Points of Interest – 8/14/07
Tuesday, August 14th, 2007- Oh my God! That man is beating up those two kids!
Can they hope to turn this around?!
- A nice tribute to the 80′s, even if some parts are a little factually off (GI Joe ran a lot longer than that).
Also: needs more Silverhawks.
- Just what are the ten best video game remakes? That is indeed the question posed here, and the answers will vary depending on who you turn to.
I didn’t even know that Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland was a remake, and that makes it more enticing to me.
Super Mario All-Stars, I would love to see remade. That’s right, a remake of a remake. Take it to the next level, and bring us the classics with the technology of today.
In addition to Matt’s comments, I feel that Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X belongs as well, taking an excellent game, adding some new polish, mixing a few things up for spice, cohesion, and tension, adding a more integrated story, and best of all, a new playable character in the fan-favorite Vile, whose path through the game resembles X’s only in looks, but with its own brilliantly brutal touches.
Looking at many of these, as well as Super Mario 64 DS, it leads me to wonder if that talked-about remake of Donkey Kong 64 for the DS might be enough of an improvement to make it worth another look.
- So, maybe you think the Virtual Console is a good idea, but the state of some games, and the unpredictable releases don’t mesh well with your retrogaming needs. You want the genuine article, and to play the games you want, when you want.
As far as the NES goes, there are clones of the system available, but… which is the best for you?
- o/~ It’s (not) The Final Countdown~!
GameTrailers pulls out another Top 10, this time looking at the best comic book games.
Kudos to the GT crew for remembering that the Ninja Turtles count as comic book characters, even though the arcade games were based more on the old toon.
Now, if we can just get X-Men arcade, Turtles in Time, and The Punisher as downloadables…
- ScrewAttack.com’s Video Game Vault decides to raise a little… uh… act, as they look back at Actraiser for the Super NES, now available on the Virtual Console.
I always loved the way the guy carries his sword…
- Final Fantasy is all about contradicting itself, it seems. For example, take the name. “Final” Fantasy. As we all know, Square named it as such because it was thought to be the company’s last game, and it turned out to be far from it, creating something of a paradox.
“But,” one might suggest, “with each game a story unto itself and unrelated to any other chapter in the series, there is still some sense of finality to each game.”
And, in most cases, one would be right. But leave it to the most impactful game of the series, Final Fantasy VII as covered in part 5 of GameTrailers’ retrospective, to be contradictory to that as well, as it has ventured off into other directions that keep the story going, and perhaps will continue to do so for another 10 years.
- Only one thought comes to mind upon viewing this game: “Holy crap.“
- Shigeru Miyamoto tells Weekly Famitsu that “games should feel like games”, and that a game doesn’t need to be difficult in order to be a good time.
YES, thank you!! The second throwing your controller at the wall seems like a good idea (especially if you’re one to act on it), that’s when it becomes a bit much, I think.
- Next Generation has culled together a piece that looks at the 30 defining moments in gaming.
It’s a pretty good overview of things from the hobby’s humble beginnings to when “Wii” didn’t sound so silly any more.
What’s your defining moment in gaming? I’ve always enjoyed it, but I think first trying Super Mario Bros. literally changed my life.
- There are ten things that Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo won’t tell you that your console can do, and they don’t even involve playing games.
What are they? Orb has the answers.
- Sounds like The King of Kong might be worth seeing…
You can see a clip of it here.
…wow. Um… yeah, this guy’s got the whole thing figured out, doesn’t he?
- Destructoid takes on the indy game-music band The Minibosses in a special interview.
- Ah, weapons. Your best friend in many a game. And in many a game, your best friend turns out to be almost as strange as your best friend in real life.
But what are the best? Games.net explores this to find out the top ten unconventional weapons in gaming.
It’s somehow amazing that the top two aren’t reversed… though maybe I’m thinking more in terms of just being peculiar than being peculiar AND effective.
- This is interesting.
So a kid saves his dad’s life. What does he want in return?
A PlayStation 3.
I just wonder, was it offered, or what? It leads to other questions, like: what does the kid do if his dad can’t afford a PS3? Throw him in front of it?
Yeah, I actually think about this stuff.
- South Park season 10 will be on DVD very soon, and Kotaku managed to get a neat clip featuring some commentary for the “Make Love, Not Warcraft” episode, as well as some other comments regarding the Wii and atheism. Be sure to check it out!
And don’t forget, the DVD set comes with a free trial of throwing your life away!
- Camp Hyrule is back?!
Crap! Why didn’t I see any sort of notices?!
- Well, I guess this is one way to voice your hate for the system of your choice.
And at 13 years of age, too. This boy has a bright future ahead of him… that is, assuming the guard remembers to change the lights in his cell.
- As cool as this tattoo is, I don’t think I could do it. I’d probably go a much simpler route, like a Poison Mushroom on my arm or something.
Or an Autobot symbol. Maybe with Maximal on the other arm.
- David Jaffe, of God of War fame.
Uwe Boll, of… well, bad video game movie fame.
- Happy Birthday, Leisure Suit Larry!
Sorry it hasn’t worked out better for you.
Sheesh, miss one Weekend Wrap-Up after a slow week, and next thing I know, I’m up ’til 7:30 in the morning. What a world…
–LBD “Nytetrayn”