Points of Interest – 1/23/08
InFormers: Robots in the News
- Blogging: Simon Furman talks up
the release of the new TransFormers Spotlight: Blaster comic.
- Pics: Some promotional goodies
have come forth for the TransFormers HenKei toys, apparently the name for the Japanese Classics. Included among them are the makings of a manga of sorts.
- Review: BWTF takes a stab at Beast Wars: The Ascending #3
- Video Interview: Just saw this posted on YouTube, an interview
with the voice of Arcee and voice director of TransFormers for many years now, Susan Blu.
Assorted Mushrooms
- Video: Have a balloon problem? Well then, maybe a Jack Russell terrier is your solution
- Video: Ok, Marge… tell me ALL about it
- Blogging: Following up on a bit of message board conversation, I decided to write up my thoughts on a direction I’d have liked to see Spider-man take in the comics.
- Newsbit: Of all things
to base an action figure on…
On sale now, folks.
- Comics: Ok, so while I do think that Calvin and Hobbes is a little overrated (shut up), I do have to admit that Calvin’s dad never ceases to amuse me.
Speaking of which… whatever did happen to Calvin and Hobbes, anyway?
- Reviews: IGN reviews
the latest batch of anime releases, for your pleasure.
Video Power
- Reviews: No More Heroes is FINALLY here, and it’s done pretty well
with reviewers, including GameTrailers’ video review
has one, too, scoring it five out of five.
- Pics: In further celebration of No More Heroes‘ release, have a little Travis Touchdown cosplay
- Interview: Street Fighter Devotion has an interview
with the CEO of Sota Toys, makers of those cool– you guessed it– Street Fighter figures, among others (including what would’ve been an awesome Mega Man Zero figure).
- Blogging: And now, a word
from Capcom USA’s Finance department.
- Muzac: Word from Heatman over on The Mega Man Network is that we now have some new tunes
for your perusal, so enjoy!
- Article: I knew that there were a lot of changes made between the Super Mario All-Stars and Super Mario Advance 4 versions of Super Mario Bros. 3, but it seems there were more than I thought
- Opinion: Another piece
on that whole silly concept of letting people try a game before they sink $60 into it. How silly is that? That’s so silly.
Anyway, this one is mostly tips for developers to make the demo the best experience it can be… insofar as making you want to purchase the whole thing, anyway.
- Video: In honor of the new Rambo movie, the Angry Video Game Nerd returns to rant about Rambo games of the past
, including the Zelda II knock-off for the NES and the Master System travesties. To say nothing of the idiotic naming scheme of the movies.
- Video: Adventures of Lolo 2 for the NES came to Virtual Console earlier this week, but at the time, there was no accompanying video. In case that’s what you were waiting for, here you go
- Blog: IGN is now hosting a developer blog
for Bionic Commando.
- Article: While Nintendo’s trying to figure out if Game Boy still has a place in the market, Game Daily looks back on the history of the handheld
that helped change how we play.
- Interview: The newest Iwata Asks
is available, continuing the line of questioning with Super Smash Bros. Brawl creator Masahiro Sakurai.
- Article: It’s amazing what movies wind up having games based on them, no matter how much they don’t deserve it
Fun fact: my dad mapped out Platoon for the NES and donated the maps to our local video rental store of the time, so that people who would rent it would have a clue as to what to do.
- Article: Here’s a subject near and dear to my heart, which I love to complain about whenever given the right opportunity: worthless video game release dates
, and why they cannot be trusted.
Magazines, DVDs, books, comics, CDs, you can usually count on to be in stores day and date. Video games? Yeah, right. If you’re lucky.
Sadly, this isn’t about that, though, and rather simply touches on the way titles will slip from one announced, missed release date to the next.
- Article: PS2? Dead? Hardly.
–LBD “Nytetrayn”