Trying to determine what is going on in the world by reading newspapers is like trying to tell the time by watching the second hand of a clock. -- Ben Hecht

Points of Interest – 11/22/06 – Return Edition

  1. Over at The Allspark, new pics of Masterpiece Megatron have been posted.


  2. GameTrailers has updated their Twilight Princess page with a video review, and the final part of their retrospective series, which tries to arrange everything Zelda into order… but with a twist.
  3. In addition, GT has given the video review treatment to the next-gen Sonic the Hedgehog, which has been incurring the ire of many, though not all are so down about it.
  4. Over at Wired, they’ve got a neat piece describing the changing nature of ads, specifically the recent Chevy Tahoe user-made ads that they have on their Apprentice website… some of which are kind of funny, and derogatory towards the product.

    “Even the seats will bow to you,” indeed.

  5. V For Vendetta fans should like this
  6. HAJFCWWPFMD(“Historically Accurate Japanese Fighting Crabs With Weak Points For Massive Damage”) doesn’t get by unscathed, either. Nor does DOA Xtreme 2.

    …huh, they finally have English voices? ‘Bout time.

  7. Over GameSpot’s way, they have a Halo 3 video feature available.
  8. A brief look at the days before the Wii launch in NYC. It was something else.
  9. Evidently, Nintendo wanted a $100 Wii.

    So did we (no pun intended).

  10. GameSpot had a chance to talk to Reggie in prep for the Wii launch.
  11. GS tackles the Virtual Console by reviewing Altered Beast, F-Zero, Super Mario 64, Donkey Kong, The Legend of Zelda, Mario Bros., and Sonic the Hedgehog (which you can compare to their review of the awful GBA port).
  12. Wow, I’ve heard of whoring yourself out for a system, but
  13. The New York Times sticks it to the PS3.

    Heh heh… “Old Gray Lady”…

  14. Wow, it’s like Garfield is becoming the new Mega Man in video gaming, with all the releases he’s getting in rapid succession. Here are some screens from the upcoming DS game Garfield’s Nightmare, based on the toon version as opposed to the movies.

    Looks nice, at least. Reminds me a little of the Genesis title, Caught in the Act.

    GN has the press release.

  15. GS Q&A w/EA on Wii.
  16. Ah, so Sonic Rivals is out.
  17. onNintendo has compiled a list of neat tricks to perform with your Wii.
  18. A Wii FAQ, for non-Wii owners.
  19. The 91-pin Strike.
  20. Wow, a new Wii commercial already?

    GN is right, that DOES feel oldschool. Reminds me a bit of the old NES ad where the house blasts off… even the announcer sounds the same.

  21. GN has a nice collection of videos from the NYC Wii Launch Party. Fun times.
  22. Huh, so Mario made the Forbes list. Who’d have thunk it?

    The whole piece is here.

    *sniff* I’m so proud…

  23. Foxtrot says “Waa!”
  24. Heh, looks like even Adam Sessler had to wait in line for a Wii.

And that’ll do it for now, more recovered coverage to come later today.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

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