The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it. -- Terry Pratchett

The Daily ‘Shroom – 2/6/08

Assorted Mushrooms

  1. Newsbit: It seems that the role of Cover Girl in the GI Joe movie may have been cast, and if true, then it seems to be a matter of life imitating art.
  2. Newsbit: RIAA plans to cut artist royalties on digital tracks. This one pretty much speaks for itself.
  3. Newsbit: Looks like the long relationship between new live-action Star Wars and movie theaters may still continue.

Video Power

  1. Newsbit: Yet another unfortunate death with a vague relationship to video games.
  2. Newsbit: Props to Cheap Ass Gamer for their new campaign to donate games to the troops in Iraq.
  3. Newsbit: Want to go to WWE WrestleMania 24? How good are you at Smackdown vs. Raw 2008?

    Speaking of which, the franchise earned over one billion dollars over the holidays.

  4. Newsbit: First 4 Figures, makers of statues based on The Legend of Zelda, Metroid, TransFormers, and more, now has the license to Sonic the Hedgehog. And they aren’t going with the post-Adventure style, but rather are adopting the original oldschool designs.
  5. Newsbit: A study says that men get more out of gaming than women, but there are those who disagree.
  6. Newsbit: It’s possible that Super Smash Bros. Brawl might sell a million units by the end of the week.

    Speaking of which, GameTrailers has– you guessed it– more videos.

    It’s been revealed that the game will also take quite a bit of memory. My prediction is that people will rapidly begin to run out of room on their Wiis by year’s end.

    Smash Bros. DOJO!! reveals new Assist Trophies, plus a few we’ve seen before.

  7. Newsbit: Metal Gear Solid: The Essential Collection has officially been announced for a US release, but regretably, will be lacking in many features of its Japanese counterpart.

    Me? I just want the damn 2D games. Can I at least get downloadable versions here? Please?

  8. Newsbit: Coming soon to Xbox Originals: Sid Meier’s Pirates, Black, and Ninja Gaiden Black. Pirates vs. Ninjas, anyone?
  9. Newsbit: Grr… snarl… rip… tear… still no No More Heroes in Canada
  10. Newsbit: Drawn to Life on Wii? That’d be cool… I still haven’t even gotten to play the DS version yet, though.
  11. Newsbit: The new Famitsu shows off more of who we’ll see in Street Fighter IV.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

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