Points of Interest – 9/7/07
InFormers: Robots in the News
scans_daily has a new post up showing some of Grimlock’s… er, “unique” views on the war and how to approach it.
Gotta love the addendums, though. But I’m not going to ask where Grimlock got a pencil that big… or a book that big, either.
- It’s always neat to see product that didn’t make it onto store shelves. That is, provided you don’t love the concept so much that you’d trade your firstborn for it. Then it’s kind of painful.
This G2 Go-Bot launcher, however, strikes me as cool, but not adoption cool.
For those scratching their heads, GoBots were a line from Tonka way back in the day, which used toys from Popy/Bandai’s Machine Robo series. In ’91, Hasbro took over Tonka, and while they don’t have the rights to the toy molds, they do have rights to the names and branding of the series.
More recently, the GoBots fiction and that of TransFormers has even become more closely intertwined.
- Simon Furman chats it up a bit as he talks about his new story involving TFAuctions.com’s mascot character Cougar, lingering Dreamwave threads, The Movie, and more.
- “This E6 is Motorola than meets the eye, it’s a robot in disguise!”
…oh my god I am so sorry for that one… but cool modification, just the same.
Assorted Mushrooms
- Kitty is hungry NOW!
- I’ve never had an Oreo pizza, nor even heard of one until just yesterday, but damn! I want one.
Video Power
- So Toastyfrog’s Wiki has a couple of new entries…
One is a review of Mega Man 4 for Game Boy, one of my favorite Mega Man titles, Classic or otherwise. And overall, it’s a damn crying shame that these games never got their due re-release so that the masses could play them on GBA.
Seriously, Capcom. Can’t you just rip the ROMs off of old cartridges bought on eBay? Hackers do. Are they really that far beyond your current level of technology? Yeah, color would’ve been nice, but I can deal without. Make them a bonus on something else, even.
The other addition is a verbal raping of Zelda II: The Adventure of Link.
Ok, maybe that’s a little harsh, but then, so is the article, so it all balances out.
Incidently, and I hope to go into further detail about all of this at some point (I’ve a half-written article just waiting for me to finish it), I’d love to see another game with a style like this, albeit modified. I don’t think that Link’s the man for the job, though, but how about another longtime Nintendo hero…?
- Good news for Wily. He finally defeats Mega Man.
Bad news for Wily. He left the toaster plugged in. You know, the blonde one?
- ScrewAttack.com turns back time to the wild west as they look back at Capcom’s classic Gun.Smoke.
Huh, now there’s a name that came before its time. “Gun-dot-Smoke.” Sounds like a website for NRA supporters.
Now, I never actually got to play it, and always thought the game was based on the TV show, Gunsmoke. Now I know. And knowing’s half the battle.
But that’s more for another Capcom title that wasn’t skirting copyright infringement.
- The King of Kong star Steve Weibe talks up his big-screen debut, the finer points of avoiding “chumpatization,” and finding the “kill screen.”
It’s… strange how intense this rivalry gets. Almost as strange as how one is able to essentially commit themselves to a single title for so long.
Incidently, I didn’t know that the players were being portrayed by actors in the documentary.
Just checked the website… no Toronto listing yet, but… Charlotte, NC? Great, just great…
- Games Radar decides to look at a list of logical fallacies that have come to be generally accepted within video games.
As shopkeepers go, I just always figured they got there before everything went to hell.
- They’ve also put together a list of 101 things you didn’t know about games, which I really have no time to read right now. But with 101, at least a few are bound to be interesting… right?
- They’re still talking and eating. Garfield’s getting jealous.
And I think part 5 was missed…
- Nintendo of Europe has an interesting interview with Tingle producer Kensuke Tanabe.
“Tingle cannot be ignored,” indeed.
–LBD “Nytetrayn”