The Daily ‘Shroom/Points of Interest – 8/23/08
Turns out MTV Multiplayer’s Stephen Totilo doesn’t have an HDTV, either, and so we find ourselves experiencing similar problems.
My dad has an issue with Sony and the new SOCOM game coming out. Here is what he has to say, and why I’m willing to listen when he has such a complaint.
Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe has become a must-play for me, and this is why (Skip to about 2:05):
And finally, some good news: MegaMan Volnutt returns!
The bad news is, it’s in Tatsunoko vs. Capcom. Which isn’t so bad in itself, except that like Namco x Capcom, the chances of any majority of us getting to play it are slim.
–LBD “Nytetrayn”