"I would suggest that it's not the medium, but the quality of perception and expression, that determines the significance of art. But what would a cartoonist know?" -- Bill Watterson

Points of Interest – 7/10/07

  1. In baseball, as in life, success depends on clear communication.

    A classic bit.

  2. Yahoo! had a front-page feature over the weekend about the Super Mario Bros. theme, featuring videos of it in several different forms, some you’ve probably seen, others, perhaps not.
  3. Warren Ellis: Castlevania scribe and secret agent man?
  4. Press The Buttons has tracked down a rather tantalizing new site that seems to specialize in rare Castlevania art and materials, including the rarities which came with the Portrait of Ruin preorders.
  5. Ultra Megaman? Mega Ultraman?

    I don’t know, you figure it out.

    Thanks to Rightot for the link.

  6. Before the Genesis (ironically), there was the Master System.

    And it wasn’t all that bad. Racketboy has gathered a list of the cheapest games worth your time for this system which remains popular in some places, such as South America and certain parts of Europe.

  7. Oh, wow. Who remembers Mickey Mousecapade? Not one of Capcom’s finest Disney efforts, but then, not a true Capcom game anyway.

    I was SO pissed off when I beat the game and was taken back to the title screen. And to find out later that the “secret friend” was Alice… ALICE?! Give me a break.

  8. Nunchuk extension cable. For when… um… I don’t know, you need to hit something?
  9. GameTrailers has a Top 10 of their most anticipated E3 games, to the beat of a neat Marc Mero remix at that.

    Naturally, of the ones listed, Super Mario Galaxy is the one I’m most eager to get my hands on.

  10. Wow, now this is strange… a Super Mario 64 hack, made to have a Paper Mario-esque appearance.

    It’s name?

    Super Paper Mario 64.

    Gotta admit, tweaks like this are always interesting, at least for a short period of time, and can potentially add replay value to an old game as you work your way through to see how other things look.

    But what I wonder is, is this the kind of thing that might interest people to download for Virtual Console games?

  11. And finally, 1up’s Jeremy Parish has gathered a group of suggested games; that is, if you like certain games on this list, then there are other games to be recommended which may interest you. Got it?

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

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