Points of Interest – 2/5/08
Assorted Mushrooms
- Video: The Super Bowl is over, and now thanks to the modern miracle of the internet, us non-sports fans can enjoy the best part: the commercials!
- Video: Bandwidth: Our most precious natural resource.
- Article: 20 years after it was originally published, CBR talks to editor Denny O’Neil about the classic, if not legendary, Batman story that changed the status quo forever, The Killing Joke.
- Reviews: The latest anime DVDs get reviewed by IGN.
- Videos: Funny bit on Late Night tonight, as apparently there’s been an ongoing feud between Conan O’Brien and Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart over who made Mike Huckabee. You can see the culmination (and other parts) here.
- Article: Kotaku takes a critical look at energy drinks.
Video Power
- Blogging: Capcom defends the 20-25 minute load time the first time you go at Devil May Cry 4 on the PS3.
- Interview: Over at The Mega Man Network, a new interview has gone up with a fellow by the name of Random, whose claim to fame involves some Mega Man-inspired music.
- Newsbit: Apparently, not everyone is for advertising in games. But who’d expect someone from Activision Blizzard to be one?
- Article: Gamasutra has an engaging piece on the history of one of the most legendary RPGs of all-time, Dragon Quest.
- Video: Another GameTrailers Virtual Console video comes for Ice Hockey.
- Article: So, just how much is GameStop making from used games?
- Interview: Wow, haven’t seen one of these in… about two months? Another chat with Super Mario Galaxy director Yoshiaki Koizumi.
- Article: “Thank you Mario! But our Princess is in another castle!” is but one of the ten most meaningful video game quotes of all time.
- Article: Something must be done about the ignorant ramblings mainstream media make against gaming. But then, it seems to hurt them more than us…
- Video: Looks like someone was kind enough to finally sub the Animal Crossing movie and add it to YouTube. Hope I get the chance to see it!
- Newsbit: Some people will say anything, even if they can’t quite say it right. Case in point: Accusing Brain Age of discrimination. Generally speaking, I imagine the technology is still relatively new, and not yet perfected. I wonder if they even considered that.
- Article: If you’re lucky enough to have seen The King of Kong already (not I, sadly), then you may be interested in hearing bad-guy Billy’s side of the story.
- Article: The “Super Mario Galaxy Miracle” reaches yet another non-gamer.
- Blogging: Remember all those neat drawing-based DS games that were coming out? What happened?
–LBD “Nytetrayn”