Points of Interest – 7/11/09
Sunday, July 12th, 2009- Joystick Division takes an interesting look at “5 of the Most Hated Games from Top Franchises.” My only real dispute is with Zelda II: The Adventure of Link; I can’t dispute that it is probably many peoples’ least-favorite of the series, but I personally love the game, and would love to see Nintendo make another like it– even if it’s not an actual Zelda title.
- If Super Mario Galaxy were on the NES, the box art might have looked a little something like this.
- Destructoid has an awesome look at video game-inspired cartoons, called “From the Console to the TV Station, part 1″.
Personally, I miss Pac-Man. Pac-Man cereal with Pac-Man cartoons– few things could have been better. While I doubt we’ll ever see the cereal again (no thanks in part to loudmouthed soccer-moms, I’m sure– even if there was a decision to bring it back, I bet they’d ruin it), I would at least like it if the TV show was released on DVD.
That goes double for Saturday Supercade. While I’m all for preserving the original format of the shows, my chief interests lay with Donkey Kong and Donkey Kong Jr.; all others are secondary. As such, if they divided up DVDs by game, I think I would be okay with that.
- Speaking of cereals, the above article links to a prior feature about that very thing.
Strangely enough, regarding the “Nintendo Cereal System,” I always preferred the Zelda berry to the Mario fruit, even if I would never admit it at the time (cereal politics are a strange and powerful thing, I’ll tell you). Never had Donkey Kong or Jr.‘s cereals, though, but it sounds like a good bowl of “Cap’n Crunch” makes for a good substitute.
- Sometimes, it’s easy to tell when someone is new to playing video games. Such as when they die from hitting the first Goomba, or calling things by the wrong names.
GamesRadar has put together a list of “Classic Mistakes Rookies Always Make,” though I’m not sure how agreeable I am with some, namely the very first.
I’ve rarely played any games with Quick Time Events, with Sonic Unleashed on Xbox 360 being the foremost example in my mind, and that one part ruined the entire game for me. I can get to the boss, but then it all goes down the toilet, as I’ll hit the buttons on screen, but either wind up with buzzing sounds or Tails telling me to “take it easy” as we’re being blown out of the sky. Easy for him to say– he can fly to safety!
If it were on Super NES, I’d probably do fine, though.
The “pressing the wrong button in menu screens” one seems like bull, too, given how many PlayStation games I’ve seen that seem to alternate the buttons.
Come to think of it, I’m starting to question if this list even holds any water.
- It would seem that after No More Heroes creator Goichi “Suda51″ Suda said that he’d like for Travis Touchdown to be in the next Smash Bros. game, that was enough to open the floodgates and get people talking about who they would like to see in the next installment, too. And among those are Official Nintendo Magazine and G4.
As it is, I’m more concerned with who might and might not be retained from Brawl; I wonder how likely an encore by both Snake and Sonic is?
–LBD “Nytetrayn”