"We've heard that a million monkeys at a million keyboards could produce the complete works of Shakespeare; now, thanks to the Internet, we know that is not true." -- Robert Wilensky

Archive for the ‘The Daily ‘Shroom’ Category

The Daily ‘Shroom – 1/29/08

Tuesday, January 29th, 2008

InFormers: Robots in the News

  1. Newsbit: The Japanese Encore Jazz figure is coming, and will not only get a new face (due to mold degradation of the old), but a companion as well, in the form of… Laserbeak?!
  2. Pics: New pics of an assortment of Japanese TransFormers, including Trans-Scanning, Encore, Revoltech, Henkei (Classics), and more.
  3. Newsbit: What better TransFormer to receive a bust than the bustiest one of all?

    …ok, that really just doesn’t feel right.

Assorted Mushrooms

  1. Newsbit: The New Kids on the Block are back? But… but they aren’t new… or kids… and they were on the block 20 years ago!

    Not that I really care, but can you really call it a comeback?

  2. Newsbit: GameSpite once more brings us this week’s new releases in DVD releases and those for video games.
  3. Newsbit: “1,500 Mexicans Needed for Dragonball Flick”


Video Power

  1. Newsbit: The Smash Bros. DOJO!! starts off this week’s updates with more a whimper than a bang, as Sakurai goes back over the different modes contained in the Vault.

    Tonight, we get the starting lineup of songs.

    And for the really curious who can’t wait, here’s the opening to Brawl, which reveals at least two unannounced characters.

    Me? Yeah, I watched. As I figured that any hidden characters revealed here would be known to me long before I ever got to unlock them.

    More videos reveal “Cooking Navi Song Gameplay”, an Assist Trophy montage, sticker gameplay, a trophy collection montage, and Smash Ball gameplay.

    And Go Nintendo has more, with the starting roster and stages, plus some spoilers, though “nothing major.” They also have a link to the American manual, character confirmations, DK’s story, Olimar Kirby, and the character select screen.

  2. Newsbit: Nintendo’s strongest, the million-sellers, have been revealed.
  3. Newsbit: Please, Nintendo, for the love of God, don’t bring back snaking for Mario Kart Wii. Why ruin a perfectly good experience?

    At least Boo might make up for it… wonder what that means for the Boo item, though?

  4. Newsbit: GameSpot’s credibility has been a bit… rough, as of late. Could a new editor-in-chief turn things around, or will his work be marred by the transgressions which came before him?
  5. Newsbit: Who ever thought the day would come when we would see Jack Thompson defending a game? All while declaring war on another, no less.
  6. Newsbit: Fox’s “sex”pert Cooper Lawrence tries to atone for her misdeeds, but does anyone care? Also: Sock puppet expressions.
  7. Newsbit: In case you’ve forgotten, here’s the rest of the crap surrounding Mass Effect and Fox to date.
  8. Newsbit: If HD-DVD should falter, what will Microsoft do? As it happens, they’ve been looking at Blu-ray all along.
  9. Newsbit: Speaking of which, Blu-ray lasers are becoming cheaper to produce– could a price drop result?
  10. Newsbit/Video: Added to Virtual Console this week: 1080 Snowboarding. Wow, that’s it?
  11. Newsbit: From Game|Daily, it sounds like Animal Crossing and Kirby are Wii-bound this year.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

The Daily ‘Shroom – 1/27/08

Sunday, January 27th, 2008

Ok, so a hectic schedule put me off-sides here for a couple of days, but we’re back!

InFormers: Robots in the News

  1. Pics: Out-of-box images of Movie Jetstorm and Wingblade have surfaced.
  2. Newsbit: Botcon.com has updated with a PDF of their new brochure for BotCon 2008, featuring a theme of “Shattered Glass” which has the potential to be pretty cool.
  3. Newsbit: For $70, you can get a Movie 2-pack from Wal-Mart.com, featuring Megatron and Nightwatch Optimus Prime.

Assorted Mushrooms

  1. Newsbit: As Jessica Alba prepares to become a mother in real life, it seems she’s interested in expanding that role into the third Fantastic Four movie as well. Lucky for her, there’s already an established precedent, and so the move would be rather natural.
  2. Newsbit: Want to work for a toy company? Well, from the sounds of things, you could do a lot worse than Mattel, who’s named in the Top 100 Best Places to Work.

Video Power

  1. Newsbit: Rumor, maybe? I’m not sure exactly how to mark this, but it doesn’t sound good, anyway. The Mega Man ZX series may just be shy of a third title. Worst part is the whole “ignoring America” part that seems to come natural to them in these situations.

    I ever mention how surprised I am we’re getting Bionic Commando, considering?

  2. Newsbit: Word from the Smash Bros. DOJO!! is that we’re finally getting Virtual Console demos, albeit in a rather strange, roundabout, and perhaps limited way.

    Interesting to note that Earthbound/Mother 2, a game without a VC release, is featured on the Japanese site, alongside a SFC version of Fire Emblem.

    Elsewhere, Japan has Wii demo kiosks now, and they’re loaded with Brawl. You can see some videos of these early encounters here.

    Plus, GameTrailers has the second part of their look at the New Challengers to appear in Brawl.

    And presumably to prevent spoilers (let’s all have a laugh at that one), the Brawl Player’s Guide has been delayed as well.

  3. Newsbit: In other Virtual Console news, it sounds like the SEGA Master System is joining the fun.
  4. Newsbit: It happened in Japan already, and seems to be poised to happen in total: The Wii is ready to eclipse the number of GameCubes sold through the latter’s lifespan.
  5. Newsbit: After falsifying testimonies of the content of Mass Effect, Fox claims to have attempted to invite EA onto their programming, only to be denied by EA– or at least ignored.

    EA says they just aren’t interested. And for good reason.

  6. Newsbit: The DS is getting a new color: Cobalt Blue/Black.

    I still need to get a Crimson/Black, myself…

  7. Newsbit: Good to hear that No More Heroes seems to be selling well on this side of the ocean.
  8. Deal: Ok, now I really need to make my move to get Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations… wait, that’s probably just in the US.


  9. Newsbit: Strange… I wonder why No More Heroes gets not only a later release date in Canada, but different boxart, too.
  10. Newsbit: Bad news, Pokefans: The Pokemon Center is closing at the end of the month.
  11. Newsbit: Oh, good, the new Turok game is going to have a patch so you’re not rewarded for killing your teammates any more.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

The Daily ‘Shroom – 1/24/08

Thursday, January 24th, 2008

InFormers: Robots in the News

  1. Pics: Trans-Scanning Optimus Prime looks alright, I guess. A little more “ShellFormer” than I’d like, though.
  2. Comic Preview: The Official TransFormers Collector’s Club has a preview of the upcoming TransTech-themed comic for you to partake in.

    For those who’ve forgotten, TransTech is what would have been the successor to Beast Machines, except that one bombed, and so we got the anime era instead. Whether this new “TransTech universe” adheres to that same background or not, though…

  3. Newsbit: Also, the Club has revealed the first wave of Classics 2.0, coming this fall.

    Deluxe sized figures are Sunstreaker, Prowl, and Tankor (better known as Octane). Joining them in the Ultra price range is Onslaught and Powerglide. They also showed an image of the upcoming Sunstreaker figure (the picture is for Club Members Only).

    Wow, sounds like Powerglide got an upgrade. And with Prowl in the mix, can BlueSilverstreak and Smokescreen be far behind?

    In addition, there are plans for a new Nightbeat and the long-awaited Seacon set.

Assorted Mushrooms

  1. Newsbit: Looks like the maker of the Thomas the Tank Engine wooden railway toys has agreed to a $30 million settlement over the whole lead-paint deal. In addition, there’s the promise of refunds/replacements, free toys, and new quality controls.
  2. Newsbit: The WGA has taken animation and reality TV off the table in their ongoing negotiations. Too bad for those writers…
  3. Newsbit: Just cannot wait to see Disney/Pixar’s Toy Story 3D?

    Plus 3-D re-releases of the original two movies… sort of makes me glad that I held off on buying them before, if this pans out to be worth it.

  4. Interview: Shia LaBeouf talks a little about Indiana Jones IV… and a little TransFormers 2 on the side.
  5. Newsbit: With Heath Ledger dead, how will this affect his future movies?

Video Power

  1. Newsbit: Solicitations for Sonic the Hedgehog #187, Sonic X #31, and Sonic Select vol. 1 can be seen now on Archie’s blog. If you can get in, that is.

    If you’re like me, and only get “Problem loading page,” you can check them out here.

  2. Newsbit: The bonus item for Apollo Justice? Not a stylus, not a plushie, but a neat Apollo Justice keychain! What better way to “object” to someone borrowing your keys? Or conversely, if you want them to use your keys, you can just point it at them and say “take that!”
  3. Videos: An interesting update at Smash Bros. DOJO!!, as a 4-player test battle between Kyoto and Tokyo (ever notice the two are sort of anagrams?) has been recorded, showing the performance of a connection of about the same distance as Las Vegas is from Los Angeles.

    GameTrailers, meanwhile, provides a second match.

    Of course, living in Toronto with the bulk majority of my friends being Stateside (or perhaps a further distance than the cities named above), I hope the connection still holds up. Fortunately, I think it was said somewhere that Brawl is a little more deliberately paced than Melee, so hopefully that helps.

    As a bonus, here’s five minutes of more varied Brawl footage. GameTrailers shows off the Home Run Contest, with a nice day-to-night-to-day effect going. There are also two new Japanese TV spots.

    Still want more? Seems someone must’ve gotten ahold of the full version of the Brawl “Angel Island” theme from Sonic 3.

  4. Video: In case you weren’t sure about this week’s release of the Super NES version of Super Street Fighter II on Virtual Console, now you can see it in action.
  5. Newsbit: Bravo to EA for calling Fox’s asses out on this ridiculous Mass Effect story that’s been circulating.

    So what happens? Fox blows them off.

    You know, I bet if Fox isn’t willing to work with this, Warner Bros. or MSNBC might be more interested…

  6. Newsbit: Meanwhile, the shrink who appeared as the driving force of the segment has had her book bombed with bad reviews, conversations, and taggings.

    On a related note, gotta love Game|Life’s screengrab. I wish I’d thought of that.

  7. Newsbit: I hate the fall that video game manuals have taken. Once upon a time, so many of them were awesome, almost an experience outside of the game itself. Then, things began to change…

    Contra 4 has acted heavily in favor of classic booklet design, and it appeared No More Heroes was set to follow… but dammit all, it was only to be in Japan.

    Damn you, Ubisoft, you cheap bastards!

  8. Newsbit: Reminder for all you Xbox Live folks out there, don’t forget your free download of Undertow.
  9. Offer: Joystiq has a deal where you can get one free year of EGM.

    But it’s only for US readers. Nuts to that. NUTS, I say.

    …I’ll just have it sent to my dad’s. He’ll read it, I’m sure.

  10. Newsbit: A bit of awesome that I hope we get to see is Ben “Yahtzee” Croshaw’s three shorts produced to present winners at the Game Developers Conference.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

The Daily ‘Shroom – 1/23/08

Tuesday, January 22nd, 2008

InFormers: Robots in the News

  1. Pic: An image has popped up of the Premium series Movie Megatron in his box. Now you know what to look for.

Assorted Mushrooms

  1. Newsbit: In an unbelievable bit of news, Heath Ledger is dead. RIP, Joker, RIP.
  2. Newsbit: Come now, you didn’t think they’d even CONSIDER releasing a Speed Racer movie without some toys to back it up, did you?
  3. Newsbit: Or Cloverfield, for that matter?
  4. Newsbit: GameSpite brings us this week’s latest DVD releases.

Video Power

  1. Coupon: No More Heroes is out now! And God, I wish I could get it. But, for those of you who can, here’s a coupon for EB Games/GameStop you can print out and use for 10% off, though I doubt it’d work in Canadia. Oh, sure, you could probably get one of the other games out this week… but why would you want to?
  2. Newsbit: Available this Thursday: The Devil May Cry 4 demo, on Xbox Live and PlayStation Network.

    Pfft. Demo? For a sure-to-be hit game? How absolutely absurd. Right, Nintendo?

  3. Newsbit: Not to be outdone, a Metal Gear Solid 4 demo should be along shortly, too.
  4. Newsbit: GameSpite brings us the latest in video game releases: Besides No More Heroes, the week is good with Burnout Paradise, Advance Wars: Days of Ruin, Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games for the DS, Endless Ocean, and… um, One Piece: Unlimited Adventure.

    Oh well, those are still good odds.

  5. Newsbit: March is when you can get Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters for the PS2 that you probably own, rather than the PSP that you probably don’t.
  6. Rumor: Q: Is Ninja Gaiden II going to be released on the PlayStation 3, as revealed in the newest EGM magazine?

    A: No.

  7. Newsbit: Maybe the Game Boy isn’t dead yet.
  8. Newsbit: You know me, I don’t think much about what analysts usually say. But this one did interest me a little. Michael Pachter says that the Wii will loseWeight Exercise its momentum when the PS3 reaches $300, in about another year.

    Be interesting to see if it does indeed drop that far. On the other hand, what’s to stop the Wii from dropping in response?

  9. Newsbit: Maybe releasing it in white will help?
  10. Newsbit: Still don’t care about analysts, or EA Sports, or that the sales seem to be dropping a bit. I’m only posting this for the attached picture.

    Have a nice day.

  11. Newsbit/Music: Smash Bros. DOJO!! brings us two updates tonight: The first is “Mushroomy” Kingdom, a stage based on the first level of the original Super Mario Bros., but a little grimmer now:

    The kingdom you once knew has turned to ruins over the long years, and it is now your battlefield.

    You’ll get to enjoy a wide range of familiar structures. Also, since the stage slowly scrolls sideways, battles here will require you to come up with a very different strategy for winning.

    And on occassion, selecting this stage will take you to 1-2 instead. I can’t wait!

    The other update complements the first, giving us the Super Mario Bros.Ground Theme.” Interesting… should be neat to see how the two work together. Hopefully, 1-2 will sport its own remix…

  12. Newsbit: Can you imagine using your DS to guide you through Disney World? It could become a reality… and how cool would that be? Almost be like being inside a game itself.
  13. Newsbit: “Fan-made Charles Barkley RPG sees full release.”

    I simply do not believe there is anything worthwhile that can be added to that.

  14. Newsbit: Congrats to 1up’s former newshound Patrick Klepek for getting on board at MTV Multiplayer.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

The Daily ‘Shroom – 1/22/08

Tuesday, January 22nd, 2008

InFormers: Robots in the News

  1. Newsbit: Could it be true? Masterpiece Grimlock? Sign me up if it is!
  2. Pics: Some new images of Premium Movie Optimus Prime, including close-ups of the head and sword.
  3. Pics: Plus, pics of several other Premium figures, including Bumblebee, Barricade, Jazz, Blackout, Ironhide, and Battle Damage Voyager Optimus Prime.
  4. Pics: And as if that weren’t enough, some comparison shots of Animated Megatrons, one from the Battle Begins two-pack, and the other being the Voyager version.

Assorted Mushrooms

  1. Video: WWE has now debuted in HD, and last week, DX had a few comments regarding the transition. (Might have to use IE to view, I did.)

    …I wish I had HD.

  2. Newsbit: Remember the C.O.W. Boys of Moo Mesa? Looks like they’re hitting the comeback trail.

Video Power

  1. Newsbit: Smash Bros. DOJO!! kicks off the week’s updates with the shared Final Smash of Zelda and Sheik, the Light Arrow.

    And inadvertantly(?), they let slip the identities of three unannounced characters in the game.

    Today’s update reveals a very unique addition to the items in the Pokemon known as Manaphy. This should be very interesting indeed…

    Plus, a new chapter of Iwata Asks, this time focused on… well, you figure that one out.

  2. Newsbit: New to Virtual Console this week are Adventures of Lolo 2 for the NES and Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers for the Super NES.

    Has anyone bought all these Street Fighter II downloads yet?

  3. Newsbit: Now is the time to cast your vote for the best Xbox Live Arcade games of the year, with winners to be announced at the Game Developers Conference in February.
  4. Newsbit: The Guitar Hero III Wii replacement discs should be heading out in February.
  5. Rumor: Could Factor 5, developer of Rogue Squadron and Lair (among others) be working on a Kid Icarus game for Wii?

    I really am unsure how I feel about this.

  6. Video: SEGA has revealed a new trailer showing off some of the Superstars in SEGA Superstar Tennis, with much love to the oldschool Sonic fans near the end.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

The Daily ‘Shroom – 1/20/08

Sunday, January 20th, 2008

InFormers: Robots in the News

  1. Newsbit: You can now “rent” TransFormers: The Movie on iTunes.
  2. Newsbit: Can’t wait for the next ep of TransFormers: Animated to air on Cartoon Network? Time-Warner on Demand has got you covered.
  3. Pics: New official pics of Revoltech Hot Rodimus and Starscream.

Assorted Mushrooms

  1. Newsbit: Sad news to kick things off, as the co-founder of Wham-O toys is no longer with us. R.I.P., Mr. Knerr, and thanks.
  2. Pics: New pic of all four NECA Ninja Turtles, plus a pair of fake “traditional” variants.
  3. Newsbit: Anything for a buck, it seems, as Time Warner is said to be looking into limiting bandwidth and charging additional fees for data that runs over the alloted amount.Downloading a high-definition movie could cost users an additional $30 if they are already over their monthly limit bandwidth.…well, hell, why not just buy the disc? I don’t see how this will help usher in an age of digital distribution…

Video Power

  1. Newsbit: Capcom’s at it again, looking for people in the SF Bay area to come out and see what they’ve put together this time. “Top seekrit?” Couldn’t have anything to do with Bionic Commando, could it?
  2. Newsbit: If you’re going to be in Japan around 2/15, you might want to swing by the AOU 2008 Amusement Expo and give Street Fighter IV a whirl.
  3. Newsbit: So, that free Xbox Live Arcade game that people will get as a result of the Xbox Live downtime? Undertow, a game which sounds like it’s had a few people download it already……but, lucky for me, I’m not among those ranks. I sorta would’ve preferred Pac-Man Championship Edition, but I won’t complain.
  4. Pics: Could these really be the first pics of the next DS Castlevania game?
  5. Newsbit: Remember when Wal-Mart recently slipped up and mispriced a bunch of upcoming games, such as Super Smash Bros. Brawl? No one thought they’d make good on it, especially after cancelling all those orders, but as it turns out, they decided to make some good on it.Sort of makes me wish I’d gotten in on that action.
  6. Videos/Preview: Three new trailers for the “Penny Arcade Game.”Xbox Live doesn’t have a demo for this yet, do they? Anyway, Game|Life has a preview.
  7. Rumor: This just in: Could it be? The Boss says it’s still just a rumor, but with a good source on it… Factor 5 developing a Kid Icarus title for Wii.This will be awesome if true.
  8. Newsbit: More and more and more questionable info on Super Smash Bros. Brawl from the World Hobby Fair.
  9. Newsbit: Way to go, Activision. As if we didn’t have enough spam problems already.
  10. Newsbit: It appears that Circuit City is offering an enticing deal on Super Smash Bros. Brawl, along with the promise of more Wiis coming. Pity we don’t have those in Canada… though we do have “The Source by Circuit City,” but I doubt they’d honor it. If they even got the game in a timely fashion.And even if we did have Circuit City, no promises that they’d have the same deal. Frustration….on a related note, no buzz over a preorder bonus yet. Pity, that. I’d be happy with a soundtrack CD, or an art book full of renders and such, or maybe a small trophy as per the game.
  11. Newsbit: New info on SEGA’s answer to Nintendogs, SEGA Dream Cats. I’d probably go for this, except I have two of my own already…

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

The Daily ‘Shroom – 1/18/08

Friday, January 18th, 2008

InFormers: Robots in the News

  1. Pics: New pics of Japan’s Classics are now available on Amazon.co.jp for all to see! Optimus, Megatron, Starscream, Grimlock, Bumblebee, and Mirage, reporting for duty!

Assorted Mushrooms

  1. Preview: The Official TMNT Web Site has posted a preview for Tales of the TMNT #42.
  2. Newsbit: In other news: Cloned meat is safe to eat!
  3. Newsbit: Looks like there are three men in the running to play Duke in the G.I. Joe movie.
  4. Video: Goku’s actor (from the Dragon Ball movie) “hopes he does a good job.”

Video Power

  1. Newsbit: Smash Bros. DOJO!! closes out this week of sadness with an update about sticker power-ups.

    Regarding the delay, rumor is that manufacturing issues are the culprit.

    And GameTrailers presents a new video that explores the details and origins of New Challengers Pit, Snake, Sonic, and Wario.

  2. Newsbit: Fans of toys and Gears of War are in for a treat, as the two finally converge, thanks to NECA.
  3. Newsbit: One part Paper Mario, one part Second Life, and one part Mega Man, and what do you get? Daletto World, that’s what!
  4. Newsbit: A lot of people are buzzing about the now-officially announced remake of Bionic Commando, which has now been officially titled for the US release Bionic Commando Rearmed. Can’t wait… this is how you relaunch a franchise.

    IGN also has a little Q&A time with Producer Ben Judd and Simon Viklund, creative director at GRIN, about the remake.

  5. Website: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Kombo!
  6. Newsbit: This Sunday at Nintendo World in New York, they’re holding a launch event for Advance Wars: Day of Ruin. Go, play… have fun!
  7. Newsbit: Ah, someone out there IS listening… Alex Kidd is now confirmed for SEGA Superstars Tennis.
  8. Newsbit: Replacement Big Daddies from the special edition of BioShock are starting to show up, so keep an eye on your mail if you filed for one.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

The Daily ‘Shroom – 1/17/08

Thursday, January 17th, 2008

InFormers: Robots in the News

  1. Newsbit: Looks like an upcoming IDW comic will be All Hail Megatron, wherein they explore what would happen if the Decepticons came to Earth with no Autobots to stop them.

Assorted Mushrooms

  1. Newsbit: Damnation. CBR reports that the Justice League movie has officially been shut down.
  2. Newsbit: Another WWE horror movie is on the way, this time starring Rey Misterio. This one isn’t even getting a shot in theaters, is it?

Video Power

  1. Newsbit: Condolences go out to the friends, family, and coworkers of Mark Haigh-Hutchinson, the Metroid Prime series senior engineer who passed away yesterday at the age of 43.
  2. Newsbit: More Smash Bros. DOJO!! brings more Pikmin & Olimar; specifically, their Final Smash.

    Pretty clever, really. It practically works a story element into the moveset.

    Bonuses today include another Japanese commercial, updated character info, Snake’s moveset, and a translation of the Famitsu review.

  3. Newsbit: Nintendo has been kind enough to provide a list of several upcoming releases to be expected through 2008.
  4. Newsbit: Want to learn more about your favorite games and franchises? Game Makers, the former G4 show Icons, is a good place to see it in true Biography style, and according to Press the Buttons, there’s going to be a big block of episodes coming on this Saturday.
  5. Newsbit: While the PS3 and 360 are getting Soul Calibur IV and the Wii is stuck with Soul Calibur Legends, there’s a chance that Wii could still get a traditional game somewhere down the line.
  6. Newsbit: The Plaintiffs’ lawyer in that class-action suit against Microsoft for the Xbox Live failures insists that they aren’t just in this for the money. Um, yeah, sure. I think they should just take their damn free Arcade game and like it.
  7. Newsbit: Oh, this is just too good. Too, too good. Not only are we getting a new Bionic Commando sequel, but PSN and Xbox Live Arcade will both be getting a remake of the original, featuring 3D graphics, 2-player co-op, secret locations to uncover, and some story connections to the new game.

    To quote Peter Griffin, this is freakin’ sweet.

    Oh, and the title for the game is Bionic Commando: Master D Revival Plan (which is known in Japan as Top Secret: Hitler’s Revival).

  8. Videos: IGN Retro looks back at editor hijinx of years gone by.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

The Daily ‘Shroom – 1/16/08

Wednesday, January 16th, 2008

InFormers: Robots in the News

  1. Newsbit: Finally, a look at the Japanese version of Classics Starscream (who is as G1 faithful as one might expect), among other Japanese TF news, including the return of Omega Supreme!
  2. Newsbit: Diamond Select Toys is bringing busts based on the Datsun-Z trio of Prowl, Smokescreen, and Bluestreak.

Assorted Mushrooms

  1. Newsbits: The 5th turtle gives a peek at some results of last week’s 25th anniversary/Publishing meeting at Mirage.
  2. Pic: first fight scene image from the Dragon Ball movie seems… I dunno. There’s plenty of orange…

Video Power

  1. Demo: As promised, Capcom has delivered a Flash-based “Mock Trial” demo of Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney.
  2. Newsbit: Still want more Ace Attorney action? Del Ray is happy to oblige with a North American release of the Gyakuten Saiban manga!
  3. Website: Rockman Perfect Memories has a new layout up, and several new features to go with, so check it out!
  4. Website: Speaking of site revamps, AMN is soon going to become Kombo.com, so that’s where you’ll be finding me when I’m not doing this or trying to earn money.
  5. Newsbit: Smash Bros. DOJO!! finally confirms a longstanding question: Is Shiek in the game?

    In related news, Sakurai will be delivering the postmortem at GDC… weeks before we even get the game (along with speeces for Wii Fit and Wii Ware by other developers).

    But, at least we know that Famitsu has given it a perfect score… but then, I wonder how well you can trust a score on an incomplete game?

    On the upside, GameTrailers has some new videos to help pass the time.

  6. Newsbit: SUDA-51 would love to make another No More Heroes game, but while he’s waiting to see where that goes, he has some other projects in the works.

    In the meantime, give No More Heroes a look when it comes out!

  7. Videos: GameTrailers has added a ton of videos for Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword.
  8. Videos: There are also new videos for Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity, including the opening cinematic.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

The Daily ‘Shroom – 1/15/08

Tuesday, January 15th, 2008

InFormers: Robots in the News

  1. Blogging: Simon Furman drops us a small teaser in his blog for this week’s TransFormers: Devastation #4, with a loving reference to an old Marvel story.
  2. Pics: New images are up for Premium Movie Optimus Prime.
  3. Newsbit: To our friends across the pond, TransFormers: Animated will be hitting the UK, France, and Germany.
  4. Newsbit: Looks like Real Gear wave 5 is out.
  5. Pics: New back-of-the-box pics for Wingblade and Jetstorm, the latter of which being a Decepticon mold now.
  6. Newsbit: Coronation Masterpiece Starscream: the worst comedy of all.

Assorted Mushrooms

  1. Newsbit: This week’s DVD and game releases, courtesy of GameSpite.
  2. Newsbit: Good news for Boba Fett fans: He’s not only a part of the Star Wars TV show, but has been dubbed “instrumental” to it.
  3. Interview: IGN has a few words with actress Julie Benz about Punisher: War Zone.
  4. Newsbit: Word is that the final Harry Potter book could wind up split into two films.

Video Power

  1. Newsbit: First Ghostbusters, now Highlander?
  2. Newsbit: Oh god, Nintendo, why?

    Smash Bros. Dojo brings this grim tiding:

    Due to delays in the completion of Super Smash Bros. Brawl, we?ve had to change the release date of the game to Sunday, March 9th.

    I deeply apologize to the people who have looked forward to playing the game for so long and ask that you hold on just a little longer. Thank you for your patience.

    Geeze… the worst part is that it’s not a simultaneous delay/release, and so that means my blackout period is going to be greater. Yeah, that’s right… I’m cutting off a chunk of stuff I access between the Japanese and US releases so that I can hope to still see SOME surprises in the game. Which means no Game|Life, it seems. I’ll get someone to test the waters…

    Japan’s delayed too, but only for five days… what the hell?

    Anyway, here’s the updates for the week thus far.

    First up is Challenge Mode, where many of said surprises are kept behind windows, with clues as to how to unlock them. In addition, you’re given golden hammers which can bust some open, though it’s recommended they’re saved for challenges you just can’t beat.

    Which is great, as with something like that, maybe I’d have Final Destination in Melee. On the downside, it says that hammers don’t work on everything… which seems a little absurd to me. If you’re unable to unlock it, and the hammer doesn’t work, you’re pretty well screwed.

    Incidently, I wonder if hammers can be earned.

    Tonight’s update features the Distant Planet stage from Pikmin, and it looks quite awesome.

    And apparently, there’s still more info coming out of the World Hobby Fair. Hard to say how legit it is, given some info in there (such as denial of a delay).

    Plus, it seems that the CoroCoro talk of Zelda being able to change to Sheik was a falsehood. Not to say she can’t, but that it wasn’t mentioned there.

  3. Newsbit: …this was not something I expected to read today:

    “Castle Wolfenstein Director Arrested for Manslaughter”

    Among other things, you just KNOW the media will probably have a field day with this.

  4. Newsbit: Nintendo has hired some new people for the Bay Area offices, one of whom will be replacing Perrin Kaplan as VP of Marketing & Corporate Affairs.
  5. Pics: Sure, there are new LEGO Batman screens, but I’m more interested in video on this one. It’s less about how they look and more about what they do here.
  6. Newsbit: Hey-hey, Factor 5 is back with Nintendo! Maybe they’ll make something good this time.
  7. Newsbit: An ironic twist. Been wondering what’s up with the status of Xbox Live? Tough. Microsoft can’t say, thanks to that idiot lawsuit those wankers in Texas filed. Way to go, guys.
  8. Newsbit: Next month, Nintendo Power has exclusive info on a new RPG that’s coming, but say nothing more, except that “maybe they’ve already told us.”

    If I had my issue, maybe I could speculate.

  9. Newsbit: Ever wanted to come up with an Achievement for an Xbox 360 title? Ninja Gaiden II could be your chance.
  10. Newsbit: You’ve got the guitars, the drums, and the mic. What more could your Rock Band need?

    How about a stage kit?

  11. Videos: New to Virtual Console this week are Riot Zone for the TurboGrafx16, and Pac-Attack for the Super NES.
  12. Website: Street Fighter IV‘s official site has gone live.
  13. Newsbit: Preorder Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games for the Nintendo DS at GameStop, and you get this cool pin for the order.

    Um… if someone doesn’t want theirs, can I have it?

  14. Newsbit: Could the new Rockman/Rockman X 20th Anniversary book be hinting at a new chapter in the Classic series?
  15. Newsbit: Go Nintendo has begun its Bionic Commando petition in an effort to get the new title brought to the Wii.

    Spread the word!

  16. Video: Someone claims to have a beta (courtesy of his dad, who works for Hudson) of New Duck Hunt on the Wii, which you can see here.

    Wow, I hope this is real. But it probably isn’t, all things considered.

  17. Newsbit: Wow, not only did Canada get royally boned on the Rock Band release date, but we’re getting extra boned on the replacement guitars, at least compared to the US, what with the free games and all.

    Typical. Not like Canadians are people or anything too, right?

–LBD “Nytetrayn”