Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.-- Dr. Seuss

What Could Have Been, What May Yet Still Be

So, I evidently missed something [info]kanuckles had spoken of on IRC in regards to a title I’m sure some of you have heard about, the ill-fated, rather controversial 3-D Sonic title for the SEGA Saturn, Sonic Xtreme.

Well, egg(no caps) linked me to a Google video depicting a level from the game called “Red Sands” being played through. Upon further inspection, there are videos for “Jade Gulley” and “Crystal Frost” stages, too.

According to egg, “its by this USA guy who was working on Sonic Xtreme… so basically… he went back and grabbed everything he had that remained of the project… very insightful stuff… so now there’s an effort to finish the game and make it available for PC.”

You can check out their site here.

It’s certainly a very interesting looking/moving game, one has to wonder how well it’d do if the graphics were upgraded and released in today’s marketplace…

Actually, it reminds me of Super Mario Galaxy, just a little.

LBD “Nytetrayn”

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