Points of Interest – 8/15/07
- Intellivision circa 1983/84: True professionals, and a great company to work for.
- Speaking of places to work, only the hardcore can work for this company!
Thanks to
deathtosocrates for bringing that one to my attention.
- Figures.com got ahold of the SDCC-exclusive Classic Colors He-Man mini-statue/figure, and they’ve reviewed it, presumably for the benefit of anyone aiming to hunt eBay for this lovely item.
Plus, he’s doing what no He-Man figure I’m aware of is able: raising his Sword of Power into the sky! But that sword looks a bit crooked…
- Truth be told, the Reploid warrior Zero hasn’t died as many times as some may think (I’m looking at you, Mandi. If Zero dies in X3, then we might as well say X is dead at the start of X7).
As far as why Iris isn’t just given a new set of sparkplugs and a smack on the ass to send her on her sweet little way, the games have covered that resurrection of Reploids isn’t exactly… um, legal (for whatever reason, but the fact remains). Incidently, when characters are revived, it’s usually the bad guys doing it, even with Zero. And with him back, sometimes by mysterious means, I doubt it’d be cool to just off him again because he was already dead. It’s not like he brings himself back, either, so…
Of course, Mandi’s view on our world sort of conflicts with the Mega Man take on how things work, maybe even some stuff technology has done. As it is, robots, or at least Reploids, can die here. And, apparently, they can be brought back, perhaps more easily than a human, though in most respects, it seems the two lifeforms are very close in many ways.
And just because you can bring someone back to life… does that necessarily make it right to do so? I mean, sure, when the current guy in charge has run this organization into the ground, the idea has some appeal, but… is it right?
Just some things to consider.
- On a related note, I do agree with Matt’s linked article that being able to recall instructions for new moves would be a handy thing to put in the game.
- On another note, related to yesterday’s Super Smash Bros. Brawl update, Matt notes something I hadn’t considered.
I do hope the Devil, and maybe Tamagon himself, make it into our version of Brawl. I mean, come on, we’ve had worse. The demons and such in Ghosts n’ Goblins were worse than this, and even that doesn’t amount to much.
If there are collectible trophies here, I hope that maybe we get an extra Tamagon one to make up for his Melee omission. He’s just a little dragon, after all; it’s not like he’s the Devil.
- Retro Gaming takes a look at something unexpected today, as Racketboy instructs us in the art of prettying up your home with video game-inspired art that most anyone can do.
- Uh-oh.
ScrewAttack is back, and they’re looking at the top ten worst Mario games.
I have a feeling from that backdrop that there may be some friction here…
Naturally, I’m of the opinion that #9 is a lousy call. Did it feel like a lie back in 1988? No more than most other sequels of the day, and if it wasn’t revealed that Super Mario Bros. 2 was built on top of Doki Doki Panic, I wonder if that same complaint would stick.
This is what they mean when they say “you can’t handle the truth.”
Most people (myself included) have already voiced their differing opinions on Wrecking Crew, so I’ll leave that one alone.
#6 violates their own criteria (something they seem to do often enough) by including a game where you don’t play as Mario. Tsk, tsk…
And as for #1, Hotel Mario… a sequel to Super Mario World? I wonder if they aren’t confusing it with the abandoned CDi Mario title Super Mario’s Wacky Worlds?
- I realize that Uwe Boll is German, but what did the English language ever do to him to deserve this bastardization of it?
Oh, right. That.
- Last week, the question was posed as to whether or not Nintendo is doing enough to properly promote Metroid Prime 3. Seemingly in response, Nintendo launched a new Wii Channel dedicated exclusively to showing new trailers leading up to the launch.
And now, NoA’s Perrin Kaplan takes the issue straight to IGN in response to their recent editorial.
…”Metroid Prime 3 preview?” I can only hope that means a playable demo.
- Once upon a time, Sonic was supposed to be the cool character that kids would graduate to when they were finished with Mario, with more attitude to appeal to the tween/teen market, if I recall.
Looking at the comments, it seems that there is some common thinking towards a solution: kill everyone but Sonic and Eggman. You have to admit, that would certainly push the game back into “older” territory.
For more fun, here’s a look at the reactions of the Sonic fan community.
Elsewhere, it’s being said that the company’s newer direction, focusing on more western-targeted fare, is working for them.
Still, seems they’re really doing themselves a disservice by, well, dissing one their most longstanding and enduring franchise.
- MegaMan Star Force is finally out. So how’s it doing critically?
Not so hot, it seems. Despite winning over some of my colleagues, Pegasus and Dragon have only accumulated an average 62.3% Game Ranking each, with Leo curiously falling behind at 59.2%. Of course, the number of reports differs for each version, which could be a contributing factor…
- Ok, first things first. I hate spoilers, and I do try to avoid them at all costs.
That said, I am strongly of the opinion that as a promotional material, Nintendo’s Metroid Prime 3 Aurora trailer falls outside of the classification of spoiler. MAYBE it is, but I have a slight hunch this may fall closer to exposition we’ll see early in the game. Time will tell.
That said, out of respect for those who may feel strongly that it is a spoiler, I will not directly relate what the trailer shows. But, I have to say that I think that some websites may be hyping this piece of news inaccurately, and that the true revelation of the video could be much more exciting.
Fortunately, other sites seem to have a better idea. And incidently, I think this could actually reach much further than Prime 3.
–LBD “Nytetrayn”