Points of Interest – 12/22/07
InFormers: Robots in the News
- Pic: What if Decepticons celebrated Christmas?
- Review: The Allspark now provides their very own spoiler-laden review of the first episodes of TransFormers: Animated, of which I am avoiding due to the aforementioned spoilers.
Assorted Mushrooms
- Video: So Brit’s sister got knocked up. It’d be funny, if it weren’t so tragic, in its own way.
- Blogging:And so the 5th turtle presents his fourth part of the falling-out of himself and Archie Comics over Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures. Of note are the ironies involved. Sad, sad fate…
- Blogging: Wow, yet another anniversary, but this time not for a game. 70 years since Disney’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs landed in theaters.
- Blogging: Seems that no matter how many solar panels you’ve got, you still aren’t going to be able to get off the power grid yet.
- Video: The return of Brawndo, the Thirst Mutilator, on sale now.
- Video: Never anything good on Christmas morning, is there? Also: an update on the “three PS3′s.”
- Article: IGN presents their Top 10 Anime of the Year!
Video: Bit of advice: never turn to LARPers to take part in your nativity scene. It becomes nothing but trouble.
Video Power
- Pics: A few holiday-themed pics up on Deviant Art. Here is another look at UDON’s Konami Christmas card that was mentioned a few days back, and here is a steamy Princess Peach pin-up (nothing showing) that Sigurd Hosenfeld drew. Timon Hakuna Matata has Blaze and Cream in winterwear, and even some Yuletide Cheer from the Zelda gang, courtesy of Sigurd Hosenfeld again.
Toad gets his turn with Santa, thanks to Baull04, and Hulk has some bad plans for Whoville, thanks to Tentu. And finally, instead of using someone else’s character, JigglyPuffGirl built her own Robot Master for the job.
- Video: So, should you get the PS3 or Xbox 360 version of Devil May Cry 4? Here is what Capcom thinks.
- Pics: Kotaku and other outlets were apparently blown away by Hitoshi Ariga’s Mega Man image on the new cover of Swedish magazine Level.
It’s good, don’t get me wrong, but I like his manga covers better.
- Newsbit: So, after Gamecock stormed the stage during Ken Levine’s acceptence speech for Game of the Year (for BioShock) at the VGAs, what does he have to say?
- Interview: Gamasutra talks with Koji Igarashi about the finer points of designing a Castlevania title, and taking revenge on God of War.
- Video: Happy Holidays from Aperture Science. Will you be getting cake, or coal?
- Video: Ever wonder what it must be like to work on a show like Game Head?
- Article: So with all this crap between Rockstar and the BBFC over Manhunt 2, Games Radar asks if it even matters any more?
- Merch Pic: Interesting shirt Nintendo seemingly approved for Target. Maybe the person in licensing was the one hammered?
- Pics: Steampunk Wii remote? Awesome. The other Photoshop Phriday stuff is pretty cool, too.
- Pic: The mystery of why Nintendo can’t ship enough Wiis has finally been solved!
- Video: An interesting fan-made DS Lite redesign. I wonder if it would work?
- Video: And next on Can’t-See TV is Stephen Totilo’s attempt to play Wii Sports with the Zapper.
Truth be told, I’m more interested in how it’d work with Wii Play, the Duck Hunt game specifically.
- Article: Ten video games that should be movies, and who should direct them. As I click to read this and see that #10 is Duck Hunt, I am now assuming this to be parody.
- …yeah, definitely parody.
- Pics: Many, many examples of cosplay gone wrong (and a few that are alright).
- eBay: DAMN! DAMN! And DAMN!
Keeping an eye on the cel, at least. I have a soft spot for “Jumpman.” Watch it get too high…
- Pic: Looks like Nintendo of Europe had what Games Radar might feel to be a better Christmas card than their American counterpart.
- Pic: Wow, I thought the Crimson/Black DS Lite was cool, but adding a dragon makes it all the better! Pity it’s only in China.
- Article: 2007 was a pretty strong year for gaming, but still had some disappointments. Game|Life looks back to bring you their ten greatest.
- Article: Game|Life readers share their varying experiences getting Wii rainchecks, and varying situations regarding the limited-edition DVD cases that one is supposed to get.
- Pics: This is what happens when video game boxes go honest.
- Article: 1up finishes its look back at Street Fighter with WTFiction?!, which more or less nails down the key aspects of the games’ stories.
- Article: And finally, to close out for the holiday, the 1up staff tells what they really want for Christmas.
–LBD “Nytetrayn”
December 24th, 2007 at 6:39 pm
So for Christmas I get featured in yet another stupid “bad cosplay” article. Great.
Oh, I’ve met Captain Lou Albano, in person. Nice guy!
December 24th, 2007 at 11:48 pm
Which one was you?
–LBD “Nytetrayn”
December 25th, 2007 at 3:10 am
I’m the Wario. I show up on these threads / posts a lot because they say I’m too big to do the character I’m cosplaying. But then when I do fat characters I still get criticized. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t I guess. ::shrug::
December 25th, 2007 at 3:25 am
Hmm, I thought the Wario one was pretty good; I’d just recommend looking into a big fake nose. Points on the shoes would be a plus, but understandable if you can’t get that to work.
–LBD “Nytetrayn”
October 30th, 2010 at 1:52 pm
i liked her hair…