The Daily ‘Shroom – 6/6/07
One year ago today would’ve seemed like a bad day to post. Think on that.
As it is, I’m running horribly behind after getting caught up in a thread showing appreciation for Super Mario Sunshine, a game I hate to love and love to hate.
And to cap it all off, I have a headache and we’re out of aspirin. Just lovely.
- Holy crap, a load of TransFormers news. Guess they were making up for a slow weekend…
A review of TransFormers: The Movie (the other one) -Ultimate Edition DVD, a Region 2 release. I haven’t read it, because I hate to think about what I could be missing.
New images of Cyber-Stomper Bumblebee from the Movie line, as well as word that one of the toys besides the voice-changer helmet has a Peter Cullen variant; Reprolabels is running an awesome contest to design a new faction symbol, enabling you to win both Masterpiece Megatron and Masterpiece Convoy (Optimus), WITH the trailer; bios and more contribute to an update of the official movie page; speaking of Masterpiece Megatron, Justitoys has an update about the stock and silencer accessories they are making for the Emperor of Destruction.
More fun for those in the UK, as Titan Magazines is looking for fan submissions of art and questions for their comics.
In other news: a new trailer has surfaced for TransMorphers: The Movie.
TFKenkon has a new gallery for Swindle from the Movie line; IDW has new previews for TransFormers: Devastation and Spotlight: Galvatron; the official game now has a MySpace site; The Movie has more contests going; and yet more merchandise is on the way.
- Smash Bros. Dojo updates with a look at the little miracle item/bringer of chaos, the Pok? Ball.
As a bonus, they also include a look at one of the new Pocket Monsters to be found in this game…
And just added is a bit about recovery.
A damn shame it seems to be limited only to XBox 360 Arcade, though. I love the combination of the simplicity of the original with some more modernized effects and other new touches. Kotaku has some video right here.
The first to play it were the 10 competitors from the Microsoft World Tournament, including the winner of this neat custom console.
It seems like a fitting going-away present from Pac-Man’s creator, Toru Iwatani, who will retire with the release of this game. A fond farewell salute to you, sir.
All in all, this is good. Especially for Peter Moore, who I think is sick of all this Pac-Man commotion.
- A movie about Donkey Kong? Who’d have thunk?
What’s more, it probably won’t suck. At least not in the Uwe Boll sense.
- Argh, make up your minds, Sony!
- iPhone, meet PSPhone?
- EA seeks to take a different path from some other developers in regards to Wii development.
And I still say make a Burnout for Wii.
- As Shinkuu pointed out yesterday, a bit of gun-jumping has been done over Resident Evil 4 for the Wii, as the original had the same cuts made in Japan.
Oopsie. But at least we can breath easier now.
- Meanwhile, as regards Resident Evil 5…
- Sony says something nice about Nintendo?
Gasp indeed. Seriously, tho, I prefer it when companies are more respectful to each other, even if it lacks that “Ooooooh, snap!” kind of impact other comments may leave.
- Wow, Nintendo of Europe is playing hardball with their memberships now, aren’t they?
- “lolz, Microsoft steals from Nintendo”, or something.
This is curious. What has me most curious, however, is the cost of something like this. Nintendo’s is simpler, yes, but they traditionally attempt to use cheaper, pre-existing technology in new ways. But is that like something someone like Bill Gates would have in mind?
–LBD “Nytetrayn”