The Daily ‘Shroom – 8/22/07
Hoo-boy, what a day. The worst part seemingly being that the damn links I posted in last night’s update didn’t even work most of the day. Thank YOU, WordPress.
Anyway, some decent stuff, my favorite being the Minesweeper movie, so check them out now if you didn’t get to before.
- DeLoreans re-enter production, right around the same time researchers seem to be getting a grasp on time travel.
Coincidence? Or stylish? I’ll tell YOU… in the future!
- It’s on Shakeycam, but thanks in part to
colley, we have our first footage of Power Rangers Super Legends. I love how reminiscient of Viewtiful Joe it seems in some ways, but not especially derivative.
Of course, were it me, I’d probably try and make the models seem a little more real than cartoony, especially the Zords. Not that I don’t like this, I’d simply have approached it another way.
- It’s rare that Canada gets something so delectable as the Death Note anime before America even knows where it’s going, but you can bet your third ass I’ll be enjoying every minute of it.
- Coming soon in Archie’s Sonic the Hedgehog: Enerjak Returns!
- TransFormers, more than meets your ear!
To put it another way, one good man has been kind enough to give a detailed look at Music Label Soundwave, as well as his headphone henchmen Rumble and Frenzy, thanks to the magic of YouTube.
In other news, it seems that an IMAX release of the movie is official, but nothing more on the talk of added footage.
From a Japanese trade show, it looks as though one of the greatest, mightiest, and most intelligent Autobots beyond all reckoning will make his spectacularly triumphant return to toy shelves! Who might this amazing automation be? Why, it could be none other than Sky Lynx, of course!
We have two looks at the Animated form of Megatron today, and they seem a little contrary, as we have a package from the upcoming DVD, showing a rather G1-like appearance, and then another in the form of a toy prototype, who seems to be shaped a bit differently.
Who will be the real Megatron? One? The other? Or both?
So first, Paramount expresses their desire to deal only in HD-DVD (versus BluRay). This news apparently upset Michael Bay to the point he said that there’s “No Transformers 2 for me!”
After a long, heartfelt talk with sobriety, however, it seems Bay is back on board.
No, I really don’t know how I feel about this. I guess I’d have to see just how badly someone might botch a TransFormers movie before I can definitively say Bay is the better choice, but I didn’t hate his work, either. I just wish it’d been easier to appreciate the robot aspect of it.
In other news, Monday was the celebration of the day that would change our future forever, as 30 years have passed since NASA launched the golden disk that Megatron stole in Beast Wars. Yes, it’s for real, you can even look it up.
And speaking of Beast Wars, there’s a new preview of the art in IDW’s upcoming sourcebook, which will look at every character in the series… and that means going beyond the Mainframe cartoon.
Elsewhere, stunned the fandom by apparently revealing listings for the TransFormers Encore series, which are Generation 1 reissues that recently came out in Japan. What makes this news really unbelievable is that Megatron himself is among the ranks. Strange indeed…
Good news for PS3-owning UK-based TransFormers fans: TransFormers: The Ultimate Edition of the 1986 movie will be on BluRay!
I’ve heard the Allspark referred to as an oversized paperweight before… and evidently, Popbox heard it, too.
- I’m not sure if this is new, but it’s new to me. Every other month, Hasbro picks five questions about their G.I. Joe line to be answered. And today, we have August 2007′s.
- For the past few years, the word “megaton” has been thrown around in regards to big video game announcements, but I think the real megatons are the ones coming from Smash Bros. DOJO!!, as I’m not familiar with any other game that can release tidbits of news that will consistently send the site into a bare crawl of movement, if even that.
And yesterday, Sakurai did it again by revealing just a bit more about the Subspace Emissary, and what it’s all about.
A weird guy with no hands called the Ancient Minister is hijacking parts of worlds, thanks to an army called the Primid, and devices called Subspace Bombs that are aremed and activated by rogue R.O.B. units, and they’re toolin’ around in Meta-Knight’s ride and sending Petey Piranha out to do the princess-kidnapping thing.
Just what in the world is going on around here?
On its own, I’ve been very apathetic to peoples’ desire to see Mega Man or a Belmont or whoever in Super Smash Bros. Brawl; I’ve nothing against it, but it wasn’t an outward desire, either (go figure), with the exception of Sonic.
Now, with this story developing, there’s a far greater appeal to the prospect of seeing all these great heroes together.
- Monday, Monday, Monday… Virtual Console Mondays, this week featuring the legendary Shinobi III for the SEGA Genesis, the Zelda-ish Neutopia for the TG16, and the almighty Super Metroid for the SNES.
Plus, in XBox Live Arcadia, Ecco the Dolphin has come along swimmingly.
Sounds like a winning week to me, let’s go to Toastyfrog, with the weather.
Looks good from here!
- Wow, I wonder what went wrong that lead to three broken arms in Atlus’ Arm Spirit arcade arm wrestling games.
…which are nothing new. I’ve seen them around for over a decade.
- This makes me wonder, “whatever happened to ‘Wii isn’t Next-Gen, it’s New-Gen’?”
- The King of Kong is beating its chest in theaters… well, here and there. Check out the premiere party, and after that, you can meet Doris.
In addition, if you’re like me and seemingly unable to see the movie in theaters… well, it’s little surprise, but the confirmation is a little nice to know that it’s coming to DVD as well.
- New Metroid Prime 3 movies show off the results of a pirate raid on the Valhalla, and Samus redefining extreme sports with Bowling for Space Pirates.
- If my Nintendo Power was faster in getting here, then I could probably bring you stuff like news on Super Mario Galaxy myself.
But at any rate, I’m glad to see more traditional Mario staples are going 3-D, making for an experience I’ve always wanted. That the game promises to be freakin’ huge doesn’t hurt, either.
- SEGA has launched their website for the upcoming DS title Sonic Rush Adventure, shedding a little bit of light on the story and the new characters, such as Marine, the raccoon girl with a bit of an Aussie accent that makes me want to head on o’er to Outback Steak House t’get me some grilled shrimp on the barbie. Mmm-mm.
Oh, right. And I hope the game is better than the first, which had some fun gameplay, but stage layouts annoying as a didgeridoo.
- I hope these Players Poll questions about Wii demos have something come to fruition sooner than later.
Like, say… maybe the 26th?
- Remember that Doritos/XBox game contest that began awhile back?
Well, looks like they’ve found their winners.
Seems that the whole thing might have been a crock, too.
–LBD “Nytetrayn”