Points of Interest – 7/10/07
- In baseball, as in life, success depends on clear communication.
A classic bit.
- Yahoo! had a front-page feature over the weekend about the Super Mario Bros. theme, featuring videos of it in several different forms, some you’ve probably seen, others, perhaps not.
- Warren Ellis: Castlevania scribe and secret agent man?
- Press The Buttons has tracked down a rather tantalizing new site that seems to specialize in rare Castlevania art and materials, including the rarities which came with the Portrait of Ruin preorders.
- Ultra Megaman? Mega Ultraman?
I don’t know, you figure it out.
Thanks to Rightot for the link.
- Before the Genesis (ironically), there was the Master System.
And it wasn’t all that bad. Racketboy has gathered a list of the cheapest games worth your time for this system which remains popular in some places, such as South America and certain parts of Europe.
- Oh, wow. Who remembers Mickey Mousecapade? Not one of Capcom’s finest Disney efforts, but then, not a true Capcom game anyway.
I was SO pissed off when I beat the game and was taken back to the title screen. And to find out later that the “secret friend” was Alice… ALICE?! Give me a break.
- Nunchuk extension cable. For when… um… I don’t know, you need to hit something?
- GameTrailers has a Top 10 of their most anticipated E3 games, to the beat of a neat Marc Mero remix at that.
Naturally, of the ones listed, Super Mario Galaxy is the one I’m most eager to get my hands on.
- Wow, now this is strange… a Super Mario 64 hack, made to have a Paper Mario-esque appearance.
It’s name?
Gotta admit, tweaks like this are always interesting, at least for a short period of time, and can potentially add replay value to an old game as you work your way through to see how other things look.
But what I wonder is, is this the kind of thing that might interest people to download for Virtual Console games?
- And finally, 1up’s Jeremy Parish has gathered a group of suggested games; that is, if you like certain games on this list, then there are other games to be recommended which may interest you. Got it?
–LBD “Nytetrayn”