First Blu-Ray Titles Delivered — But Who’s Watching?
Oh, my bad. I thought there was a non-Sony Blu-Ray player out already.
“Sony delivered its first high-definition video discs in the Blu-ray format to retailers Tuesday — 15,000 units each of seven titles, including Hitch, 50 First Dates, Underworld: Evolution, and The Terminator. The only problem is that no players are available yet on which to play them, and it’s unclear what the retailers will do with the discs before the players are available. DVD-oriented websites that have been able to preview the new discs reported that the technical quality of several of the films is disappointing (they praised the quality of 50 First Dates, however) and questioned whether a market for them could be created given the initial high cost of the players. Samsung has indicated it plans to be the first to introduce a Blu-ray player next week for $999, while Toshiba has already begun selling its rival — and incompatible — HD DVD players for half that amount.”
Guess I mistook the DVD-oriented site reports as being regular consumers.
Wow. I guess that’s one way to create demand… or not…
LBD “Nytetrayn”