All successful newspapers are ceaselessly querulous and bellicose. They never defend anyone or anything if they can help it; if the job is forced on them, they tackle it by denouncing someone or something else. -- HL Mencken

Points of Interest – 6/27/07

  1. Today, the Untalkative Bunny learns the value of Animal Obedience.

    However, results may vary.

  2. Mario, Luigi, and Captain N are here to talk to you today.

    “What about?” you eagerly ask. “Is it the new Nintendo system? That ‘Why’ thing?”

    Heh heh heh, no, you silly, ignorant little bastard.

    They’re here to talk to you about SEX, bay-bee!

    Seriously, though, this is an amusing little piece, and it’s only unfortunate that some things weren’t kept a little tighter in consistency (a few visuals, sound effects) so that we could see just how many people might actually buy into this being legit.

    Oh well.

    Btw, this is N exactly SFW, so be warned.

  3. Dinosaurs make everything cooler.

    And yeah, Nintendo’s got Yoshi. Nothing against him, but we need something more.

    Dinosaur Comics, yeah, that’s it! And we’ll get Microsoft and Sony in it, too.

    And to that end, a recent strip of the aforementioned title, involving discussion of the three big boys of gaming. And that is so it, isn’t it?

    Thanks to neoendgame for the heads-up… UNLIKE THE REST OF YOU.

    I kid, though. But I mean it. Sort of. But I kid. Really. Only not. But really, I do.

  4. GameTrailers and ScrewAttack.com have put together the Top 10 Worst 2D to 3D Games.

    But on the front page is Mega Man and… MegaMan Legends?! Oh HELL no they did not just say that!

    Really, #4 practically invalidates the rest of the list. If they were trashing Mega Man X7, it might be one thing, but…

    Bad cameras? Give me a break, I’ve dealt with worse in Super Mario 64 and tons of others. If MegaMan Legends had a bad camera, then there is no such thing as a good camera.

    On the bright side, at least Legends was a seperate series.

    Now I still want to try Final Fight: Streetwise for myself.

    As for Contra? The 3D jump with Neo isn’t so bad, if you like the “special” stages from the first three games.

  5. In fairness, at least they managed to pull another classic out of the Video Game Vault with Excitebike.

    …but that wasn’t a Miyamoto title, was it?

  6. This ain’t no time for no jibba-jabba! Bioware is talkin’ up their DS Sonic RPG with IGN, and I pity the foo’ who doesn’t check it out!

    …why in the blue hell am I talking like Mr. T?

    Anyway, the interview actually isn’t very pitiable at all, since they mostly talk about their enthusiasm of working on the DS, and why Sonic, without any real details as to what they aim to do.

  7. Next Generation is looking at Nintendo in three parts, with The Nintendo Years and Nintendo’s Winning Ways already up, looking back at the history and trends of the House That Mario Built.
  8. With the announcement of Dynasty Warriors Gundam, GameDaily tries their hand at some video game mashups, including one right out of Robot Chicken.

    Castlevania and Contra is one I’ve brought up to friends before, though I really meant in more of the “unlockable character” sense. Mowing down skeletons with Spread Gun fire… could anything be sweeter?

  9. The Top 9 DS ads.

    Notice the lack of US ads herein. At least Animal Crossing: Wild World was amusing.

  10. And of course, what could be more interesting than finding out the most horribly mangled titles in videogame history?

    Don’t answer that. But I plead guilty to the first one on the list.

  11. SEGA answers 5 questions about NiGHTS: Journey into Dreams, coming soon to a Wii near you.
  12. Some Wii remote attachments, I can see as being somewhat useful.

    Others, however…

    The real fun begins when Nintendo gets a lawsuit after someone tries cooking with that for real, and winds up burning their arm because they wriststrap kept it in place.

    Conversely, the pool stick attachment looks like it’d make for a better sword than the actual sword attachments.

  13. And over here, we have a different type of mod in the Wii-NES Light Gun. If I had the money to go gutting a Zapper AND a Wiimote for this, this would be one I’d go for.
  14. Ten-dollar Totin’ with Mario! A neat little item, this.
  15. I want this for my living room sofa, just so I can watch the confused look on peoples’ faces as they try to figure out whether they’re supposed to sit down, or wait for me to finish reorganizing the entertainment center*.

    * Not as impressive as it sounds.

  16. Sonic the Hedgehog ketchup bottles must have been the greatest SEGA item ever to a Nintendo fanboy back in the day. Just imagine the villainous delight with which they’d pummel the bottle, to watch Sonic’s “blood” splatter everywhere… only to realize that they’d violated Nintendo’s own protocols regarding violence, and run crying back into the house where Link and Samus could reassure them.

    And now? No big deal, because Sonic’s living mostly under Mario’s roof (only to occassionally cavort with those other guys).

    It’s sort of funny, Mario and Sonic sort of echo that anime cliche’ where two guys are the fiercest of rivals, but then become pretty good friends as other challengers come…

  17. This is one version of Princess Peach’s castle that’s NOT cut out for any Smash-Brawling

    …or IS it?

    Well, if it is, then not for very long.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

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