It has been said that man is a rational animal. All my life I have been searching for evidence which could support this. -- Bertrand Russell

The Daily ‘Shroom – 12/20/06

  1. Yet more financial damage than Sony wanted to incur, as they now have to pay $1.5 million dollars in damages to California and Texas.

    If you happen to have been victimized by Sony’s rootkit, then you can file a claim here.

  2. Word from The Allspark is that Activision is going to make three games based on the upcoming TransFormers movie, two for the DS and one for the Wii, plus word of an XBox 360 offering.
  3. This was not the first thing I expected to see this morning, and LJ Community Scans Daily asks the question, “can Archie jump the shark?”

    If anything, it may at least cast a little light on why Archie’s always chasing Veronica and ignoring Betty…

    At any rate, be interesting to see how this goes. Archie’s been known for trying on occassion to “revamp” and “modernize” its image.

    What surprises me most is that it’s happening in the digests, where the story format will change. I always thought those were just reprints of old stories from the regular-styled books.

  4. FINALLY, the Wii Opera browser goes online this Friday. A beta version, anyway. Just after the Weather Channel went up yesterday, to boot. All we need now is News and we’re set.
  5. What’s this?

    Toys R Us in Times Square puts the screws to people who came and went through the line for a Wii?

    Nothing new. When I get around to my recap of the PMO Wii launch trip, I’ll explain it then.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

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