All successful newspapers are ceaselessly querulous and bellicose. They never defend anyone or anything if they can help it; if the job is forced on them, they tackle it by denouncing someone or something else. -- HL Mencken

The Daily ‘Shroom/Points of Interest – Halloween Edition

Just gathering up a few things of interest here and there.

  1. It’s pretty much too late to use this, but I only saw it popping up here and there today. At least you can see what a cool Mega Man Jack-o-Lantern looks like, and maybe save the instructions for next year.
  2. I got to see WWE Cyber Sunday earlier this week, and the Divas had a Halloween costume contest where viewers could vote. And the winner for the second year in a row was Mickie James, dressed as Lara Croft. Kotaku seems to favor her in the role over Angelina Jolie.
  3. Reason #703 that being in Canada can suck: Missing out on Pokemon giveaways at Toys R Us, in spite of having Toys R Us here. Seriously, now. And I’d love to have a Dragonite. That “D” in my name? Stands for “Draco,” because I dig dragons.
  4. Sackboy wants your vote on “Proposition Pluto.”
  5. We’ve already got something similar here on the site, but if you want to hear it again, Kombo’s Lucas DeWoody takes a look at What’s Wrong With Sonic. It’s a pretty good read.
  6. The first few DSi Ware titles look fun and interesting, but not quite “I must get this console” interesting. At least, not yet. I still think it’s just a matter of time before the “it” thing appears, though when it does, I’m not sure it’ll be for everybody. I rather expect there to be a fair and firm divide.
  7. Speaking of releases, here is what Nintendo currently has set for the rest of this year and into 2009. Some of it’s pretty vague, though, but at least it looks like we’re getting some of the GameCube-to-Wii ports. Bring on Metroid Prime, I say!
  8. Oh, and speaking of DSi, Nintendo wants it here by Summer.
  9. The lovely Nadia Oxford expresses some changes she’d like to see in the dynamic of 3D Mario titles.
  10. Elsewhere at 61 Frames per Second, Derrick Sanskrit does the impossible by justifying SEGA, as they seem to be the only third-party that really gets what the Wii is all about.
  11. People who live on McDonald’s Dollar Menu Double Cheeseburgers have been a bit fidgety lately, as McD’s has sought to take the coveted consumable off the Dollar menu, and move it to $1.39. Hah, that’s what we’ve been paying here all along!

    Anyway, to show they’re good sports about it, it seems they’re willing to consider a compromise.

  12. Masterpiece Grimlock is going to rock so hard.
  13. Japan’s Virtual Console is going to receive Rockman 3 soon. So odds are, a US Mega Man 3 release won’t be too far behind.
  14. Over at Press the Buttons, Matt thinks that Castlevania’s formula has gotten a little stale. But is the buddy-cop route the path the series needs in order to find salvation?

    On a related note, I pity poor Igarashi, who tried to steer the series away from Dracula being the bad guy by changing the Japanese name to match the West as Castlevania, but the fans there wouldn’t have it. So now it’s back to “Akumaj? Dracula,” or “Demon Castle Dracula.” While I can sympathize with the Japanese on the issue of a long-beloved series having its name changed (though I thought it was less popular there?), it now begs the question: Can you really make a Akumaj? Dracula game without Dracula? It seems to kind of tie a noose around the overall story potential.

  15. Wonder what goes into making a Sonic theme song? Follow Crush 40 as they show you how “Knight of the Wind” from Sonic and the Black Knight came to be.

    And once you’re done there, you can see the trailer for the game matched against the theme from King Arthur and the Knights of Justice instead. It has no right to work as well as it does.

  16. Speaking of Sonic (for the third time tonight), two new trailers for Sonic Unleashed have surfaced, one for the 360 version, and the other for the Wii.
  17. And finally, the American fate of Disaster: Day of Crisis is a bit uncertain right now, as Reggie doesn’t think it’s a $50 game. He notes the voice acting as “laughable,” but is going to see how it performs in Europe before bringing it here.

    This has managed to upset some people.

And with that, hope you had a Happy Halloween!

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

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