Points of Interest – 2/14/07
- Not sure I covered this prior, but after seeing yesterday’s “How to save Sonic” article,
drneko found a piece from Racketboy describing how he got there in the first place, as well as his own idea of salvation.Either of which are better than some peoples’ idea of a solution:
SEGA is very lucky that they have a character who is able to maintain his appeal outside of the video game circle, thanks to cartoons and comic books, but they shouldn’t rely on that, as the home base of the franchise will always be the video games.They can afford to stumble a little bit, but unfortunately, most would agree that the last several games have been a string of shortcomings.
- He’s back, and he has expanded his horizons.Nintendo isn’t the only target any more.
GameTrailers has added the latest Angry Video Game Nerd video, wherein he sets his sights on the Atari 5200.
Oh yes. Beer will be drank, obscenities sworn, and something may even get broken. Lots of cursing, lots of laughs.
- RMC at Go Nintendo says to take him down to the Donkey Kong Country, where the grass is green and full of monkeys……oh won’t you please take me hoooome! o/~
Sorry. But I digress, I agree. Donkey Kong Country is one of my favorite parts of the Nintendoverse, and I’d definitely love to see more of it happen, by hook or by crook…
…just please, not by way of Donkey Kong 64.
- Pfft, breaking the sound barrier is old news.In Excite Truck, you can go so fast you can break reality itself.
…or just make the system freeze up.
- My favorite aspect of Wii Play: it’s only 10 dollars, once you subtract the remote.That, and I’ve become something of a minigame whore these days.
- Hoo-boy.Maybe Wii Tennis will encourage my children to play real tennis. But what if, when they pick up a real tennis racket, they’re so delusional about their ability that they walk away in frustration? The Wii is to sports what grade inflation is to academic achievement: it makes it so easy that everyone can play.
She’s absolutely right. It’s better that they don’t gain interest in anything and try it at all than possibly risk the chance they may not like it or do well at it.
I strongly suspect that Mrs. McBride is in fact an ostrich, and if faced with the above, would likely hide her head in the ground until you went away.
And since that can be considered a possibility, I won’t even bother with it.
- An interesting revelation.Lord only knows what this could mean or lead to, though. My prediction involves less liquoring up of ladies by men, and instead engaging them in Wii Sports for a few hours, and saving the booze for themselves.
Then again, maybe this is just geek chemistry.
- Ok, so I get most of my news from other sites.What’s their excuse?
- Paper Mario, Super Smash Bros., and the first six Mario Parties, to name a few.I could name many more. Damn this expensive hobby. Maybe I’ll write a feature, “Games I’ve Never Played and Why I Want To.”
Sound good?
- Hotel Dusk: Good game, or good novel?
- I want this on my bed.No, it’s not a woman.
No, it’s not a man, either!
- This is retarded. And that’s not a word I tend to take lightly.But seriously, cutting a rant like that? Newsflash, brainiac, games provide a series of challenges for the player. If the player has overcome, or “beaten” all the challenges, then it means he beat the game.
Any tool can “play” a game for a minute and accomplish absolutely nothing.
No wonder no one takes us seriously.
- You just know your movie based on a game sucks when you need a diagram to tell fans what’s what.No wonder no one takes game movies seriously.
- Banpresto, I love you.The question block seems like the most ideal way to cure stress; you can punch it. And just imagine if coins came out! I bet that’d relieve your stress as well.
That is, until you realized you just hit a block full of coins and your hand hurts like hell. But no one said the cure would be easy.
On a side note, one of those mushrooms would go dandy with my planned Otakon costume this year.
Speaking of Otakon, I saw these Super Mario Bros. computer mice being sold there last year. Actually, I think they were Series 1, with a Goomba.
- God help me, SOMEONE at Otakon this year is going to get plastered on this stuff, and I want to be there when it happens.*to security* “You can’tell me wha ta’ do! Ah’m CLOUD, dammit! I gots the sword, and the Materiashh… and YOU. You killed th’ Aerish… but jush yew wait… wait’ll I level up some more… *drinks*”
Yeah, fun times to be had…
- Because pictures are fun.
And as they say, that is a wrap! I hope I’ll get the chance to return to regular updates soon, thanks again for the support, and keep an eye out, because I hope to return soon.
–LBD “Nytetrayn”