Points of Interest – 2/3/08
InFormers: Robots in the News
- Wallpaper: Hasbro’s website has added some TransFormers: Animated
wallpaper to their growing collection.
Assorted Mushrooms
- Comics: Popeye is awesome, especially in comic strip form.These comics are the creative equivalent of the Marx Brothers and W.C. Fields, and Popeye himself is like Marv from SIN CITY, Wolverine, and Chuck Norris all rolled up in one absurd-looking sailor.
And that Mario essentially came from Popeye makes him all the cooler.
- Newsbit: Poor 5th turtle
, seems some people in the greater Ninja Turtles business are a bit too tightly wound. Nuts to them.
- Blogging: Things you should never tell people
- Newsbit: With the passing of actor Heath Ledger, who plays the Joker in this summer’s The Dark Knight movie, executives and the like are scrambling to figure out how to make it seem like they aren’t cashing in
on his death.
- Article: Snarf of Thundercats infamy is IGN’s latest Annoying Character of the Day
(though the feature hardly seems that regular).
- Video: FUNimation has a new vampire anime series called Black Blood Bros., and IGN has the first episode
Video Power
- Merch: BigBadToyStore.com has a lot of pictures, package shots, and preorders
for the cool Corgi/Master Replicas Nintendo stuff we saw from the 2008 UK Toy Fair.A Mario DS holder figure? Cool…
Plus, plush toys too!
- Article: Racketboy’s Retro Gaming now has a beginner’s guide to one of the greatest systems of all-time in Super Nintendo 101
- Newsbit: Who knew? No More Heroes actually started life as a 360 game
- Newsbit: Thanks to Wolf on this one: Yahoo! just put up a front-page story about the fourteen best games you don’t have to pay to play
- Interview: A father of two and Wii reseller talks to MSNBC
about what he’s done, though he’s not particularly remorseful about it.
- Article: David Sirlin of Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix takes an in-depth look
at Super Mario Galaxy and what it did right, as well as what it could do better.
- Article: IGN scopes out ten non-Nintendo characters
they think should have made the Smash Bros. cut for Brawl.
- Interview: Next Generation delves even deeper
into the recent Famitsu interview with Shigeru Miyamoto.
- Article: Next Gen takes a look into Nintendo’s entry into downloadable content
, and what to expect.
- Article: Does Super Smash Bros. Brawl have what it takes to be Game of the Year? GameDaily thinks so, and here’s why
- Video: Wow. There are geek tattoos, and uber-geek tattoos. Guess which one this
falls under.
- Video: Neat remix
of the Super Mario Bros. “Underground” theme.
- Newsbit: A pair of sick jerks hold up
two women in their house, and upon realizing they have the wrong place, take their Wii as a compensation prize.
- eBay: Amazing how much a sealed copy of Chrono Trigger
runs for on eBay.
- Interview: SiliconEra has an interview
with the product marketing manager for the Ace Attorney games, covering such issues as “why the name ‘Apollo Justice?’”
- Video: Some more Bionic Commando Rearmed details
, and as Go Nintendo puts it, “More reason to get Bionic Commando on the Wii.”
- Video/Article: Go Nintendo and Retrojunk compare notes on what they think is the hardest NES game
- Article: An article
at Gamasutra tells us why No More Heroes matters.
- Interview: CVG talks SEGA Superstars Tennis
- Video: Interesting Zelda shirt
, definitely cool, but not something for me, really.Besides, is it a good idea to tell people how many hits you have left?
- Article: Game Informer has put together a sort of glossary
of gaming terms.
- Newsbit: Someone allegedly found the most effective way of all to get their Xbox 360 problems solved: Tell Bill Gates
….as you can imagine, Microsoft wasn’t exactly thrilled by the solution. I imagine that Jon really doesn’t care now. Maybe if most MS customer service stories didn’t double as campfire tales…
–LBD “Nytetrayn”