The Daily ‘Shroom – 4/6/07
Oy, been a bit of a day. And a bit of a night. And here I am, writing up this update, because a promise is a promise, dammit!
- Ladies and gents, it’s crime-fightin’ time!
Bastards even wrecked stuff they didn’t even plan to take. That’s just wrong.
These scum of the Earth should be brought to justice, and if you’re in/around the British Columbia area and can help, please do so.
THESE PEOPLE are why we can’t have nice things!
- Thanks to
shortpacked, we now know that Frank Welker is voicing movie Megatron!
Guess that “game Megatron” might be a slight bit more accurate. In either case, I look forward to hearing that growling voice come out of that… face… that they made for the movie.
Nothing against Hugo Weaving’s portrayal, for the simple fact I haven’t heard it. But Welker, I have an idea of what to expect. And I like it.
Be sure to check out the voice clip interview with Welker here, too, plus the interviews with Welker and Cullen linked within.
- If you care, EBGames is taking preorders for MegaMan Star Force: Leo and Pegasus versions.
I’m sitting this one out for two reasons:
1) I’m not entirely convinced I care yet. This may change over time.
2) There’s no listing for Dragon version. This too may change over time.
But, it’s Mega Man, and so it at least deserves enough attention for me to keep an eye on it for now. That, and I just dig henshin Mega Man stuff.
- Pre-order Pok?mon Diamond or Pok?mon Pearl, and you get a special stylus!
Order both, and you get a headache trying to determine what the correct plural of stylus is!
- The PS3 is going under…
…down under, that is. And seems to be doing well there, at that.
- New details surface regarding the online mode of Super Mario Strikers: Charged, including 4-players with a possible mix of local and online competitors, as well as random matches in addition to Friend-Coded matches.
All that, and some bitchin’ box art, too.
- So, is the price of Microsoft’s 120GB HD add-on a fair price at $179.99?
They think so, and attempt to back it up.
- Oh, this oughta be good…
“Burger King?s marketing monarch Russell Klein is joining a list of speakers including Xbox boss Peter Moore and Nintendo?s George Harrison at the MI6 game marketing conference.”
I’d love to hear what he has to say…
“Step one: Make your games simplistic but lovably cheesey. Step 2: Sell them at price that gives change for a five. Step 3: Profit.”
Yeah, I know the Burger King games were hugely successful, but I’m really not sure how much of what helped that would work in the regular market.
…and I must have missed what the hell MI6 is. Doesn’t James Bond work for them?
- Any REAL Gyakuten Saiban/Ace Attorney fan knows just what to say to this headline:
…but, um, if you’ve not been following along, I guess that might be sort of a spoiler, so browser beware, I guess.
More images can be seen in scans here, and–HOLY CRAP IT’S KALINKA!!!!
- …and me without a VCR.
If you get Spike TV, then it might be worth it for you to tune in at 1am tomorrow for Game Head’s visit to Nintendo of America.
- Canadian Best Buys are having a sale.
Well, that’s what Go Nintendo says. The image says it’s online-only, however.
- Remember that Wii Zapper we saw back at E3?
Don’t know if Nintendo has any real plans to release that, but it looks like Joytech does, in the form of the Sharp Shooter.
Looks nice, I wonder if it has some sort of mechanism to pull the B button…
- If you’re worried about getting your Wii remote mixed up with someone else’s, fear not, for Nintendo has a solution!
That, or a sticker, maybe. Seriously, this is good if you’re not already the owner of 4 remote/nunchuck sets in total already.
- The Virtual Console covers a great legacy of games. However, there is so far one system which eludes its grasp… the SEGA Saturn.
But as they say, one man’s junk…
I myself would love a chance to give Bug! another try.
- Teens, be on the lookout… Sony wants your quarter!
That is to say, they’re turning their PSP efforts on you in an attempt to seperate you from your money.
Frankly, I don’t think they’re off to a good start.
- Some guy says that consoles have just one generation left before they’re obsolete.
I dunno, I think if Wii begins a path of divergence between different manufacturers’ consoles and their capabilities, that may not be the case, as they’d each have unique offerings.
- Hmm, looks like Super Paper Mario may be getting a UK-delay.
My prediction, if true?
They get Super Paper Mario when we get Super Mario Strikers Charged. All considered, that seems fair enough.
–LBD “Nytetrayn”
April 6th, 2007 at 1:24 pm
4. Also note that you can get special pre-order items from the website, including exclusive pins.
16. I’d like to see WHY he would make such a comment. PCs and consoles have coexisted for a long time, both with positives and negatives over the other. But I guess as consoles get more expensive and computers get more affordable, the line between them will get more and more blurred… I still find it hard to see how gaming on the PC can be considered anything more than simply a fourth platform to consider.
April 6th, 2007 at 6:00 pm
See, what I dislike about PC gaming is that I have to be at my PC to do it. Most of the time that I game, I prefer to kick back on my bed or sofa to play.
–LBD “Nytetrayn”
April 7th, 2007 at 5:24 pm
2. Except last I’ve heard, Welker doesn’t remember what Megatron sounds like, and just makes him sound like a wheezy, sad old man. Maybe he’s gotten better since that voice clip on allspark, though.
April 7th, 2007 at 6:51 pm
He did pretty good on GameSpot… if he really doesn’t remember, then it reminds me of the saying “he’s forgotten more than we’ll ever know.”
–LBD “Nytetrayn”