A timid person is frightened before a danger, a coward during the time, and a courageous person afterward. -- Jean Paul Richter

The Daily ‘Shroom – 4/19/07


Tiring day. Hope there’s not too much going on…

  1. Kontinuation Damacy.

    Beautiful Katamari Damacy is going to continue the series on PS3 and XBox 360. As for Wii?

    “…Nintendo’s unique controller provides some difficulties that have to be worked out first.”

    Um, Classic Controller, anyone? Eh, whatever. I assume this means he’d like to do something more unique than that.

  2. So Microsoft and Quiznos are sponsoring a Pac-Man tournament on XBox Live, which is cool. Just not my thing so much, believe it or not. Though I do wonder if Gabe will be entering…

    But the Pac-Man cartoon on the Marketplace? Now we’re getting somewhere.

    Find a way for me to download Pac-Man cereal with MS points and we’ll really be in business!

  3. Well, they say that bad things come in threes

    What next?

  4. Oooh, I think he’s done it!

    I think that Jack Thompson has just gone kamikaze!

    Mr. Thompson, I fully support you in this endeavor, and encourage you to push forward with maximum aggression and with all due haste.

    (Bury ‘im in the sewers, Bill!)

  5. Meanwhile, more people like Richard Abanes in the media spotlight might not be a bad thing.
  6. Religious broadcasters, Rush Limbaugh, and now Chris Matthews, all standing up for gamers (the latter against Jack Thompson himself)? I don’t know whether to be excited, or scared. This is all so sudden…
  7. I dig Ratchet & Clank.

    And now, a paralyzed boy will be added to the next game.

    Now, don’t read into this the wrong way, but I seriously wonder how they plan to do it. Will it be his head on some other body? Will he be himself, but with robot gadgets allowing him to walk? Is that in poor taste? Will he be as he is now in real life? Would that be in poor taste?

    I would truly, seriously like to know how one goes about approaching something like this, especially when dealing with a high-tech alien setting like Ratchet & Clank‘s.

    As always, thoughts are welcome. Because you people are too damn quiet.

  8. An important yet understated man in the video game business has passed away.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

5 Responses to “The Daily ‘Shroom – 4/19/07”

  1. Shinkuu Says:

    4. I shouldn’t be surprised by anything the guy does anymore, but still, each stunt he pulls is somehow mystifying and intriguing like a car wreck. You try to drive past, thinking, “If I rubberneck I’ll only be adding to the traffic backup that I found so annoying, but… I just gotta have a quick peek!”

    It’s amazing what this guy will latch onto, though. He refers to something mentioned on an online article of the Washington Post, stating that the killer played Counterstrike in HIGH SCHOOL, but was later removed from the online version and never made it to print, due to editors realizing it contributed nothing to the story. If I recall correctly, the killer wasn’t even into games anymore by the time he was in college.

    What will be next? Someone turning into a killer because he watched his friend play Pac-Man in the arcades a few decades back?

    Anyway, I think Kotaku may have been the site to report the editorial change to the Washington Post article.

  2. LBD Nytetrayn Says:

    Indeed they were. I guess maybe that’s something to mention, but I didn’t think too much of it because of the reasons stated.

    Willy: I’m telling ye, I could nay have shot Burns. [uncrosses, then recrosses, his legs; everyone groans]
    Eddie: [cocking pistol] This is your last warning about that.
    Willy: It’s impossible for me to fire a pistol. If you’ll check me medical records, you’ll see I have a cripplin’ arthritis in me index fingerrrs. Look at ‘em! [holds them up] I got it from Space Invaders” in 1977.
    Wiggum: Aw, yeah. That was a pretty addictive video game.
    Willy: [surprised] Video game?
    – More shooting aliens on a faraway planet, “Who Shot Mr. Burns? Part Two”

    –LBD “Nytetrayn”

  3. Shinkuu Says:

    Ah yeah, found the post in question:


    I think it’s no secret that Jack reads Kotaku, as he’s harassed the people there on previous occasions, hasn’t he? I’m not sure if this tidbit of info has appeared anywhere else, though.

  4. egg Says:

    Why do people exaggerate Jack Thompson? I just watched his Chris Matthews interview. You have to admit Jack has a decent basis.

    Mindless raving jack haters make me more sick than he does.

    “videogames cause violence”
    “OMG STUPID STFU, gawd what an ediot!!!!”

    Shinkuu – Pac Man is a far cry from Counterstrike

    And this guy didnt watch his friend play it, HE played it.

  5. LBD Nytetrayn Says:

    Trust me, his ravings and actions have gone far beyond what we’ve seen on Chris Matthews. He seems to have a semi-decent front to put on for TV, but when not in front of a camera, he is a total dick.

    Hell, he’s going after Bill Gates because of this, that says something right there…

    –LBD “Nytetrayn”

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