Points of Interest – 9/18/07
Assorted Mushrooms
- ProTip: If you’re into four-year old girls and agree to appear on a talk show, make sure you can do better than stutter and stammer like an idiot, lest guys like Glen Beck totally destroy you. Yeesh.
(Not that it’s hard anyway, but…)
Thanks to NeoEndGame for the tip.
- Turned on Fox on Sunday night, and instead of The Simpsons and Family Guy, they were showing the Emmys.
Turns out it wasn’t a total bust, however, as Brian and Stewie lent a helping hand to the festivities.
Too bad I missed that, too, but at least someone caught it and put it up.
- Whip It is more than just a song by Devo… it’s a game with dirty implications, too!
- Poor Pluto. He just wanted to play, and then the lady had to go and put him down.
Seriously, I have no idea what the hell this is about.
Video Power
- The brotherly bond between Mega Man and Protoman is strong… perhaps a bit TOO strong…
scans_daily has been updating lately with the original Star Fox comic that ran in Nintendo Power back in 1993, before the time of Krystal and Star Wolf and such things.
I elaborate on the subject more here, as well as provide links to each act as they come.
- I loved the Ninja Turtles as a kid, and I loved video games. You’d think I’d have been set, but my dad pretty much expressly forbid me to own a Game Boy. Said it’d ruin my eyes.
Joke’s on him, my eyes were ruined anyway.
At any rate, as a result, there were a handful of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles games I never got to play in my youth, and one of those was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: Back From The Sewers for the Game Boy. Lucky for me, Video Game Take-Out has covered that very title in this video review. And I have to say, it does look nice, but hard.
- “Madness? This… is… Maridia!”
For no better reason than the sheer challenge of reaching the proposed goal, one fellow who is quite good at wall-jumping has managed to traverse through Super Metroid‘s Maridia to reach the back door of the Ghost Ship… without a Gravity Suit.
Me? I can’t do that and I won’t do that. But props to this guy for pulling it off.
- The Capcom*Unity found a neat little music video on YouTube by a fellow named Turbo, talking up Street Fighter and Chun Li, with her fast-kickin’ legs. YupYupYup.
- Remember those “REVIVE” drinks mentioned the other day?
Seems that maybe it’s just Capcom’s way of trying to kill everyone everywhere… ever.
Or maybe they just share common gamer sentiment about Gamestop. Who can say for sure?
- Does anyone remember Mendel Palace? No?
Me neither. Just the commercial for it. But GameSpite has a review of the NES title, for those curious.
- World of Warcraft game: $20.
One month of gameplay: $15.
Maxed-out character with no effort: $9,700.
Pwning n00bs: Priceless.
There are some things money can’t buy. For everything else, there’s MulgoreCard.
- GameTrailers continues to retrospect Final Fantasy with part 9 of their series, and the biggest chapter yet.
- GameTrailers and ScrewAttack.com turn back time to when Stallone was in his prime with a game based on the character that helped inspire Lance from Contra, Rambo III for the SEGA Genesis.
And apparently, it’s not that bad.
- One thing begets another, even in gaming. It is that reasoning that has lead Games Radar to assemble seven pairs of games that share the father-son relationship that spans the ages.
And also, because legacies are cool.
- I’m not exactly sure how much 350 yen is, I just know that I want that times a lot, so that I can snatch up all of these Mario goodies.
Look! There’s even Shell Mario from New Super Mario Bros.! And Fire Flower power! I hope whenever Corgi does whatever they’re going to do, that it’s as cool as this. (Not holding my breath, however.)
- For your viewing and listening pleasure, the collection of three Auto-Mario videos that play anime music.
Sadly, these would be more impressive if the videos didn’t seem to have a penchant for skipping.
- Ok, so I can understand how some people want to keep their toys in the boxes. Some toys have some damn cool boxes.
Comic books are an iffier proposition…
But keeping video games in their shrink-wrap? This way lies madness.
While I do not myself profess innocence, it’s either a matter of a) haven’t gotten around to playing the game yet, or b) I already have another copy for this reason or that, and choose to keep a game “new” just for the novelty. Especially if it’s a collection of a specific franchise, like Mega Man, as part of a greater collection.
If these guys were to follow “b” more, I could see it, understand it a little, but I doubt that’s really the case here.
And incidently, I do keep some toys in the package, but not TransFormers. Those are too cool not to be free, save for the ones that won’t really fit anywhere right now.
- Well, this sucks.
Someone finally tells how to pronounce “Ubisoft,” and it has to be frickin’ MTV, which I literally cannot watch.
I thought it was “ooh-bee-soft.” How close am I?
- Wonder how that cool Halo 3 exhibit from the new ads was made? This video tells you all about how it was done… eh, sort of.
–LBD “Nytetrayn”
September 18th, 2007 at 9:23 am
Love that Family Guy clip (even if they did just reuse the “FCC” song and write new lyrics).
As for Mendel Palace, I remember it because I nearly bought it back in the day. I had $50 to burn and a whole wall of games at Toys R Us to choose from. I nearly chose it because I had a Nintendo Power issue with a level select code, meaning that I could buy it and beat it in just a few minutes. Then common sense hit and I passed it over. Good call.