"I not only use all the brains that I have, but all that I can borrow." -- Woodrow Wilson

The Daily ‘Shroom – 4/10/07

  1. Over at Nintendo, they’ve got three new Virtual Console titles in the form of Galaga for the NES, Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle for SEGA Genesis, and Bravoman for the TurboGrafx-16.

    But are any of them worth it?

    In addition, Super Paper Mario ships to stores, and ought to arrive over the next few days, depending on store/location.

    And so far, reviews are looking pretty good.

    Meanwhile, Circuit City promises to have it by 2pm today, else you get a $20 gift card. Now that’s what I call a good deal!

  2. Press The Buttons reports that XBox 360 now has a controller/keyboard hybrid.

    Curious. I question how practical it is.

  3. Evil Avatar/IGN reports on the Wii controls for the system’s version of the smash-hit Resident Evil 4, including features like the “search knife” and shooting, complete with reload sound from the controller’s speaker.

    Evil Avatar also has screens of the game in question, and Kotaku has some, along with Umbrella Chronicles.

    And Go Nintendo has taken the time to compare side-by-side screenshots of the Cube, PS2, and Wii versions.

  4. Evil Avatar has some new Ratchet & Clank screens from the PS3 game, and it is looking quite nice.
  5. An explanation of the Video Game Decency Act.

    …”Mature” is more “kid-friendly,” though? I mean, I guess moreso than AO, but still…

    After reading Joystiq’s take, I’m not sure how I feel on this, though. But I think I’m against it.

  6. At first, many ignored it. Uncertain. Untested. Perhaps gimmicky.

    But now that the Wii is a runaway success, publishers are scrambling to catch up.

  7. Vigilante justice is the best justice.

    Ok, maybe not so much in that exact manner, but police in Garner, NC, are offering quite the reward for anyone who turns in the mysterious tagger who’s been leaving “Ghost” marks all over town.

    $1500 and a choice of Wii, XBox 360, or PS3? Do I hear a mob forming?

  8. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess has a bug in it. Naturally, that can cause concern amongst the general gaming populace.

    But no worries, Nintendo understands.

  9. Finally, a GameStop Wii bundle worth looking at!

    In my opinion, anyway… that is, if I didn’t already have a Wii and Zelda.

    If you go for it, though, just make sure that you’re getting a real “new” game.

  10. But, if you want to avoid Twilight Princess spoilers, then avoid GameStop.

    Worse yet, there are indications that ruining the endings for people could become a monthly feature!

    Sheesh, no sense of decency, some people… I’d say between the bundle, open games, and spoilers, GameStop’s still hurting more than it’s helping. I think I might avoid EB Games for awhile, just to be safe. The main reason I ever went was in case a game I wanted had a bonus, and that never seems to happen for me, anyway. So no big loss.

  11. HOLD IT!!!

    Phoenix Wright, Ace Attorney 3 in September?!

    It’s still sort of rumorish at this point, but seems to be a somewhat-credible one.

    Could we really get two Ace Attorney titles in one year? Maybe, if they want to get caught up to Japan’s fourth installment quickly enough.

  12. Sometimes, even when you win, you still loseWeight Exercise.

    But it’s the winningest loseWeight Exercise ever.

  13. Uwe Boll thinks that 9/11 is funny.

    But it’s not. It hasn’t been 22.3 years yet.

    As a result, don’t expect to be seeing Postal here anytime soon.

    Woo, big loss. Unless of course you fought him and would now have a movie credit. But then again, from the way he set everyone up for those fights, probably still not a big loss.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

2 Responses to “The Daily ‘Shroom – 4/10/07”

  1. Syrg Says:

    13 – Random nitpick time! At least one of his critics had (much better) movie credits already. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1857215/

    Yeah, pointless to mention, but I always help out the Mega 64 dudes where I can. They are good people.

  2. Shinkuu Says:

    2. Whatever the case, I think it’ll be better than using the control pad to type, at least. I mean, heck, look how many people send text messages on their cellphones. I would guess that the QWERTY attachment for the 360 controller will take some getting used to, due to its size, but will overall be an improvement.

    3. It’d be interesting to see something that’s not a brand-new game, but a last-gen game getting remade for the Wii. Those little touches sound interesting. As for the side-by-side screen shot comparison… Is it just me, or do they look almost identical? It’d be nice if they tried to spruce up the Wii graphics a little, but I wouldn’t complain if they didn’t…

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