Points of Interest – 1/12/08
InFormers: Robots in the News
- Pic: What would CES 2008 be without at least one giant robot in attendance?
Assorted Mushrooms
- Video: Please remember to wipe your feet before proceeding with your robbery.
- Video: Ever wonder what went on before God passed down the Ten Commandments?
- Article: Now, here’s retailers are saying about the One More Day story.
- Interview: And the first Amazing writer, Dan Slott, on Brand New Day.
- Article: Something different with comics: a column that addresses comics’ urban legends.
Video Power
- Interview: Rockman Synergy Commons has an interview with the voice of Pallette and Cinnamon from Capcom’s Mega Man X games, Caitlynne Medrek.
- Article: Much like myself, Matt of Press The Buttons doesn’t care for spoilers, not even in a game like Super Smash Bros. Brawl, which is sure to be full of surprises. Naturally, the nature of the internet and its big mouths coupled with significantly-seperate release dates makes keeping the games secrets hidden until we play them a problem.
But Matt seems to have a solution in mind.
An interesting solution, but doesn’t quite seem like a fair nor a likely one. I’d rather just have simultaneous releases. Is there any real reason they can’t do that?
Meanwhile, I might just black out for a couple of weeks, if I can.
On a side note, I don’t think Resetti’s ever given me flack for tampering with the clock.
- Video: Remember Bubsy the Bobcat, relic of a bygone era in which everyone tried to make the next Sonic, who himself ironically was made to be the next Mario?
And if you do… do you remember his cartoon show?
Don’t have time to watch the whole thing at the moment, but it seems decent enough. But for now, I’ll continue to embrace my Mario cartoon collection.
- Article: Speaking of video game cartoons, Games Radar has a whole feature looking back at what they call The good, the bad and the WTF!? of video game cartoons.
Interestingly, I think this is the first time I’ve seen anyone publicly applaud Charles Martinet’s Mario over Captain Lou’s.
- Article: Remember the days when a color portable was such an awesome (and expensive) thing to behold? Relive those distant memories with Racketboy’s Beginner’s Guide to SEGA Game Gear.
- Blogging: I am so tempted to use this as the name of my media empire.
For now, I’ll just have fun laughing and saying it out loud.
If you’re wondering what that’s all about, then look at this.
- Newsbit: Apparently, Bill Gates thinks the reliability of the Xbox 360 is “incredible.” I wonder what he thinks of the reliability of consoles that aren’t notorious for breaking down constantly?
- Video: More Mario vs. the Convenant, if you want it.
- Videos: More VC footage with R-Type.
- Video: The ScrewAttack.com Video Game Vault pulls out one I’m not familiar with: Crazy Balloon.
- Article: IGN celebrates its tenth anniversary since its formation, looking back at the headlines of the day they went up. Plus, a retrospective. They’ve even gone so far as to launch a retro gaming site.
Wow, I remember the old sites… N64.com, PSX Power, Saturn World… some good stuff, some good times. And who could ever forget the Game Players and Next Generation magazines? Two of the best ever. And it was those connections that made me visit IGN so frequently when I first went online.
One of the best parts of the retrospective? “Snowball.com.”
- Article: Following on their look at 20 of the most innovational games ever, GameDaily now looks at 20 of the greatest gaming advancements ever, marks of progress that go beyond any mere single title.
- Article: EGM Editor Dan Hsu took some time to talk to GameDaily about the whole “blackout” thing they’re experiencing with Ubisoft, Sony, and Midway.
- Article: Games Radar takes a look back at the biggest no-shows or “flakes” of 2007.
- Article: Games Radar explores licensed games that don’t make any sense.
…and Smarties are in Canada, too.
- Hands-On: Hey, actual real hands-on impressions of Mario Kart Arcade GP 2!
- Newsbit: Figures that someone out there would feel that Pikmin & Olimar in Brawl is a stupid idea.
Most people I know have wanted and are thrilled at Olimar’s presence. And the size? Get real, Smash Bros. has never had a working sense of scale, except MAYBE between characters from the same franchise (such as Mario and Luigi, rather than Mario and Sonic). Of course, the fact that this is a different world from all the regular franchises and all the characters are trophies that come to life MIGHT have something to do with it…
It’s also a bit late for the argument; Kirby is only about eight inches tall, if memory serves. So the griping about that belongs back on the N64.
- eBay: Damn, someone got ahold of a bunch of Nintendo goods from an ex-employee of the company itself, and they’re auctioning it all off.
I’d love to get my hands on some of this stuff. Check out the cowboy hat! I would so wear that. Dare me. I dare you to dare me.
- eBay: Elsewhere, another lad is selling off his StarFox Super Weekend competition flight jacket. Damn, I’ve been wanting one of those since… well, since the competition. But if it’s only a large… well, that hasn’t stopped me yet, I just don’t close it up.
- eBay: Oh, and the game to go with it.
- eBay: Then there’s the Star Fox “Assault and Peppy” shakers. It’s an eBay Star Fox-o-rama!
- Newsbit: So this GamerSwagg.com place allows users to sell their works based on video game properties. I wonder how legal this is?
- Newsbit: So apparently, Barack Obama is the Wii.
- Newsbit: Ok, so today, Square Enix’s President isn’t down on the Wii. Hooooo-kay.
- Video: Something about modding an AK-47 into a Wii controller just strikes me as very, very wrong.
- Pic: Reading: perhaps something more games need.
(Not the first time I’ve seen such a label on the back of the box, though it’s certainly bigger here.)
Or just something more people need to know about. What a hooch.
- Article: CVG lays out five things they believe Nintendo needs to do with the Wii this year.
- Newsbit: The Wii seems to be a hit at drinking establishments across the pond. In fact, you might say they’re getting a lot of good pub-licity.
- Newsbit: Microsoft say they’re still not interested in joining the handheld market. Works for me, two is plenty as it is.
Maybe if handhelds evolved to be portable players of the same games we use at home, but I doubt that’s happening anytime soon.
- Article: It is one writer’s opinion that World of Warcraft is killing the pay-to-play MMO model.
- Newsbit: David Jaffe made some waves earlier by joining in the “one console for all” party, but Chris Kohler says that he is simply wrong.
- Article: Ten people who look like video game characters.
Hah, I always said that Christopher Lloyd as Doc Brown would make a perfect Wily…
- Newsbit: Ever wonder how much it’s cost to make a real Gundam?
Wow, that’s a lot. I wonder how much a Megazord would cost?
- Newsbit: You thought Star Wars in Soul Calibur IV was weird? Wait’ll you see who the first choice was.
- Pics: Here’s a neat custom Master Chief TransFormer… too bad it still turns into a Star Wars vehicle, though.
–LBD “Nytetrayn”
January 12th, 2008 at 10:22 am
Re 28: One of my older coworkers hated Paper Mario for GCN because it involved reading. She was looking for something like the original Super Mario Bros. that limited text to things like “World 1-3″ and “Time 176″, I guess. She was furious over “the deception”.
January 12th, 2008 at 10:26 am
…and here people wonder why society’s going down the crapper.
January 12th, 2008 at 6:44 pm
I’m interested in your reply, but I don’t want to read that much text
January 13th, 2008 at 10:22 pm
Society is going down the crapper because people who expect a charming, simple Mario game got a pretentious text plethora turn-based JRPG with puzzles?
Interesting… how far gaming elitism can go, even from Nintendo fans.
I mean if it was Mario Galaxy, we’d have an interesting case. But Paper Mario… the GAMECUBE one? How can you blame any nongamer for being let down by something like *that*.
January 14th, 2008 at 1:36 am
Because reading shouldn’t be THAT big a deal to people.