Money can't buy happiness, but neither can poverty. -- Leo Rosten

Points of Interest – 7/6/07

  1. Poor guy.

    Some 27-year old decided to pickpocket a 72-year old man.

    The punk never saw it coming.

    Wait, did I say “poor guy?” Make that “got his.”

  2. As Koopa’s captives, Mario and Luigi must face the horrors of… THE DEVO CHAMBER!!

    Thanks to BPM Omega for the YouTube version.

  3. GameTrailers and ScrewAttack.com’s Video Game Vault opens the doors once again for… er, Astyanax? The hell?

    No, actually, I think I remember hearing this is one of those good games that you probably just never played, sort of like Rygar or Faxanadu. Or maybe you did. Look, it’s subjective, alright?

    Anyway, it’s one of those “cool but HARD” types that really seemed commonplace back in the day. Built-in Game Genie codes? Wow.

  4. Normally, I wouldn’t care, but GameSpot reviewed Super Mario Bros. 2 on VC. And, it got an 8.0. Not bad.

    Might just be the first time I’ve ever seen anyone complain about Luigi, though. And as for Wart not being a substitute for Bowser? C’mon, Wart was cool. This is the kind of attitude that keeps developers from deviating. And I know there are people who await Wart’s grand return, like some sort of veggie-hating cult or something.

    IGN makes with the warm ‘n fuzzy, too.

    Admit it. This game blows the “real” Super Mario Bros. 2 out of the water when it comes to fun. And graphics. And ending. Maybe some other stuff, too.

  5. Matt Groening chats up The Simpsons Movie. But because it’s got spoilers, I’m keeping my big round eyes peeping in another direction.
  6. GameDaily has a feature looking at the video game industry’s worst offenses. They even have this cute little “old west” styled motif going about the whole thing.

    I was going to join in with the blurb here, but then it occured to me that I’ve seen far too few westerns to really pull it off. I think about the closest I’ve seen to a Wild West movie is Back To The Future part III.

    Still, just wouldn’t be right to leave them high and dry, so… get along there, little doggies. Yee-ha. Um… rollin’, rollin’, rollin’?

    Eh, screw this. Just read the damn piece…


  7. Games Radar has a new “episode” of their World of Nintendo series.

    With all these weird mods that put Mario in Grand Theft Auto settings and such, is it any wonder SEGA thought there was a market for that kind of thing?

    Also, they fail to mention that those Mario and Luigi hats are really just pillows, so cosplayers, be warned.

  8. Wii not only makes for interesting gameplay possibilities, but interesting advertising, too.
  9. Hmm, I imagine that egg is going to flip over this:

    Hudson admits that Bomberman: Act Zero was bad.

    I’m just going to leave that one alone, in the hopes that he might give his thoughts on their “confession.”

  10. And finally, have you read Robots in Disgust, the TransFormers game retrospective, and Dugg it, thumbs-upped it, and otherwise shown support? Because every time you don’t, God kills a kitten.

    Two kittens, actually. One’s name is Dante, and the other is Cammy. They need food, too, you know!

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

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