Points of Interest – 9/4/07
InFormers: Robots in the News
- Galleries aplenty for this edition of InFormers!
To start, Remy has a lovely collection of pictures of the Ultra Magnus-inspired Marine-type Sports Label Convoy, while the Allspark has Encore Soundwave and a bunch of Movie recolors.
Speaking of recolors, you can see more images of the redecoed Movie Ironhide here, and Bumblebee’s red twin Cliffjumper here.
Invincible Robot Laboratory didn’t want to feel left out, and so they’ve unleashed a gallery of Masterpiece Skywarp upon the world.
And last (but not least), a sneak-peek at what to expect from the upcoming TransFormers: Animated as TransFormers @ The Moon photographs and reviews a prototype of the Autobot Bulkhead.
Incidently, the all-red colorscheme really kind of harkens back to Ironhide in the old days of Marvel’s TransFormers comics.
Assorted Mushrooms
- As mentioned in The Daily ‘Shroom today, I’m on a bit of a Garfield kick. As a result, a little fun with my favorite fat cat.
First off, I’m now keeping an eye on the blog of cartoon writer Mark Evanier for some interesting anecdotes, including this one about writing an amusing gag, but having a hard time conveying it to those in production.
Regarding Garfield and Friends, the whole series is out on DVD now, but there is one small thing that we’ve unfortunately been deprived of: the final intro.
Now, I like “We’re Ready To Party” as much as anyone, but after several seasons of religious watching, the change-up was nice.
Finally, here’s a side of Garfield that relatively few people have ever seen.
- Speaking of Garfield and Friends, if you watched then you might remember that many of the “friends” were in a cartoon called U.S. Acres, or Orson’s Farm outside the US of A.
What you might not remember is that it was based on a comic strip by Jim Davis, one that was sadly cancelled for only managing a run in 300 newspapers, a number said to be “great for anyone… unless you’re the creator of Garfield.”
Fortunately, one soul has gathered many of the strips to be viewed online. Since the official Garfield and Friends website lacks these, this is the only place you’ll find them, short of finding the collected volumes (the last of which was only published abroad) or digging through old newspapers.
Truthfully, it starts slow, but it gets pretty wild by the end. I love it. I remember reading it at my grandparents’ every Sunday (their paper carried it, my parents’ didn’t). And I still love it.
And admit it. These are the most charismatic worms you’ll ever see.
- Looking back at another Saturday-morning staple of the late-80′s/early-90′s, Steve Fritz at Newsarama has new DVD reviews up, among which is the fifth-season boxset of the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon.
Video Power
- People rag on Mario a lot when it comes to his sex life. What with a greater fascination with pasta and perhaps cake than with Peach, it just seems a little… well, odd.
drneko has found out, however, there could be a reason behind it:
According to a recent study, many of them prefer pasta to all other pleasures. A survey by SWG, a polling company, found that nearly half of all Italian men and women would never give it up and would rather have a plate of spaghetti than sex.
Huh. Go figure.
- Press The Buttons has introduced a new feature called “Beyond Beeps,” which provides a look back at classic soundtracks from gaming’s past.
This week’s inaugural entry: “Me-tude” mascot Aero the Acrobat.
- Meanwhile, Racketboy takes a look at some other game music, in the form of fan-performed renditions in a new feature called Overlooked Music Mix. This week’s feature includes a rendition of one of my favorite themes from Mega Man X.
- SEGA’s best chance at a future may lie in their past. Frankly, I think that re-envisioning Alex Kidd into something… well, better, would be nice. But instead, SEGA’s been reviving other franchises, such arcade greats as Afterburner and Outrun. What next?
Super Hang-On seems like a natural, and Racketboy spells out why.
- Next Generation talks with video game movie producer Jeremy Bolt about the possible last Resident Evil movie, disappointment with DOA, and other subjects including Castlevania and the difficulty in finding good properties to adapt.
- The Iwata/Itoi dinner conversation continues…
- From the “Japan gets everything cool” contingent, we have Zelda: Twilight Princess capsule figures.
Beats the hell out of Hood Houndz or Homies or whatever.
- Ever wonder where all those Mario villains come from?
Be sort of neat if Mario did dress like that on his days off…
- If I had a PS3 and was to choose a way to decorate it, this might have to be in consideration.
…truth be told, though, it might be more fitting for a bricked XBox 360.
–LBD “Nytetrayn”