered links (including my own interview!) about Contra 4 at this MySpace blog.

  9. And finally, 1up has an interview to discuss the Wii version of Rygar: The Battle of Argus, what changes were made, and why bother to port an old PS2 game instead of just making a new title altogether.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 9/21/07

Friday, September 21st, 2007

InFormers: Robots in the News

  1. ReproLabels has got some new stuff for you to deck out your Autobots and Decepticons with, including some labels to make Movie Ironhide a little more like G1 Trailbreaker, and others for Throttlebots, Computron, and more.

    All decked out, they look quite nice.

Assorted Mushrooms

  1. Ah, Japan. What will you and your game shows think of next?

    Dizzy boxing over a pool of hot water, you say?

    All I can say is, where do you go from here? This stuff beats Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? and Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader? for pure entertainment value by a country mile.

  2. He-Man = He-Pwned
  3. So the 5th turtle looks at the recent Mattel toy recall. One part sort of caught my eye, though:

    But, a parent might ask, why 56 Polly Pocket sets? Wouldn?t a half-dozen meet the needs of any child? And why teach 4-year-olds the fine points of cosmetics?

    I’m not sure how seriously I can take this, coming from a blog about a franchise whose merchandised line of action figures included the likes of “Star Trek Turtles,” “Farmer Mike,” and “Turtle Troll” dolls.

    I won’t go so far as to claim hypocrisy or anything (times have changed), but it has to at least be considered a little ironic.

  4. King of the Hill is an interesting show, with funny moments that aren’t nearly as over-the-top as you’re likely to see on The Simpsons, Family Guy, or South Park. It’s kind of simple, and therein lies its charm.

    IGN visits with the cast during a recording session and talk to them about what it’s like bringing a bunch of rednecks from fictional Arlen, Texas to life.

Video Power

  1. Realism is overrated. I deal with reality every day. Arcade action is where it’s at.

    And arcade action is what it’s all about in After Burner by SEGA, which ScrewAttack.com looks back on with fond memories.

    How arcades could die with this sort of action going on is beyond me.

  2. IGN takes a neat look at The History of Halo and the series’ evolution, revealing some other facts along the way that some of you may not have known.

    Remember how Halo 2‘s ending almost universally disappointed people? Originally, that game was going to be the original title to “Finish the Fight.”

  3. I’m not huge into rap or anything, but I have always enjoyed Will Smith’s works, as well as his movies and TV and such. Leads me to wonder what his nephew’s music will be like.
  4. Weird story.

    So as a promotional activity (I would assume), Master Chief goes to Sydney, Australia… and is kicked out?

    The reason given is “Assault Rifles weren’t really allowed on Opera House property.

    Ok, fair enough, but Chief doesn’t seem to be packing in any of these shots, and even if he was, I very much doubt it was real, anyway.


  5. Who’s hot, and who’s not? That’s the question posed by Game Daily as they look at the hottest powered armor suits of 2007.

    What, no Model-A MegaMerge?

  6. GameDaily also asks Mr. Miyamoto what everyone wants to know: how do you make your games so timeless? Among other things.
  7. Worried that the new Halo 3 ads are going to spoil you on what happens in the game?


    Games Radar goes in with Bungie to discuss the cool yet controversial ad campaign behind the third title of the trilogy.

  8. Huh. I guess that despite high sales numbers, demand, and tons of buzz, the Wii is still going to the dogs.
  9. While I don’t believe this is the Jackass crew proper, their recreation of Donkey Kong is still rather entertaining.

    But no hammer? That’s just not playing fair. But on the upside, at least these barrels aren’t taking detours down ladders.

  10. *stares closely at the logos adorning the shirts*

    “…Metal Gear?!”

    Sorry, just had to. HAD TO.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 9/20/07

Thursday, September 20th, 2007

InFormers: Robots in the News

  1. IGN has started a new subsite called “Stars,” which looks at… well, stars. Be they real or fictional, it seems.

    And to celebrate the release of TransFormers: The Movie at IMAX, they’ve added the movie’s cast to the site, featuring pictures, biographies, and even a rating system that allows you to… well, rate them. According to how well you like them, I suppose.

Assorted Mushrooms

  1. So the good news is that the animated movie Superman Doomsday is finally out on DVD.

    The not-so good news is that it doesn’t seem to be all that it’s cracked up to be.

    And while I’m not the sort of anal fan that Fritz addresses here, I have to admit that it does sound like several steps down from the original story, which is too bad. The different parts of the whole Death of Superman saga could have made a good series of movies.

Video Power

  1. Ever heard of Donkey Kong II? No, not Donkey Kong Jr.

    While Nintendo has taken to revisiting the classic arcade style of Donkey Kong now and again in the likes of Donkey Kong ’94 and the Mario vs. Donkey Kong series, it’s safe to say that the series, such as it is, has pretty much evolved a bit from its humble “how do we fix this Radarscope mess?” roots. But some clever programmers have managed to take the core fixtures of the original Donkey Kong arcade game, and make some new levels out of them.

    There’s even two new cut scenes with the big ape, one featuring Pauline, and the other with Mario playing a prank on DK.

    And from the looks of things, they uphold the classic title’s raging difficulty, too. Perhaps a better name for this would have been “Donkey Kong: The Lost Levels.”

    One has to wonder, between this and Namco’s official Pac-Man Championship Edition, if there’s a real market for new levels of golden oldies.

  2. Food for thought.

    Sonic Rush Adventure, a game in which Sonic sails the high seas in search of treasure and fights off robot pirates, was released on September 18th.

    “Official Talk Like A Pirate Day” was yesterday, September 19th.

    The timing couldn’t be more brilliant. In fact, it might just be one of the most clever things SEGA has done with Sonic in quite some time.

    But the question is, with the seeming lack of any sort of related marketing… did they even realize it?

  3. GameSpite has a new, more modern sort of retro-review in Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney for the Nintendo DS.

    If you haven’t played the game yet, then it might be worth a look.

  4. The latest with Jack Thompson and Take Two.

    This is the way it happened.

    This is the way I saw it in my mind’s eye. (Right at about 2:58)

    Warning, there is some language.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 9/19/07

Wednesday, September 19th, 2007

InFormers: Robots in the News

  1. For a series of toys dubbed “Masterpieces,” it seems that Takara’s Masterpiece TransFormers wind up lacking in some way or another. Fantastic toys, no doubt, but be it Prime lacking a trailer, Ultra Magnus being just a white Prime, or Starscream in blue, there’s usually something that makes some fans grit their teeth just a little.

    Of course, a Prime (or Convoy, if you must) re-release saw him get his trailer back, and the US release of Starscream will retain his original fashion sense. Magnus is still pretty well screwed, however.

    Then there’s Megatron. The original Megatron had pieces, a long silencer barrel and a stock, which would attach to turn him into a “U.N.C.L.E. Special” configuration, based on the TV show The Man From U.N.C.L.E.. However, perhaps to save money, these two parts were omitted from the Masterpiece product.

    Fortunately, there are those enterprising folks who see a need and decide to fill it. It happened with Prime’s trailer (to impressive but expensive result), and it has happened again as JustIToys has released custom components which will attach and complement Megatron in his gun form, or as a special cannon turret for him to fire. Just click the link and check out Megatron in full-on form, making him a true Masterpiece.

Assorted Mushrooms

  1. What scares you? Heights? Drowning? Snakes? Whatever’s on Kutaragi’s mind?

    Whatever it may be, just imagine being scared of balloons.

    The big question then is, what sort of reaction would they have when a balloon pops? Terror, or elation?

  2. Want to childproof your home? Perhaps the best way is to teach an old dog new tricks.
  3. Viruses are a pain, but someone has come up with a foolproof way to keep them out of your PC.

    And for some reason, I can’t help but think that Justin Timberlake ought to sing a song about this.

  4. Man sues God.

    My question is, were he to appear in court, would he be under oath? At any rate, that’s one fight I wouldn’t pick. I mean, come on, you think he can’t assemble a good legal team? He knows SATAN, for crying out loud. I imagine there’s gotta be at least a favor or something he could call in.

    Worst-case scenario, lightning bolt. “I didn’t do it.” Who’ll call him on it? Especially after that? At any rate, he could just pin it on Zeus.

  5. Cartoons is a complicated business, as Mark Evanier highlights over on his blog. He takes a look back at some Hanna-Barbera shorts that were assembled into half-hours, and how mixing and swapping segments made things a bit messy, and how changes were made on the down-low to keep things consistent.

Video Power

  1. “Tha Nuhd ees bach.”

    No, I don’t know why I’m speaking… well, typing in an Arnold-esque manner, when what the Angry Video Game Nerd is actually going after is Addams Family games. It’s almost as though I had nothing else to say, and was merely typing out all of this just to take up some space so I look like I’m doing my self-professed “job.” But that’s just plain silly, now isn’t it?

    In all seriousness, I don’t remember Fester’s Quest being all that bad, but then, I don’t remember it being all that good, either. I can’t even remember if you could save or not, but knowing the era, probably not. Bet that would’ve helped.

  2. Years ago, games were 2D. And, that’s pretty much all they were. There were some attempts to simulate some 3D-like effects, but for the most part, it was still 2D. A 3D game… how would that even work?

    I think in those younger days, before many of us even knew what a “polygon” was, we simply imagined our classic-styled 2D games just getting better and better looking… rather than getting brushed aside like yesterday’s news. In some ways, it had felt like progress had ground to a screeching halt, and instead took a different road in which games started back at square one with the likes of the PlayStation, Nintendo 64, and Saturn’s offerings.

    Fortunately, things evidently aren’t quite as bad as they would have at first seemed. After flirting a bit with 3D (ok, more like exchanged vows and had their foreheads surgically grafted), companies have begun to embrace 2D a bit more once again, realizing that some concepts just work better that way. We’ve seen new Super Mario Bros., Castlevania, Contra, Zelda, and more spring up as a result. It’s almost as though the industry collective woke up and realized “hey, with these omni-powerful machines, we can make some 2D games that look REALLY damn good!”

    And so they have.

    We’ve all heard about Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix BLT Quarter Pounder with Some Cheese LMNOP Pass the Mustard Please, taking a classic title and enhancing the hell out of the graphics so that it looks good, even in today’s modern marketplace. As luck would have it, that’s not the only 2D title that’s going to shine from the TVs of HD variety. Racketboy has assembled a list of other 2D games coming in high resolution to our TV screens to fulfill the childhood fantasies which we held dear oh-so long ago.

  3. Too far? Or not far enough?

    That’s the question surrounding the Halo 3 marketing blitz which seems to be leading a frontal assault on every aspect of our being. Some think it’s all too much, that it’s being overdone and with no sense of shame involved.

    To that end, I invite you to look at what they passed on, and see if that doesn’t soften your stance just a bit.

    Too bad, that lingerie would’ve been intriguing…

  4. GameTrailers, why must you torment me so? New videos, in ENGLISH no less, of the cracktastic Tingle’s Rosy Rupeeland, that has yet to have so much as an announcement of a US release… why? What have I done to you?

    Was it the time I cleaned my boots with your toothbrush? Was it the rancid meat I left in your freezer? Was it the poison I fed your pet? WAS IT THE POISON?!


  5. Yeah, screw all the haters. I still want to play that damn game. Check out the trailers, it’s wacky. And for those who don’t know, the whole point of the game is to amass as much money as you can to get into Rupeeland, but the problem is, everyone wants it!
  6. People from all walks of life enjoy video games, even actors. That’s why it’s no surprise that quite a few actors have lent their voices to roles in video games… sometimes even for roles they haven’t played otherwise (such as playing the same character in both a movie and the game based on it).

    Some may even surprise you. Games Radar has compiles a list of several surprising celebrity parts in video games, which are thankfully not as shameless as most cameos on The Simpsons.

  7. Go Nintendo has scored a nice interview with a member of Nintendo’s fabled Treehouse division, and looks at localization of some games, chiefly Donkey Kong stuff such as the “DK Rap” and King of Swing‘s storyline.
  8. Wow, I knew that Shrek was an ogre, but a thief, too?

    Turns out that some little cheapass V-Smile Shrek title has stolen the music from, of all things, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

    Can’t say it was a smart move. I mean, do you really want to mess with an 800-pound gorilla that gained fame thanks to an 800-pound gorilla?

  9. An amusing practice by the Big N is how they often pay some sort of tribute to the people who work there by creating characters based on them. For example, the Koopalings from Super Mario Bros. 3 were based on members of its development team.

    But, it goes well beyond that, it seems, as Dylan Cuthbert tells all about other employee-inspired caricatures hidden amongst our favorite titles.

  10. Guess it’s true, what they say: “there’s no accounting for taste.”

    Maybe the Japanese see E.T. as some sort of collectible?

  11. Hmm, remember that new Super Mario Galaxy box art that seemed to be finalized?

    Yeah, well, maybe not anymore.

  12. I should give my parents a call, and make their day by telling them I’ve finally decided on a university to attend.

    As for why this one, I think I’ll keep that a secret.

  13. Want a Master Chief of your very own, but can’t find or afford any of those cool statues or action figures?

    Fear not! For papercraft is here to save the day!

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 9/18/07

Tuesday, September 18th, 2007

Assorted Mushrooms

  1. ProTip: If you’re into four-year old girls and agree to appear on a talk show, make sure you can do better than stutter and stammer like an idiot, lest guys like Glen Beck totally destroy you. Yeesh.

    (Not that it’s hard anyway, but…)

    Thanks to NeoEndGame for the tip.

  2. Turned on Fox on Sunday night, and instead of The Simpsons and Family Guy, they were showing the Emmys.

    Turns out it wasn’t a total bust, however, as Brian and Stewie lent a helping hand to the festivities.

    Too bad I missed that, too, but at least someone caught it and put it up.

  3. Whip It is more than just a song by Devo… it’s a game with dirty implications, too!
  4. Poor Pluto. He just wanted to play, and then the lady had to go and put him down.

    Seriously, I have no idea what the hell this is about.

Video Power

  1. The brotherly bond between Mega Man and Protoman is strong… perhaps a bit TOO strong
  2. scans_daily has been updating lately with the original Star Fox comic that ran in Nintendo Power back in 1993, before the time of Krystal and Star Wolf and such things.

    I elaborate on the subject more here, as well as provide links to each act as they come.

  3. I loved the Ninja Turtles as a kid, and I loved video games. You’d think I’d have been set, but my dad pretty much expressly forbid me to own a Game Boy. Said it’d ruin my eyes.

    Joke’s on him, my eyes were ruined anyway.

    At any rate, as a result, there were a handful of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles games I never got to play in my youth, and one of those was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: Back From The Sewers for the Game Boy. Lucky for me, Video Game Take-Out has covered that very title in this video review. And I have to say, it does look nice, but hard.

  4. “Madness? This… is… Maridia!”

    For no better reason than the sheer challenge of reaching the proposed goal, one fellow who is quite good at wall-jumping has managed to traverse through Super Metroid‘s Maridia to reach the back door of the Ghost Ship… without a Gravity Suit.

    Me? I can’t do that and I won’t do that. But props to this guy for pulling it off.

  5. The Capcom*Unity found a neat little music video on YouTube by a fellow named Turbo, talking up Street Fighter and Chun Li, with her fast-kickin’ legs. YupYupYup.
  6. Remember those “REVIVE” drinks mentioned the other day?

    Seems that maybe it’s just Capcom’s way of trying to kill everyone everywhere… ever.

    Or maybe they just share common gamer sentiment about Gamestop. Who can say for sure?

  7. Does anyone remember Mendel Palace? No?

    Me neither. Just the commercial for it. But GameSpite has a review of the NES title, for those curious.

  8. World of Warcraft game: $20.

    One month of gameplay: $15.

    Maxed-out character with no effort: $9,700.

    Pwning n00bs: Priceless.

    There are some things money can’t buy. For everything else, there’s MulgoreCard.

  9. GameTrailers continues to retrospect Final Fantasy with part 9 of their series, and the biggest chapter yet.
  10. GameTrailers and ScrewAttack.com turn back time to when Stallone was in his prime with a game based on the character that helped inspire Lance from Contra, Rambo III for the SEGA Genesis.

    And apparently, it’s not that bad.

  11. One thing begets another, even in gaming. It is that reasoning that has lead Games Radar to assemble seven pairs of games that share the father-son relationship that spans the ages.

    And also, because legacies are cool.

  12. I’m not exactly sure how much 350 yen is, I just know that I want that times a lot, so that I can snatch up all of these Mario goodies.

    Look! There’s even Shell Mario from New Super Mario Bros.! And Fire Flower power! I hope whenever Corgi does whatever they’re going to do, that it’s as cool as this. (Not holding my breath, however.)

  13. For your viewing and listening pleasure, the collection of three Auto-Mario videos that play anime music.

    Sadly, these would be more impressive if the videos didn’t seem to have a penchant for skipping.

  14. Ok, so I can understand how some people want to keep their toys in the boxes. Some toys have some damn cool boxes.

    Comic books are an iffier proposition…

    But keeping video games in their shrink-wrap? This way lies madness.

    While I do not myself profess innocence, it’s either a matter of a) haven’t gotten around to playing the game yet, or b) I already have another copy for this reason or that, and choose to keep a game “new” just for the novelty. Especially if it’s a collection of a specific franchise, like Mega Man, as part of a greater collection.

    If these guys were to follow “b” more, I could see it, understand it a little, but I doubt that’s really the case here.

    And incidently, I do keep some toys in the package, but not TransFormers. Those are too cool not to be free, save for the ones that won’t really fit anywhere right now.

  15. Well, this sucks.

    Someone finally tells how to pronounce “Ubisoft,” and it has to be frickin’ MTV, which I literally cannot watch.

    I thought it was “ooh-bee-soft.” How close am I?

  16. Wonder how that cool Halo 3 exhibit from the new ads was made? This video tells you all about how it was done… eh, sort of.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 9/15/07

Saturday, September 15th, 2007

Sorry, it’s kind of a slow day for “Points of Interest” today. I’d try to scrounge up more, but I have to get sleep before an early shift tomorrow as it is. But for some of the days more interesting videos, culled from the rest of the crap, be sure to check out Gloob. Sign-up is free, and you can even respond to their video posts with some of your own.

Video Power

  1. THEY FINISHED! And I bet they didn’t even leave a good tip!
  2. Got those “same ol’ disc-drive light everyday blues?”

    Well then, how about some pink? Or red? Or even green? It’s like a Mario Party of Wii lights with the Wii Gate! Unfortunately, I have no idea how much it costs, because the website doesn’t seem to work like that.

  3. RMC at Go Nintendo questions the need of WFC in Super Mario Galaxy.

    Myself, I kind of miss the days of 2-player, though I admit I don’t really see how that would work here. But on the other hand, check out the multiplayer modes for Super Mario 64 DS and New Super Mario Bros., and there’s your answer for a good WiFi addition to Mario’s latest. Throw in the same minigames for online, and it’s a sweet deal.

  4. Keiichi Yano of Ouendan and Elite Beat Agents had a little discussion with Gamasutra recently to talk about the classic yet underperforming franchise, and his worries about the growing popularity of the music genre.
  5. Game|Life revisits yesterday’s “idiots comment on the Zapper” poll with some additional commentary, which raises good points.
  6. What’s the best way to ruin an idea?

    Tell people about it.

    That’s pretty much what happened to Brandon Scott, manager of a GameStop who refused to sell games to kids with low grades. It was only a matter of time before someone picked up on it, and likely as a result, action was taken (the timing seems just a tad too convenient for it to have happened for any other reason).

    That’s the power of the press in action for you.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 9/14/07

Friday, September 14th, 2007

Assorted Mushrooms

  1. Now here is an excellent computer-animated short known as A Gentlemen’s Duel, by Blur Studio, who also worked on TransFormers: The Game.

    If you haven’t seen it already, check it out!

  2. WebbAlert is bringing us something special today, taking a break from tech news to look at viral videos. This week’s theme is primarily about Mario, because– well, crap. Yesterday was the anniversary of when Super Mario Bros. was release.

    Don’t I feel like an ass for having missed it. Then again, I was sick in bed for the vast majority of the day, so I guess that wouldn’t have helped. Congratulations, Mario!

    So while some have been posted here already, she has also found a nice tribute to the many famous people of the internet.

    You can find links to everyone mentioned in the video on her September 13th posting.

  3. What do you get when you take someone who hates something… for example, let’s say Scooby-Doo, and have them create a new version?

    That’s more or less what Warner Bros. did with Eric Radomski, who’s creating the Clerks Animated-looking Shaggy & Scooby-Doo Get A Clue. That might explain something about the title as well.

    From Newsarama’s interview:

    Newsarama: To me it seems the best description of your version of Scooby-Doo is it?s the show for people who hate all previous versions of Scooby-Doo.

    Eric Radomski: [Roars with laughter] Where did you get that quote! Even if you made it up, I love it.

    NRAMA: I did not.

    ER: That?s a beauty. It?s perfect, because that?s how I feel.

    And that’s just the beginning. Who knows, maybe even my wife would like it. No one I know dislikes Scooby more than she does.

Video Power

  1. Having some problems with your Wii? No problem, as Absolute Zero has taken the time to examine proper Wii Care over on Penny Arcade’s forums.

    Better safe than sorry, right?

  2. Capcom has paid some respect to the fans by posting two fan renditions of Storm Eagle’s theme, one a remix and the other played on electric guitar.

    Good to see Capcom acknowledging the fans a bit more now. That’s all we really wanted… well, that, and maybe a Mega Man 9 or Legends 3.

  3. So it seems that Electronic Arts of Tiburon likes to engage in prank wars, hopefully ones less personally devastating as the one we posted yesterday involving a fake marriage proposal.

    Funny that these are the guys who bring us Madden and Tiger games year after year… I’ve heard they’re all largely the same, I wonder if this is a contributing reason?

  4. Whether or not games are art, they certainly do use it and definitely inspire it, which is what has lead to yet another of Racketboy’s Most Stunning Gaming Fan Artwork.

    This week’s theme: Jet Set Radio/Jet Grind Radio. This stuff would look great on some t-shirts.

  5. Toastyfrog’s GameSpite has a new entry looking at another classic gaming release in the form of Ice Hockey, the only hockey video game anyone needed other than Blades of Steel back in the day.

    Now, despite where I live, I don’t know much about hockey, but I do know that following that puck is kind of hard. Maybe they should do something to make it easier, like… I dunno, add a colorful streak that follows it across the ice. Then EVERYONE can enjoy the game!

  6. ScrewAttack.com looks back to when CDs were the new big thing in video games, and almost everyone in the industry unanimously exclaimed “Hey! We can put movies on discs now!” and proceeded to… well, put movies on discs. Except these weren’t just movies, many were “games” where you watched the movie, and occassionally had to press a button.

    Ok, I exagerate. There were a number of games like that, but fortunately (or to put it another way, “OH, THANK GOD!”) some games were more sparing in their use of Full Motion Video, or FMV. Sadly, quantity didn’t seem to affect quality very much, as usually the videos were pretty bad, no matter how long they were.

    But before I get off on a tanget (too late), here’s the Video Game Vault for the SEGA Saturn title Corpse Killer, which… well, sounds kind of redundant, doesn’t it?

  7. Have to admit, this Japanese commercial for Mario Strikers: Charged seems to do a nice job of showing off the fine points of the game in only a very short time.
  8. “If you truly believe that Master Chief will return to finish the fight, then he will come.”
  9. Over at Next Generation, Activision’s James Portnow (sorry, but that IS kind of a funny name to have when you work in gaming) takes a look at game design, specifically characters, and what the difference is between a good video game character, and a cardboard cut-out.
  10. The video game industry is no stranger to controversy, but as some may have figured, gaming journalism has its own brand of controversy with which it deals, too.

    GameDaily has decided to look into this as they examine ten of the most controversial bits of game writing from the past few years… or at least, the first five this week.

    Interesting that three out of five of those involve Ziff-Davis.

  11. I have to admit, as Wii light gun attachments go, I think this one is one of my favorites.
  12. Great, more idiots who think that toy guns are going to turn everyone into killers at the touch.

    Grow a brain, people.

  13. Go Nintendo has dug up some new scans about Super Mario Galaxy, showing off some nice art of the cast of characters, including Peach, Rosetta, Toad, and some little star-guys.
  14. So Castlevania head Koji Igarashi made his appearance, whip and all, at GameStop on Wednesday, and here are some pictures from the event.
  15. …WOW.

    You thought those custom Super Mario World levels that played themselves were something?

    Well, yeah, you’re right. BUT, this is something, too!

    Here’s one that synchs to the theme song from Melancholy of Haruhi. What’s next?

    How about having Haruhi… uh, watch your mouse pointer? Yeah! That’ll get people talking.

  16. Oh wow, remember the first Halo 3 spot from yesterday? Here’s a more accurate reimagining

    Be warned, there is some non-worksafe language… just like the real thing!

    Also interesting is that the diorama could tour the country!

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 9/13/07

Thursday, September 13th, 2007

InFormers: Robots in the News

  1. TransFormers are really getting around.

    In a recent CNN morning show piece, they had a guest on who was describing the Buffalo vehicle and how it could be used to protect soldiers from IEDs, as shown through use of a model.

    And the model? Movie Decepticon Bonecrusher!

  2. It was a shame that 3H’s The Wreckers storyline had to go unfinished…

    Unfinished, that is, until now. The Allspark has scored a major coup by obtaining the script to this long-lost chapter of TransFormers lore.

    Now read the first volumes here and see how the other side of Beast Machines ends up.

Assorted Mushrooms

  1. What do you get when you cross She-Ra with Sailor Moon?

    A mildly amusing mash-up, that’s what.

    On the other hand, there’s this, which just kind of makes me rub my eyes in confused disbelief.

  2. This… is kind of pathetic.

    This… is kind of a funny parody.

  3. Fox presents: McBain: The Movie.

    I noticed they’d repeat common themes, but I never really realized they actually sort of fit together like this.

  4. Above, I mentioned how fun it can be to go out to a baseball game, even if you aren’t so big on the sport itself.

    On the other hand, there are those who have to ruin the whole thing for others. Seriously, that’s pretty damn harsh for a prank.

  5. I just totally love Solo Mobile‘s latest campaign.

    In case you’re unable to see it, it’s quite simple. They have a student “text and talk plan” that’s for “current students only.” And they have pictures of these people graduating with the most depressed hangdog expressions you have ever seen. A pity the site only shows one. But these are EVERYwhere here, at least where mass-transit is concerned.

    I love it. I don’t know why, but I do.

Video Power

  1. Over at Press The Buttons, Matt’s just making me want Metroid Prime 3 even more than I already did.
  2. Most people would consider the Wii a success. A fluke, a phase, a fad, but certainly not unsuccessful.

    Which is why it’s interesting that Iwata doesn’t consider it a success yet.

  3. I wish I could embed a song here right now. It’d be that song you’d hear on Ren & Stimpy and such where it sounds all upbeat and like some sort of commercial.

    Which is just what this piece is about, as Game Daily shows that when Master Chief “finishes the fight,” he has a bright future ahead of him in the world of product endorsement.

  4. Speaking of ads, here’s one for Halo 3 itself. Rather nicely done, I think.

    Somber, yet cool.

    It’s a part of Microsoft’s “A Hero Must Rise. Believe” campaign, which will rely less on flashy graphics and gameplay, and more on the themes that drive the series.

  5. Now this is a cool DS mod, the Jumbotron DS.
  6. Next-Gen (via GN) has a nice piece up that takes a look at the march of progress in gaming, and how in a way the industry– and perhaps some of us– have lost our innocence.
  7. Halo 3 playing on a PS3 kiosk?

    Yeah, that’s probably something I’d do. Just to screw with people.

  8. Even though black is typically my standard, I have to admit that these Spider-man and Simpsons PSPs look good. Tasty. Like candy… Spree, anyone?
  9. Iwata and Itoi… they don’t stop

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 9/12/07

Wednesday, September 12th, 2007

InFormers: Robots in the News

  1. Not much to see today, just new images of Star Wars TransFormers wave 4, metallic Ratchet and Megatron, and battle-damaged Voyager Optimus Prime.

Assorted Mushrooms

  1. Name the greatest Simpsons guest-stars you can think of. Bet Stephen Hawking was on there. And if not, well, it wasn’t a real bet anyway.

    Just the same, the smartest man in the world talks a bit about his appearance alongside Springfield’s favorite family.

Video Power

  1. Racketboy has a guide up that’s just perfect for guys like me, who essentially wound up waiting for the PlayStation 3 to come out before really getting on the PS2 bandwagon: The Cheapest PS2 Games Worth Your Time.
  2. GameTrailers is simply tops. Top 5′s and Top 10′s, that is.

    With ScrewAttack.com, they take a look at the top 10 2-D shooters of all-time, and from there they have their top 5 reasons they can’t wait to play Halo 3.

    While never my favorite genre (I was never quite that good at it), shooters are still fun to pick up and play, and I really like what they’ve done with them graphically over the years.

    And I really do need to try and play a Halo game one of these days. Custom kills and custom maps seem pretty cool.

  3. Anagrams are fun. But who bothers to make them out of the titles of video games?

    IGN does, apparently, as they’ve sat down and come up with the ten most fitting anagrams of video game titles.

  4. While I’m not very familiar with Richard Garriott (made some game, “Ultima” or “Ultimate” or something, who knows?), I must say the guy has quite a nice house.

    Someday, I’d like to have something like that going on. Probably be geekier, though. But the grounds and the secret passages are a must!

  5. Yet another Top 10 list. Sort of.

    Game Daily’s looking at a checklist (with ten items) of things to do to prepare for Halo 3.

    My favorite part is the “Did You Know?” about Master Chief’s name.

    And I still need to try Game Fuel.

  6. Games Radar has assembled an interesting feature, “Around the World in 80 Games,” which looks at a number of titles which span the globe in their settings.

    Wow, Canada really got shafted. NASCAR? How about Excite Truck, at least?

  7. I’ve still yet to play Wii Play, but apparently that doesn’t hold true for this guy, who claims to hold the world record for the shooting range portion of the title.

    I have to admit, I’m impressed with his marksmanship.

  8. Following up that impressive display is one perhaps even moreso, as this player proceeds to master Tetris at the speed of light. In about the last minute or so, you can’t even see anything…

    I think I’d stand a better chance on Wii Play.

  9. The bar has closed, the kitchen staff has cleaned up, and yet Iwata and Itoi are still at it.

    Come on now, say it with me! Bowser is awesome and all, but he’s in danger of getting just a bit overplayed. Since Mario RPGs seem to arrive with greater frequency than sidescrollers, maybe that would be a good platform for his return (and I see RMC had the same idea).

    Though, Super Mario Galaxy? We’ve seen Bowser, but if anyone else, Tatanga all the way.

    On a side note to RMC: Ninji were prominent in Paper Mario and also appeared in Super Mario World‘s final level.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”