Points of Interest – 1/27/08
InFormers: Robots in the News
- Newsbit: Dang. Word is that Bludgeon was being planned for the Titanium line
. Maybe next time… maybe Classics 2.0.
- Review: Following the review of Beast Wars: The Ascending #3, BWTF has now reviewed the fourth and final issue
- Article: IGN kicks off their new “Annoying Character of the Day” feature with everyone’s favorite rhyming robot, Wheelie
Assorted Mushrooms
- Video Review: Wondering about the new Rambo movie? James “Angry Nerd” Rolfe shares his thoughts
- Interview: And IGN talks to Stallone
himself about his latest.
- Video: Here’s a word of advice: When reporting on birds, never look up
- Video: If only my shots in Mario Strikers were this accurate
- Comics: From the Official TMNT Web Site comes word that the first seven issues of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Volume 4 are available for free, legal download at WOWIO
. Unfortunately, there’s a surprising number of hoops you have to jump through:
WOWIO is currently only available for U.S. residents and to sign up for their free downloading service (limited to three books per day) you’ll need a private e-mail address (i.e. you can’t use major providers such as Google, Yahoo, G-Mail, etc.), a scan of a personal I.D. or a valid credit card. See their site for more details.
Also unfortunately, as it says, it’s US-only. Damned international copyright laws.
We’re looking into international options to provide the books for free download to everyone outside of the U.S., but due to the complexities of international copyright law, we may not have much success on that end. If all else fails, we’ll post low res JPGs of the issues on our site like the issues from Volume One (currently linked at the bottom of the Comics page).
Huh, why not just do that in the first place?
The plan is to post issues #8-14 in February, issues #15-21 in March and issues #22-28 in April. In May, all-new issues will begin with TMNT #29, and from there, a new book will be posted as often as Peter, Jim and Eric can complete them!
- Blogging: Speaking of the Turtles, ever wonder where Armaggon
came from?
- Article: IGN looks into the past, present, and future
of that other big mech franchise, Macross.
- Video: Who says that Japanese people, customers even, never lose their temper
Video Power
- Blogging: Capcom: Bring you the very best in character names
- Interview: Capcom continues their series of Harvey Birdman interviews with X the Eliminator
- Blogging: Capcom’s Ace Attorney website has a new update
to the developer’s blog, with more to come. Check it out if you love Phoenix Wright and his crew.
- Pics: Who would ever imagine that there would come a time when we would be able to gaze upon The Most Stunning Punch-Out!! Artwork
- Newsbit: In addition to the other fallout of Fox News’ Mass Effect slander-fest
, it seems viewers with Amazon.com accounts decided to take some action
of their own.
She’s taken back
what she said, but too little, too late?
- Interview: On a related note, Geoff Keighley talks to
GameDaily about his appearance.
- Video: And X-Play‘s Adam Sessler has his say
as well.
- Video: GameTrailers has added a video of the Virtual Console version of the Japan-only game Devil World
, a title I had no idea Miyamoto had a hand in.
- Article: In anticipation of Super Smash Bros. Brawl, IGN pits Peach vs. Zelda
in a “chick fight” with commentary from Mario and Link.
- Videos: And, the ten best Halo 3 fan videos
- Article: Games with gas?
That’s one piece I think I’ll definitely pass on, thanks.
- Article: You know you suck at gaming
- Poll: GameDaily wants you to decide whether their list of celebrities are nerds or nor
- Review: Guess EGM doesn’t like
Endless Ocean very much… despite the 8.0 from 1up.
I guess the message here is: If it doesn’t try to kill you, it’s not a real game. Or something.
- Video: Looks like the Earthworm Jim videos have been taken down. What’s Go Nintendo posting now?
At least now you can view it before you decide whether or not to buy it… if you haven’t already.
- Video: But not all Earthworm Jim videos are gone… regretably
- Pic: The evolution of Nintendo… Populous style
- Pic: Too good.
- Pics: Interesting Zelda-themed NES
… I don’t hate it, mainly for the Link figures of unknown origin, but otherwise… could use work. An actual setting from the game realized in 3D might be neat.
- Interview: Looks like God of War creator David Jaffe still isn’t sold on Super Mario Galaxy, citing Ratchet and Clank as being better
- Interview: Yahtzee reveals all
about making Zero Punctuation.
- Article: There’s much to discover in Super Mario Galaxy… but have you found these 71 things
- Interview: Iwata Asks part 4
about Super Smash Bros. Brawl is now available online, and goes into some detail about the amusing origin of the Subspace Emissary storyline and game mode, as well as who worked with Sakurai to create it.
- Newsbit: Some new features
of L the Prologue to Death Note for the Nintendo DS. Man, I wish these would come out here already!
- Newsbit: An interesting method
of tracking down the rightful owners of a Wii.
–LBD “Nytetrayn”