The Daily ‘Shroom
If you thought that the Sony battery recall only counted for Dell computers, it may actually go much further than that.
The recalls of lithium-ion batteries used in notebook computers has been expanding regularly since August. Recently, we learned that there may be more recalls to come — and these may go beyond computers, involving other electronic products as well.
“The upcoming Sony recall could very well expand beyond notebook computers and could include DVD players and portable gaming devices,” said Vallese. The Wall Street Journal has reported almost as many fires related to portable DVD players as for laptop computers. The CPSC is in the process of verifying the actual number of reports. “The risk of a battery fire is low, but real,” Vallese added. There are billions of batteries in service, but only 47 fires reported, she noted.
If you’ve got a product that uses a battery from Sony, I’d look further into this and keep eyes and ears open for any new developments.
- Analyst takes a look at how the PS3 delay in Europe might affect US developers.
Which is odd to me, considering Europe usually seems to only get stuff once we’re finished scraping it off our shoe, if then(no offense to Europeans, but things always sound more negative from over there; I don’t think that I’d want to live there as a gamer).
- Once upon a time, South Park creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker had created a sitcom for Comedy Network which spoofed the current president, titled That’s My Bush.
Then 9/11 happened.
Anyway, Paramount has rounded up the episodes that were made so that they could present them in a DVD set titled The Definitive Collection, complete with a few bonus features.
- It’s official. The PS3 controller’s name is Sixaxis.
Well, it delivers what it promises. I hope.
- Sigh.
Looks like our dreams of a unified world of gaming through the Virtua Console has been shattered.
Thank you, Nintendo. I never wanted to play Terranigma or the Japanese Famicom Super Mario Bros. 2 through legitimate means, anyway.
(Yes, I realize that it could still happen in theory, and yes, there will no doubt be enough on there to keep me busy anyway, but you get the general picture).
This region locked nonsense has gotten me bummed out about the Wii. The lack of such protection on the DS is one of the things that makes the portable so darn cool. Surely, Nintendo must understand this. Surely.
I can sympathize with the need to prohibit piracy, but surely in this day and age there must be a way to lock out piracy without locking out games from other regions.
- Just you wait. Someone is going to take this and claim “Sony copies Nintendo.”
It may be serious, it may be jest, but one thing I am certain of is that it WILL happen.
- Just so you know, cybering is cheating.
May this info help you all in your daily lives.
- Recently, a study was concluded which looked at video games being used as teaching tools.
I’ve always thought that, if properly implemented, it might be a good idea. Historical re-enactments and things based on literature or myths and folklore.
Hell, look at all the World War II games out there. I would hope SOMETHING good is coming out of those…
- Analysts think there could be a North American PS3 price cut, though not before next year.
LBD “Nytetrayn”
October 4th, 2006 at 12:36 pm
5: People sure have the nerve to misinterpret a vague statement which goes: “A company spokesperson also said that Virtual Console game releases would not be universal – in other words, European gamers will get European versions of the games.”
That’s it, no universal version for all the regions, just that there will be European versions for Europe.
Sure, knowing NoE this could just as well mean that there will be lockouts for VC contents (which would majorly suck!), but I’m not jumping the gun here… and as for GC games being region locked again: Gee, tell me something I didn’t assume already.