Points of Interest – 8/24/07
- Huh, I usually have a bit more here before I find myself at Racketboy’s page. Oh well.
As we all know, Wiis are continuing to sell out, and seem only to be hindered by availability. As a result, a lot of people who missed the GameCube era are now able to get their hands on some really good games, and many for cheap, as Racketboy’s list is kind enough to show.
- ScrewAttack.com opens up the vault again for another favorite of mine, Donkey Kong Country, a game that seemed to be Nintendo’s way of telling SEGA “so you want to dance? Then let’s dance.”
I still have that tape, too. And the soundtrack. And I was overjoyed when DK Jr. grew up for Mario Kart 64.
This is one time I agree with the SA boys, in that the hate for this game is undeserved. Sure, beneath its revolutionary graphics may be unrevolutionary gameplay, but the fact is, what it did, it did well.
Pity the cartoon was… well, I guess it wasn’t awful, but… see for yourself.
- IGN has begun a neat new feature with Donny Clay, the producer of Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3, as they now feature a developer’s blog on the site.
This week, he looks back on his favorite DBZ moment, which is one of my favorites, too.
- And finally (already?), mankind should take a lesson from our furry friends. After all, if they can get along…
–LBD “Nytetrayn”