The Daily ‘Shroom – 2/14/07
Happy Valentine’s, everyone! At least, I hope it is.
And since this may be my last regular update for a time, I may be going out, but I’m going out in a blaze of glory!
- Ah,
gyakuten_saiban is always good for new info on Phoenix Wright and its foreign counterpart.
First up is a slight spoiler, that of a returning character in the fourth installment of the series. And I’ve fallen in love all over again.
Yep, they’re up to 4 there, while we only just got 2. Which leads to the next tidbit:
See, Capcom is trying to decide whether or not to bring the third game here. And to do that, they’ve asked us to make a comic showing your support for the series, “plead your case” if you will. You also get the chance to win some neat pins and figurines.
Seriously, though, they’d better bring out the other two here.
- You know they’ll deny it.
“They” being the RIAA, of course.
A recent study has shown that the effect of P2P on the legal sale of music is “not statistically distinguishable from zero.”
Not that they’d have you believe that. They think you owe them your first-born, too, one would imagine.
- In addition to the above, I also got word from
drneko that protection is a joke, in this case, on HD-DVD and BluRay.
Let’s face it, the only way you’re going to stop these people from cracking it is to pay them off.
- Looks like “easy money” from Sony isn’t so easy, after all.
In the LiveJournal of someone who wishes to remain anonymous (yes, “does not forgive,” we get all that), it was revealed that an e-mail was jokingly sent to Sony regarding recent statements:
Message from Consumer:
To whom it may concern:In a recent interview with EGM (Electronic Gaming Monthly) Magazine (found in the March 2007 issue),
SCEA President and CEO Jack Tretton stated that he would, and I quote:
“If you can find a PS3 anywhere in North America that’s been on shelves for more than five minutes,
I’ll give you 1200 bucks for it.”Well, at one store alone, a Fry’s Electronics located in Phoenix, Arizona, I have taken a picture of
a collection of PLAYSTATION 3 systems for sale. 47 of them to be exact.I would like to know how I can get in touch with Mr. Tretton so that he can pay me a bounty of
USD$56,400 for the 47 PS3 systems I’ve found.Thank you.
Surprisingly, Sony was kind enough to respond, and set the record straight:
Thank you for writing us.
We apologize for any confusion and thank you for your inquiry.
We are able to confirm that the comment in question was directed at the editor of Electronic Gaming
Monthly (EGM) and was merely said to demonstrate that the PLAYSTATION(R)3 computer entertainment
systems were selling out during the November launch time. It was not a challenge to the general
consumer.Additionally, we value your input and appreciate you bringing this to our attention. Please rest
assured that we will convey your feedback to Sony Computer Entertainment America’s (“SCEA”)
appropriate management. Again, we apologize for any confusion.If you have further questions regarding this message, please refer to your email case
number:(edited out for… I don’t know, security. Yeah, let’s say that.)Byron
Multimedia CSR
Sony Computer Entertainment America
Consumer Services DepartmentSo unless your name is Dan Hsu, you probably aren’t getting squat, no matter how many PS3s you find.
Sorry, Gabe and Tycho and America at large.
- Yes, I realize that pretty much everyone who took up Tretton on his offer was probably joking. But enough is enough, already…
- It’s never a dull day at The Allspark, where there’s always some new TransFormers tidbit coming up, with plenty of room to talk about it.
Today’s batch of news includes boxart for TransFormers Monopoly, Optimus vs. Megatron hoodies from Hot Topic, and a recap of an invitation-only screening of a few scenes of the upcoming movie, with a Q&A session with director Michael Bay.
- This news kind of blindsided me as my Wii lit up earlier, ushering in a new Wii channel, known as the “Everybody Votes” channel, where you set up Miis to register as voters in different polls, and allowing you to even predict the outcome, and see how many others predicted as you did.
An interesting concept to be sure, but a curious name. After all, it clearly should’ve been called “Wii Vote,” right?
More details on the channel are available here, but curiously, not on Nintendo’s website as of this writing.
- IGN never misses an obvious joke.
- So, the boss of Sony Computer Entertainment in the UK has gotten out of Dodge… or, um, whatever the UK equivalent would be.
This can mean only one of two things:
One is that he sees the impending launch of the PS3 as such an overwhelming success that to remain in his position would take away the thrill of the challenges he values in his executive career…
…or he sees the gathering storm, and doesn’t want to be associated with Europeans going to war to get their hands on potential.
- Four green turtles heard the news, changed to mutants by an ooze, with a game based on a movie, that’s just been previewed.
I’ve heard good things about the Prince of Persia games, but never really gotten to play. So of course it doesn’t hurt my feelings any that TMNT seems to borrow the formula for this one.
Best of both worlds!
- Hel-lo, dolly!
We’ve heard for awhile now, with nothing more than a logo to guide us, that Capcom and Inticreates have begun work on a follow-up to Rockman ZX (Mega Man to us gaijin) known as Rockman ZX Advent.
And today, that changes as Go Nintendo has brought forth the gift of scans!
In a most curious move, it seems that the protagonists from the original, Vent and Aile, will not be returning for this bout, but will instead be replaced by Grey and Ashe, who assume the form of the mysterious “Rockman Model A,” as they square off against the returning Pandora and Prometheus, respectively.
Unlike the almost too-similar pair of Aile and Vent, Grey and Ashe seem to have very different characters, with Grey taking the role of a youth who is awakened from a cryogenic sleep to be told he’s a failed experiment (I’m sure that’s just what anyone wants to hear first thing in the morning), while Ashe is a ruin hunter who… seeks out… lost technology. Why does that one sound familiar? Hmm.
Not a lot to say on gameplay so far, other than the fact that there are no signs of the fallen warrior Biometals from the first game.
Naturally, we’ll bring you more here as it comes.
- You’ll never see me attending one of these places. While I may be considered “hardcore” to some casual gamers (I don’t know this, I’m just imagining it as comparatively speaking from their standpoint), you’ll never see me in action at an event like EVO 2K7 unless it’s something like when baseball has some guy throw out the first pitch.
Nossir, not me. Not even since they added Super Smash Bros. Melee to the games represented.
However, that’s not to say I don’t look forward to what I hope may be some insane videos of people plying their craft against one-another.
- Good news! Nintendo updated the Mario Kart 64 download!
Bad news! It’s probably not what you think it is!
- The following may or may not have really transpired:
“Wow, that was some crash there. And your baby, my God. Are you alright?”
“Yeah, I think so.”
“Sure you’re ok?”
“You’re positive?”
People can be such jerks, I tell you.
Kotaku even provides a quote:
If he did it, this is dead wrong. If he didn’t, let’s find out who did it… I don’t know how to cope with it [the investigation]. Over 40 years (in business) and we never had this problem, never had a question ? ever.
It’s like the PS3 is the real-life equivalent of The One Ring or something…
- Yesterday, we reported that Kid Icarus ain’t “fighting Medusa Angels” no more.
Today, Joystiq brings you why.
And for added entertainment, check the comments for people sniping each other on the pros and cons of the argument.
- Major Nelson says that the XBox 360 already has an “A-Hole button.”
Gee, Major, if you feel that strongly about it, why not pass the memo on the Bungie, hmm?
- A Family Guy pic of Stewie and Brian, a dialogue, talk of the Halo movie… this has all the makings of a good news item.
–LBD “Nytetrayn”