There is absolutely no inevitability as long as there is a willingness to contemplate what is happening. -- Marshall McLuhan

The Daily ‘Shroom

  1. GameSpot finally gets to the bottom of the whole Wii region coding debate.
  2. GameTrailers has yet more Wii video footage:

    On stage Virtual Console, Mii channel, and internet functionality demonstrations(3 Trailers), and Sonic and the Secret Rings “Dino Jungle”(GamePlay).

  3. EA to challenge Tony Hawk?

    Pfft, who cares? I want KONAMI to challenge Tony Hawk. Bring back Skate or Die.

    We want Lester!!!

  4. Crap.

    Hey Shinkuu, bad news. I think our little party has just been cancelled.

  5. “You have your HD DVD in my BluRay!”

    “You have your BluRay in my HD DVD!”

    “Would you two just shut up and get out of my standard DVD?”

    “Guys, guys, can’t we all just get along?

LBD “Nytetrayn”

6 Responses to “The Daily ‘Shroom”

  1. Shinkuu Says:

    1. Hmm, I don’t know. It appears this was posted on the 14th, and I actually recall reading this very article (even linked to it in my journal) and it doesn’t seem to have changed. I think this may be old news, before Nintendo busted back out to say “WAIT NOT IT’S NOT REGION FREE.” And wasn’t a bit of this quoted in an article you linked yesterday on the same subject?

    But well, I’m still pretty confused on what the “final word” is. While it would be nice to have region-free games, even just first-party, I won’t be holding my breath.

    4. Crap. Well, I’m not going to bother preordering. If Nintendo’s getting the numbers they say they’re getting ready, I think I should be able to just pick one up at a Best Buy. Wouldn’t it be funny if the system I preordered months in advance took almost half a year to get to me, but a system I didn’t preorder was available on lauinch day?

    But yeah, I guess this means no launch party… But you know, they never even mentioned the words “launch party” to begin with, so I’m still holding out. You never know what’ll be up their sleeves! I’ll just try to keep my schedule flexible.

    5. PRAISE THE GODS. An idea with some sense. You know, they could have simply played nice frmo the start and decided on a single format. Now, with hybrid drives in the works, I wonder what will happen to single-format players. Suddenly your PS3 will only play half as many movies as some other players on the market? Ouch.

  2. LBD Nytetrayn Says:

    4) Well, I thought there might be something special going on, but I figured the “party” in question could at least be us getting together for the launch and getting our systems.

    Damn, how often does something like this come around, y’know?

    LBD “Nytetrayn”

  3. Shinkuu Says:

    Yeah, it is disappointing… Well, I guess we’ll see, right? Even if we can’t get together for our own personal launch party, it’ll be cool knowing we got our systems at the same time! And playing online when the right games come!

  4. egg Says:

    (2) — The Jungle stage in Secret Rings is so embarassing. I’m infuriated at the thought that people still think the game is better than Sonic Next.

  5. PeteyEks Says:

    2 – Is it safe to assume that Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past with be on the virtual console? That’s going to be a hot seller, definately. I own the damn thing and will be willing to shell 8 bucks for that.

    4 – I’m definately glad to see such a large amount of people interested in the system. Seriously, one of my friends (who is H-O-T, btw :P ) came into my place of business to buy a Macbook and we somehow got into a conversation as to how the Wii will rock. I would have never guessed that she would be intrigued by the new control scheme and virtual console. Good job Big N, you gave me a reason to marry this woman.
    5 – So they’re pretty much pulling a DVD+R/DVD-R. Go figure :P

  6. LBD Nytetrayn Says:

    PeteyEks> 2) I imagine sooner if not later.

    4) Congrats. :)

    LBD “Nytetrayn”

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