Points of Interest – 10/2/07
InFormers: Robots in the News
- The metallic-finish version of Movie Voyager-class Megatron has risen, and Remy has a whole gallery showing the Decepticon leader in all his glory.
- In addition to a new review of Movie Dreadwind, Ben Yee has also reviewed one of my favorite Classics, Jetfire!
Assorted Mushrooms
- As a former call-center employee myself, I still laugh a little when I watch this. Of course, this one is a bit more cruel, but one must ask if the guy deserved it, considering how he was trying to capitalize on the situation.
Or maybe he was just confused, and didn’t know what to do in that case, though his earlier offers of assistance seem to run opposed to that idea.
These and other interesting hoaxes and pranks came from here.
- Being the well-trained and disciplined trainer of the Iron Grenadiers that he is, it would simply not have done for Rowdy Roddy Piper to have missed the GI Joe Convention this past weekend, which he attended to be welcomed into Cobra, as well as talk to fans and tell wrestling stories about bears and speeding down the highways of NC in an invisible limo.
He also spoke a little about upcoming projects, including a They Live TV series and a movie with Jack Black.
- Also at the convention, Hasbro held a little Question and Answer session.
Video Power
- Recently, we linked you to the Star Fox comic that ran in Nintendo Power, posted to
Right around the time that the repurposed Star Fox Adventures was released, Nintendo went back to comics to explain the whereabouts of one Falco Lombardi, and much to my delight, that comic (or manga, if you must) has been translated and can be seen here.
Thanks to Navie for the link!
- I could just cry.
Today’s the end of the DK Jungle Climber photo contest, and my best effort couldn’t have competed with the likes of some of these entries. Just as well, I guess, since I was mostly ineligible. Which just makes me want to beat my head even more. Here are some faves:
The Last Banana Tree in the Universe
Wasn’t there a lawsuit about this?
And there are many more, too, so go check them out!
- Racketboy brings us more stunning fanart, this time from The Legend of Zelda.
Many of these seem to be inspired by Twilight Princess, but fear not, as Wind Waker and hints of others have found their way in as well.
- GameTrailers has some video of Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga, featuring… Indiana… Jones?
- ScrewAttack turns back time to yet another arcade classic I remember fondly, Atari’s Roadblasters, which mixed all the fun of driving AND shooting.
“When it came out, it was entertaining, but it just didn’t stand the test of time.”
Sounds like a remake is in order to me!
- DS Fanboy gets in good with a member of Nintendo’s “Treehouse” group, to find out what working there is like in this interview.
Or, you can watch this.
- I’ve always seen Tomonoby Itagaki as sort of power-hungry, at least in terms of choosing a console to develop for. Imagine my surprise when he chose the DS over the PSP for his newest, Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword. The Man explains the reasons for his decisions in a chat with Gamasutra.
- This past weekend, Nintendo held a special early launch for The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass at Nintendo World in NYC, and Go Nintendo was lucky enough to attend and snap some pics. Check Link out!
- So, is the US getting the short end of the Virtual Console stick? Game|Life investigates.
- Happy Birthday to the Atari 2600, who turns 30 this month!
–LBD “Nytetrayn”
October 2nd, 2007 at 3:38 am
I’d love to know why people in the US complain about the Virtual Console….
You’re getting EVERYTHING else first after all. :/