A timid person is frightened before a danger, a coward during the time, and a courageous person afterward. -- Jean Paul Richter

MGS 4 360?

As you all may know, I seldom deal in rumors, unless they’re of a special kind of interest to me.

And this one qualifies.

Matrix Prime at The Allspark found a story on a website called “Noooz” that says that Metal Gear Solid 4 could be going to XBox 360, effectively taking away another of their big exclusive third-party titles.

Interestingly, someone a day or two ago (before that story was posted) had said something to me about this same thing, and I just wrote it off, since nothing had been, nor has been, reported on any major sites.

All the same, I felt it was interesting enough to warrant a small update.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

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