Points of Interest – 1/24/08
Assorted Mushrooms
- Video Review: The Angry Video Game Movie Nerd brings us his thoughts
on monsterdom’s latest, Cloverfield.
- Blogging: From
jackscarab: Warren Ellis approves Anonymous
- Pics: More TMNT action figure concept drawings
. Fans of Krang/Utroms may want to take a look.
- Video: Lewis Black discusses The End of the Universe
. Or so I’m told. Damn clips still won’t play for me.
Anyone else have this problem?
- Blogging: Dilbert author Scott Adams speculates on how children might think about their future careers
if they knew the full reach of what was available. An interesting idea. Took me 25 years from the womb before things started making any sense as to what I wanted to do.
Well, no, that’s a lie. But my high school in the sticks wasn’t much help in regards to the path I wanted to take.
- Video: Wild west stylings meets modern day drama in High Noon
Just because the West isn’t quite so wild anymore, doesn’t mean there aren’t still heroes.
- Article: There’s nothing more badass than a one-man army, and with the new Rambo movie on the way, IGN figured this was the best time to assemble the ten best movies
Video Power
- Reviews: Comics Bulletin has a pair of nice reviews for Sonic the Hedgehog #184
and Sonic X #28
- Newsbit: Gaming retail, the deadliest game
- Blogging: Does anyone know just what the hell the Smash Bros. logo is
- Video: Mario is on the run
from a bellhop in hot pursuit, but why?
- Poll: Solid Snake vs. Rambo: Who would win?
- Article/Video: IGN continues the look back at their ten-year history, in video
and text
- Review: EDGE gives its thoughts on No More Heroes
, calling it “the game that Suda 51 and GHM have always threatened, but never quite delivered.”
- Article: Though not always the most popular part of gaming, there have been a great many peripherals through the years, and now GameDaily takes us on a tour of the greatest
#9 is the one I still want to try, and #4 I still need to find.
- Article: On the less pleasant front are the ten ugliest game characters
you’ll ever not want to see.
- Article: Games Radar takes a look at the legacy
of one Radiant Silvergun, why it still commands £100, and what more games can do to learn from it.
- Article: What were the boys in marketing thinking when they came up with these eight insane officially-licensed products
to promote their games?
Waitasec… I liked the Nintendo Cereal System! Well, the Zelda half, anyway. Ironically enough.
…and the Mario Puppet Kooler… I wanted that after seeing it in Nintendo Power once.
Oh, and… um, you might want to avoid the “Pleasure Reading” segment. If only for the last line.
- Interview: The latest Iwata Asks
continues the inquiries of Super Smash Bros. Brawl creator Masahiro Sakurai, and looks into the modes of Versus, Co-Op, and Share.
- Newsbit: See? Iwata knows that the core gamers still need love
- Article: Someone wrote a piece
regarding a gaming habit I’m often guilty of myself (though not always): hoarding items and never using them. Do you do it? Any ideas for what developers can do to break gamers of the habit?
- Video: Yet another adjustment to Super Mario Fusion: The “Spartan Sphere” Power-Up!
I do wish they’d gone with what are, in my opinion, the superior Mario sprites from Super Mario Advance. But the funniest part, besides Spartan Mario being able to stomp the Covenant (which was said before that Mario could not) is hearing the Invincible Mario theme, and then knowing that an ass-whoopin’ is coming.
Oh, and I guess this makes the Hammer Suit the Mushroom Land equivalent of the Sword, huh?
- Pic: For fair and balanced coverage of the console wars, you can trust The Onion to tell us which Wii games are selling best
- Article: It brings a tear to my eye to think about Arcades: A Dying Breed In America
…what is WRONG with people?!?!?!?!
- Video: This week on Zero Punctuation, Yahtzee burns The Witcher
- Interview: Want to know more about the 2D lovefest known as Bionic Commando Rearmed? Then check out the interview
with Producer Ben Judd.
- Newsbit: When teabagging invades real life
, you know that’s the makings of a problem. Here’s to hoping that the victims don’t find where the Sniper Rifle is stashed.
- Anecdote: Just when you think that EA might have better customer relations than Microsoft, then comes a story to make you think again
as one person faces difficulty getting a box that fits his Rock Band guitar to send back to EA.
Or does it? Read on to find out.
- Newsbit: One Japanese store thought ahead when they put up a life-sized Haruhi statue
But who got the honor of applying the solution?
“Dude… you’re taking a long time with that…”
–LBD “Nytetrayn”