Points of Interest – 7/5/07
- Bunny is still on vacation, folks. In the meantime, I hope that everyone had a good time celebrating yesterday… in America!
- X-Entertainment has updated with an oh-so rare article, exploring the 7-Eleven to Kwik-E-Mart conversions, and the fun that lies within.
I’d love to go to one of these, but there’s only ONE in Canada, and it’s off in BC or something.
- This is not a new Super Mario Bros. Z, but it is a pretty neat opening nonetheless.
The downside is, it seems to be a bit spoilerish. Which I didn’t find out until AFTER I’d watched it.
Damn. Oh well, they’re still good enough that this is just scraping sprinkles off the top, rather than ruining the whole meal. I had a slight hunch, anyway.
- Racketboy evaluates the past, present, and future of Capcom’s fighting games, thanks to the recent announcement of a new 2D fighter, in addition to the HD Street Fighter II effort.
- Too long, or not too long?
That’s more or less the question, as not too long ago Shigeru Miyamoto surmised by the sales of Zelda: Twilight Princess that maybe gamers don’t want 60-hour epic sagas any more. This notion is taken to task by a look at what is and isn’t selling now.
My personal opinion remains unchanged. I like the idea of a lot of content for my money, but in a form that I can easily pick up and put down without really disrupting the flow.
- RMC asks a question I’ve longed to know the answer to myself:
When will we get something like Club Nintendo?
I want Tingle’s Balloon Fight, dammit! And lord knows I’ve probably registered enough Nintendo product to get it by the club’s standards.
- Oh, snap.
- Uh-oh, he’s at it again…
If you’ve been around the internet for a little while, you might at some point have ventured across the journals of one Scott Sharkey, chronicling his virtual quest to reach the sacred land of Oregon, that crown jewel of the Union which we all sought in elementary school.
Well, amidst America celebrating its independence, he’s at it again. And it is good. Seriously.
- Know how there are some… lesser-quality Wii games out there, graphically? One might argue that maybe the system is difficult to develop for.
- o/~ …I whistled for a cab, and when it came near, the license plate said ‘Fresh’ and it had… Game Boys in the mirror?
- Looks like an early peek of the new Chun Li Street Fighter movie script has slipped out.
Interesting, I guess. In a “why mess with what works?” sort of way.
- Nice lamp. Do you turn it on by whacking the bottom?
- Can’t remember if I linked to this before or not, so better safe than sorry.
Herein lies a cool Zelda fan trailer, made entirely in CGI, detailing the origin of the land of Hyrule and reaching a climax with Link and Ganondorf facing off.
And that’s it for today! Between TransFormers: The Movie, Independence Day, and Canada Day, I guess it’s been a tad slow for news and fun.
–LBD “Nytetrayn”