The Super Daily ‘Shroom – 7/28/07
Whoops. Sorry guys, didn’t mean to miss an update, but things are a little… messy around here. Anyway, a big one for today, I hope.
- TransFormers!
Finally, some early images of the animated toys have surfaced at the San Diego Comic Con. And I have to say, they look pretty nice.
The show may look weird as hell, at least for TransFormers, but with each day that passes, I think a little bit more that we’re going to be in for a real treat.
Speaking of the look, there’s also a new image showing the toon versions of the Decepticons, featuring Jay Leno as Starscream and King Hiss (of Masters of the Universe fame) as Blitzwing.
The slideshow also has images of some of the upcoming Classics, including Sideswipe and Sunstreaker, and Robot Heroes like Blitzwing and Cheetor. More Movie toys as well, including a recolored “First Strike” Optimus in a colorscheme that matches his more traditional look.
Plus, IDW had some happenings there as well. A Ramjet Spotlight? The hell?
Well, besides that, lots of fun Movie-verse fiction as well, ought to be a treat.
Toy News International also has a breakdown of the event, toys, and characters, including Soundwave with a guitar that turns into Laserbeak. IGN didn’t want to be left out, either.
Speaking of Movie fiction, if you’re disappointed with how Starscream had squat-all for a role in the film, you should check out the prequel novel TransFormers: Ghosts of Yesterday
. He not only has a well-presented center role in this story, but it also provides an interesting insight into how he not only runs the Decepticons as leader, but also how he works to maintain that role. Good stuff.
Haven’t tried the game yet? How about a free download via GameSpot?
And last, it’s more than meets the eye, it’s Apparel in Disguise!
It sounds crazy as hell, but pretty practical for some of the lines I’ve had to endure.
- So a crate from Stark Enterprises arrives at SDCC, and guess what they found inside?
- With a new movie under way, it seems Mattel is eager to revive Masters of the Universe next year.
While the figure looks quite nice, I can’t help but pine for the last incarnation. Oh, why did things have to go down the way they did?
Well, at least that one is still coming to DVD next year, though they’re still working out a lot of the kinks by listening to what the fans want.
- Yep, lots of stuff coming out of SDCC. It’s a little weird, in that way…
But I digress, how about some Castlevania?
“What is a man?! A miserable little pile of plastic!”
- It’s like a weird case of deja vu’. We lost Justice League in favor of The Batman just so they could seemingly turn it into “The Justice League”?
- Hide your apples as you take a look at Sideshow’s Craftlabel Death Note statues have popped up, including Ryuk, Misa, and Rem.
- Remember the old theme song, “Go Go Power Rangers?”
15 years later, they haven’t stopped. Lots of neat stuff happening, some of which I need to check out, if I can. Like that tour.
Plus, there are new screens of Power Rangers: Super Legends for the PlayStation 2.
Looks neat, like a 2.5D game, not unlike say, Mega Man X8 or Contra: Shattered Soldier.
And is that Commander Anubis “Doggie” Cruger I see in the last shots? Dibs! Unless Tommy the Green Ranger is here.
New DS version screens are available as well.
- o/~ Comin’ straight from, the Smash Bros. Dojo, it’s a Kirby badass, by the name of Knuckle Joe.
- Capcom’s latest 2D fighting game effort has been revealed: Sengoku Basara X, based on a franchise known best in the US as Devil Kings.
Plus, there’s mention of PS2 and Wii in the article, so there may be a good all-systems release for it.
- A new trailer for On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, aka “The Penny Arcade Game.”
Doesn’t look bad in motion, and has some… mildly amusing text. I dunno, I think the end product will be good, but shakey-cam’s not quite getting it across. I think it may have just a little too much running, if you know what I mean.
- More GameTrailers fun shows off Sonic Rivals 2 and a Mario Strikers Charged review.
- First, there was Star Wars. Then came Batman (well, is coming).
Now, Indiana Jones is prepped to get the Lego game treatment.
- GameSpot brings us footage of the fun from Capcom’s San Diego Comic Con booth, where Mega Man, Harvey Birdman, Pheonix Wright, and more were featured.
- A new trailer for Garfield’s Nightmare for Nintendo DS looks decent.
- The developer of Buzz! The Music Quiz says “we need to make games for Miyamoto’s wife!”
Well put.
- So first, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night went to XBox Live Arcade, and then it was announced for the PSP as a part of The Dracula X Chronicles.
Now, PS3 has it, too.
Will Nintendo ever get this classic? Guess we’ll just have to make do with the sequels and prequels for now…
- I know that as an assessment, it’s about as far off-base as you can get, but this is just my first knee-jerk reaction to this. Whenever I see a game about Dracula that ISN’T Castlevania, it just feels like it’s leeching.
I know this isn’t the case, but it just sort of feels like it.
- A new DVD release shows that Kevin Smith is still Chasing Amy, and new info about his latest movie, Zack and Miri Make A Porno is available, too.
- Director Peter Segal of the upcoming Get Smart movie knows what people want to see in his movie, and he’s even gone so far as to make a list.
- Sony wants Harrison to “make us cry.”
I thought they did that already with the PS3′s price tag.
- More new video of Contra 4, as well as word about Castlevania: Symphony of the Night and its new voices.
- The Mario world gets new female blood in the form of Rosetta, a damsel from the stars who seems to recruit Mario to save the galaxy in… er, Super Mario Galaxy.
- Ok, I did NOT see this coming:
Peter Moore has resigned as the XBox division.
The split seems amicable, but I’m still kind of sad to see the old boy go.
- Who knew that the original Donkey Kong could be so competitive in this day and age?
- Thanks to the general ineptitude of some people when handling their Wii remotes, a new market has developed.
Or so the theory would go.
–LBD “Nytetrayn”