"We've heard that a million monkeys at a million keyboards could produce the complete works of Shakespeare; now, thanks to the Internet, we know that is not true." -- Robert Wilensky

The Daily ‘Shroom – 1/9/07

  1. Gradius, Soldier Blade, and Dungeon Explorer hit Wii Virtual Console yesterday.
  2. Huh, so EGM and 1up.com are on the chopping block from Ziff-Davis? I wonder what that means for the future…

    …does ZD even have anything besides 1up and EGM? Well, Games for Windows, sure, but…

    Oh, ok, so they’ve got a few left.

  3. Whoa, I wasn’t expecting this… Press The Buttons reports that Blockbuster is ceasing video game rentals.

    I have no idea if this affects Canada or not, though.

    If it does, sheesh, guess it’s a better thing I got out when I did… though strangely enough, they carry a fair bit of Wii and PS3 wares around here…

  4. and that’s my heart stopping.

    Jack Thompson’s request sounds reasonable, though closer observation on my part may be needed before such a declaration is made in full. Still, it seems at least remotely positive…

  5. Dammit, Marvel’s Civil War #7 is delayed a month.

    This makes me unhappy.

  6. Arcade Fire, Neon Bible, March 6th.

    Posting this to see if my wife spots it.

  7. Oh Kaz, you wild card. No one cares what you think any more.

    Go Nintendo offers their 2 cents.

  8. Looks like SEGA has laid out their Virtual Console plans for the first quarter of the year.

    Um, wow guys… you’re really hammering them out, aren’t you?

  9. Quick, someone call IGA!!!
  10. This just in, Blu-Ray movie doesn’t work on Blu-Ray players… except for PS3.

    Nice. But it doesn’t matter, because they have an Emmy.

  11. If you live in Bellevue and like Mega Man, Onimusha, Dead Rising, or Lost Planet, you might want to get your ass to GameStop and meet Mr. Inafune.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

3 Responses to “The Daily ‘Shroom – 1/9/07”

  1. shinkuu Says:

    4. Well, that does sound like the most reasonable thing the man’s ever said, but I’m still a bit skeptical of the guy. But it’s true… rules and regulations have no merit unless they’re enforced. Still, is it the game makers’ responsibility?

    If game companies go through with this, they should make a similar request that Jack Thompson personally work at a movie theater and make sure no minors get in to see R- and NC-17-rated movies.

  2. BPM? Says:

    #3 – They just updated the article, FYI. Blockbuster isn’t stopping game rentals, but they won’t be running game retail shops anymore. Rhino has already been sold off to GameStop (sheesh, do they own every video game retail chain now?!), and Game Rush will cease function.

    #4 – Probably the sanest thing he’s ever done. But, still, like Shinkuu says, why not enforce similar actions with R/NC-17 movies? Or music CDs with Parental Advisory labels? Why are video games being singled out?

  3. Elkester/Gelg Says:

    4. Err. Maybe? But I think they kinda already do stuff like that. I’ve not bought an M-rated game without being carded. The issue is parents who keep buying these games for their kids and then balking at it.

    7. Because all anybody cares about is the number of hepa-flops and mega-triangles you can render in a scene. Pushing the envelope is throwing all your money into a massive machine that is, essentially, the same thing that you’ve been doing. You throw all your efforts into tech that has not yet been stabilized, wind up creating massive delays that wind up getting your tech old by the time you DO get it out.. and then you take pot shots at other guys for focusing on something a little less… asinine. Brilliant.

    10. … The sixaxis might actually be a FINE controller. But… *sigh* I feel a little better after reading the comments–Nintendo won the same award.

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